Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
(Y/N)'s POV

------- 1 month later------

"come on (D/N)!" I yell as a quickly fly past the main bleachers. People cheer as I quickly fly up into the air where Fishlegs is trying to quickly get down with his sheep. "Hey (Y/N)!" he says. "Hey! you know I would never steal from you right?" I say giving him a cute quick smile. "Of course!" he says and looks forward. "well get your facts straight. I'm not that nice." and as if on cue I quickly speed next to him and get ready to snatch the sheep from his hands, but Snotlout comes up and takes the sheep before I do. "Ho-Ho! I'm sorry, Fishlegs, (Y/N), Did you want that?" he asked teasingly. "Snotlout! That was mine!" Fishlegs said. "Soon, to be mine." I interrupted. Fishlegs glared at me as I softly chuckled.

I flew away towards Snotlout and flew next to Ruffnut and Tuft. "Hey Ruff. After the game today want some quality girl time and go shopping for weapons? I could use a new one." I told her using my hands as I talk. "Yea sure I could use a new one too." she said agreeing with me. Snotlout came up on the other side of the twins and said to Ruffnut," Here you go, babe." he threw her the sheep as she looks over at me. I quickly mouth to her 'I feel bad for you' and watched the scene unfold. "Did I tell you that you look amazing today? Cause you do." he said looking dreamily at her. "ugh. come on, Barf, (Y/N). It's starting to stink around here." she said in a disgusted mood. Barf started to peel off, spewing gas, as Tuffnut mocks Snotlout's grin. I start to fly up to Ruff as Tuffnut says, "Nope. Still hates you. Let's blow this place, Belch! Alright!" Belch ignites the place, leaving an explosion in the air.

I fly off to search for other sheep as Ruffnut drops her sheep into a basket with its corresponding dragon, a hideous Zippleback. "Ha-HA! That's 9 for the twins! (Y/N) with 6, Astrid lags with 3! Fish legs and Snotlout with NONE!" Stoick the Vast yells as he announces the scores. I watch as Stoick's eyes wonder over to an empty basket with an image of the one and only Night Fury, Toothless. "And Hiccup is... nowhere to be found. Hmm" he says in a heavy accent. I sit on my Mood Fury and look around as Gobber says to Stoick," Scared him off with the big talk, didn't ya, Stoick." I wonder what the big talk was I thought to myself using hand motions while talking to myself.

I flew off to Astrid to ask her the same question I asked Ruffnut. She flew over to the still smoldering Snotlout and said, "What are you doing Snotlout?! They're going to win now?!" "She's my princess! Whatever she wants, she gets." he argued back. "Ruffnut?! didn't she try to bury you alive?!" she asked. "Only for a few hours!" he said

I chuckled and flew up to Astrid as we and the gang chased each other through the hanger and into a cave with color-painted dragon stables. We flew out just in time to see a baby Gronkle accidentally set a house on fire. "Hey Astride! Ruff and I are going shopping for new weapons wanna come?" I yelled over the wind. As Astride started to peel away from the gang to put out the fire she responded saying,"Naw I'm going to go look for Hiccup-" and then the wind muffled the last of her words as she peeled away from the group.

We quickly fly away to the stands as Stoick and Gibber start talking. Gobber walks away and moment later a horn is sounded. "Alright (D/N) Black Sheep time! we got this girl." I said to her while her scales turned cobalt blue to show that she was determined. "The Black Sheep! Come on, Stormfly! We can still win this thing!" I heard Astrid say to her Deadly Nadder, Stormfly. "Come on, Barf!" Ruffnut said to her Hideous Zippleback, Barf. "Let's go!" Tuffnut said to his Hideous Zippleback, Belch. "Go, Meatlug!" Fishlegs screamed at his Gronkle, Meatlug. Everyone cheers for the Black sheep. I quickly fly buy Gobber and the black sheep to hear him say to the sheep, "This is your big moment. Have a nice flight!" He quickly pulls the trigger, launching the sheep into the air. I spot it and quickly fly towards the sheep. As I look over, I see that Astrid spotted it, too and was heading towards the sheep, also. "Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, up!" she yells. I speed towards it, but before me or Astrid could get the sheep Fishlegs and Meatlug grab the sheep. "NO!" Astrid and I scream in unison.

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