Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Astrid's POV

        "I don't like it. They should have been back with Hiccup by now." I said thinking about my boyfriend and my sister. I've grown to like her, but Hiccup has been hanging out with her more lately and I DON'T like it. "I dont like it either. Eret, son of Eret was the man of my dreams. My everything!" Ruffnut complained as I rolled my eyes trying to think of what to do. "But, baby, I grew facial hair for you." Snotlout says feeling dejected. "Me, too" Fishlegs says touching is fuzzed beard. Ignoring their comments I finally speak up saying, "What if Drago shot them down? What if they need our help?" I thought about it some more until I came to a conclusion. "We have to find them." Fishlegs spoke up saying on a nervous tone, "what? But Stoick said..." But I cut him off with my words saying, "It doesn't matter what he said if they've all been captured! Come on!" We mount our dragons as they all follow me. We fly towards Eret's ship as it comes into view. I start to hear their conversation as I get Stormfly ready to grab the man. "We've got nowhere to go, nothing to sell, and no heads to call our own! If we don't show up with those dragons, and fast--" but I cut him off with Stormfly's talons grabbing the man and lifting him off the ship. "Be careful what you wish for!" I taunt him as Stormfly keeps flying. "Eret, son of Eret!" A man yells. Nets wiz past us as we swiftly dodge them and fly out of range. "What is this?!" Eret asks bewildered by the sudden capture. "A kidnapping." I say with a little bounce in my words. Ruffnut flies her half of the dragon over to me and Eret and clutches onto his leg. "Yay! Can he ride with me? Can he? Can he?" I roll my eyes as Eret and Tuffnut groan in protest. I continue my conversation with Eret, saying, "You're gonna show us the way to Drago."

"And help dragon riders sneak into Drago's camp? just kill me know."​

"That can be arranged. Stormfly, drop it." Enthusiastically, Stormfly drops Eret and watches him plummet to the ocean. I watch as he flails his arms helplessly. "Good girl! Stormfly, fetch." I say as my Deadly Nadder flies down to the helpless man. "ALL RIGHT! OKAY! ILL TAKE YOU TO DRAGO!" he yells as Stormfly snatches him up in her claws. I snicker slightly at my ingenious idea and crack my knuckles. "Works every time."

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