Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Hiccup's POV

We soon started to make dinner when we just had some small talk about what changes we made on Berk. "Mom, you'd never even recognize it, where we used to make weapons, ​ we now build saddles, wing slings, we even fix dragon teeth. You wouldn't believe how much everything's changed." I said. As mom cut up the fish, dad replied with, "Your son's changed Berk for the better. I think we did well with this one, Val."
"Thanks Dad... Wait, where's (Y/N)." I asked looking around everywhere. "I think I saw her run out and to the right. You'll have to go look for her." My mother replied. "Thanks, mom." I replied quickly and took off. I ran to the right and look through all the corridors when a small girl sleeping caught my attention. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. I looked at her sleeping face to see it tear streaked and red as a rose. I slowly picked her up and set her in my lap and stroked her hair. I kissed her foreheads as she woke up looking at me with a red face. "I-I.." I stuttered as she leans up and kisses my cheek and goes red as a tomato. "S-Sorry." she said, as she looked down to the floor. "I-I like..." I stuttered as I tried to confess my feelings. "I-I like you, t-too." She said her face redder than blood. We leaned closer and closer to each other until our lips were centimeters away. I smashed my lips onto hers as if a thousand butterfly's erupted in my stomach. It was like a spark finally lit. She leaned into the kiss a bit more making it passionate. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. Her hands were placed on my chest as they snaked up it and she wrapped her arms around my neck as she tangled her small fingers into my hair. I have to admit she was a great kisser. We broke the kiss slightly panting from the lack of air. A minute passed as we sat in a silence. I looked over at her, she looked over at me and she smashed her lips on mine again. The kiss was just as passionate as the first. We broke apart again and blushed a bright red. Just the red lightly dusted our cheeks until we noticed the position we were in. We quickly untangled ourselves and stood up. I rubbed the back of my neck looking at her deeply red face. "Uh... Do you a want anoth-" but before I could finish my sentence she pecked my lips as if she were teasing me. I smirked at her actions and took her hand as we started to walk back to the little dining room; I'll call it. "W-hey were you crying?" I asked her before I asked her to be my girlfriend. "Your parents reminded me of my good foster parents. They were so loving, until someone broke into our house and killed them both. I just happened to be in the woods that night." She responded as a tear slipped from her eye. I took her chin and held it up so she would look at me. I caressed her cheek and wiped the tear away. "I promise it will be fine, you have a family now. You have me." I said and kissed her nose. She nodded before I asked her, "willyoumygirlfriend." I quickly said. She looked at me with a questioning look, and said, "Pardon?" I calmed myself down and took a breath. "will you be my girlfriend." I said rubbing the back of my neck again.  "Of course... But what about A-Astrid?" She asked wonder about my ex. "I'll have to tell her." I said thinking about how she will kill me. "Ok but for now. Let's just enjoy ourselves as we walk back shall we?" She asked as She kissed me. She pulled away and yelled, "tag! Your it!" And ran off. She backed up into a wall and looked at me waking her way. I put my arms against the wall so she couldn't get away and leaned in close to her face. "Tag, you it now." I said in a husky voice and smashed my lips onto hers.

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