Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
(Y/N)'s POV

        As we flew out me and Hiccup started a little conversation. Mostly on what we are looking for. I looked down and saw the ship. "Hey, Hic. Is that what we are looking for?" I said pointing to the small ship. "Yup. That's the one." He said as we flew down towards it. "Fire!" I hear being yelled. We dodge the nets and head down to the ship. "Reload!" the man yells. We land on the ship and smoothly jump off our dragons. It was Eret son of Eret. Again. "And here I was worried we might turn up empty-handed." Eret said with a smirk on his face. "Nope. It's your lucky day. We give up." Hiccup said easily. 'What?!?' I thought to myself. "That's one Night Fury, one Mood Fury, me and a beautiful lady. That oughtta make the boss, right?" he continued. My face blushed madly as he said I was beautiful. Did he really think that? My thoughts were interrupted by Hiccup continuing to talk. "Excuse us." He took hold of my hand and walked to the 'cell' I guess you could call it. We climbed down the ladder as I spoke up. "What are you doing?" "Toothless, stay. The dragons don't really care for cramped spaces so they'll just hang out with you. They won't be any trouble." He explained. "Stay girl it'll be ok." I told my dragon as Hiccup shut the top of the cell. I heard the dragon trappers pull out the weapons and saw Toothless and (D/N) jump. They hissed at the trappers as Hiccup spoke up. "Unless you do that. You know, wooden boat, big ocean— H-How's your swimming?" "Not good?" someone said. I tried to stop myself from laughing but I couldn't. I burst out laughing and fell to the floor. I didn't even know why it was so funny, it just, was, you know what I mean. Hiccup looked back at me as I calmed down.  Hiccup, again, closed the hatch. A burst of flame went out the top of the hatch as he opened it, yet again. "Oops, almost forgot. Can't have armed prisoners." I then again, got confused.  "How is this a plan?" I asked. He turned around and motioned for me to wait. As he retracted the blade he offers it to Eret. One of the trappers cautiously took it looking it over. He accidently hits the button as the green Zippleback gas spews out from the bottom cartridge. "Just what every Dragon Trapper needs. One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva. The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark and- "he continued all of a sudden Hiccup ducks as the trapper clicks the igniter. It lights the gas as it explodes and Hiccup pops his head back up. "Oh yeah, there you go! Once they see you as one of their own even the testiest dragons can be trained, right, bud?" Hiccup asked, knowing he would get no response due to the cat-like dragon playing with the lit ashes. "Give me that!" Eret yells, taking the sword from the other trapper's hands. He threw Inferno over board as (D/N) went to go fetch it. Eret came over to us only to look us into the eyes and says, "What game are you playing at?" "No game we just want to meet Drago." Hiccup replied with ease. We watch as (D/N) comes back with the flaming sword and drops it at Eret's feet. He picks it up again and throws it the other way. "Why?" he asks turning back to us. "Because I'm going to change his mind about dragons." Hiccup replied. I could see that he was determined. An outburst of laugh spread across the deck as Hiccup looks back at me. I smile and shrug unsure what to say. I popped up next to Hiccup steading myself on the ladder as I said, "He can be really persuasive." (D/N) sat there asking Eret to play fetch as she set down Inferno at his feet. "Once you've earned his loyalty, there is nothing a dragon won't do for you." Hiccup said with a serious glint in his eyes. "Puh! You won't be changing any minds around here." Eret argued back cockily. I watched as (D/N) picked up the sword and went over to other crew members asking to play fetch. "I can change yours. Right here. Right now." Hiccup responded, pushing Toothless' tail leaver forward, spreading his prostatic tail. "Ah, may I?" he asked as he gets snatched by a dragon. I look up to see Snotlout being the one to mess up our 'plan'. Barf and Belch glide through the port sail, ripping it. "Dragon Riders!" Eret yells. I watch as the commotion played out. Toothless climbed on top of the boat only to relax once he notices that it's Snotlout steering to dragon. "Put me down! Snotlout! What are you doing?" Hiccup yelled at his cousin, getting no response. I watch as everything plays in motion. Tuffnut seemed angered. Ruffnut just gave herself up? And Snotlout is just fighting over Ruffnut, again. I watch as Hiccup pushes off of Hookfang and glides back to the ship on his flightsuit. Eret aims at him and gets ready to fire. "HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Astrid yells at him, landing on the ship. I quickly pushed him to move the catapult out of aim as he fires. His net barley misses Hiccup as he glides into the sail, grabs a rope, and rides down to the deck. "Uh, WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" Hiccup asks bewildered by what just happened in the last 5 minutes. Gobber flies in on Grump only to say, "We are here to rescue you!" He sounded happy. What I thought to myself is he really that happy to be on a 'rescue mission'. "I don't NEED to be rescued. Hiccup retorted obviously frustrated. "ENOUGH!" A familiar voice bellows from behind the sail. Stoick walked out from behind the sail and walked down the middle of the deck. "Well, didn't you just pick the wrong ship, eh? I am Eret, son of— "He ends his introduction to Stoick's hand in his face muffling the rest of his sentence. Gobber hits him in the head and Grump lays on top of the Dragon Trapper. "Get... this... thing... off... of.... me!" Eret exclaimed, breathlessly. "Anyone else? Hmm, that's what I figured." Gobber retorted ignoring Eret's remark. "You. Saddle up. We're going home." Stoick commanded Hiccup.
"Of all the irresponsible things-"
"I'm trying to protect our dragons and stop a war! How is that irresponsible?!"
"BECAUSE WAR IS WHAT THEY WANT, SON!" My eyes widened at Stoick's words. Why would he want war? I thought
"Years ago, there was a great gathering of Chieftains to discuss the dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land. Covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon and spoke softly, saying that he, Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people, devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons and he alone could keep us safe, if we chose to bow down and follow him." Stoick told us, but was interrupted by most of the gang laughing at the dumb request. "Stupid." Ruffnut retorted still slightly laughing. Her brother spoke up saying, "Ah, good one." "Aye. We laughed too. Until he wrapped himself in the cloak and cried, "Then see how you do without me!" The rooftop suddenly burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended, burning the hall to the ground. I... was the only one to escape." The chief finished. Horror and grief was written on everyone's face. "Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with." "Maybe." Hiccup said thinking to himself. "Hiccup..." his father replied. "I'm still going to try. This is what I'm good at. And if I could change your mind... I can change his, too. Come on." Hiccup replies and gets onto Toothless. "Let's go." Astrid says hoping onto Stormfly. I hop onto (D/N) and get ready to take off. "No! Lead the others back to Berk. I've had enough mutiny for one day. "I'm sorry Chief." I said turning around and speeding after Hiccup. "(Y/N)!" he yelled after me but I kept speeding on. I looked back to see everyone going back to towards Berk. I zoomed off as we headed through the clouds. I saw Hiccup and Toothless heading towards them throughout the vast clouded sky.

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