Chapter 4; Cravings & Hormones

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"Niall James, enough!" I groaned.

"But, I want the chocolate bunny, baby!" Niall giggled, pulling at my arm.

"Bunny murderer!"

"I didn't murder a damn bunny!" He glared.

"Damn, babe. I was joking."

Ever since last night Niall has been giving me an attitude and then going straight to 'Mr.-Giggle-Pants.' I don't get it. My Mum says that it's just hormones, and it's part of the pregnancy. He was sort of demanding to. It was starting to aggravate me.

"Oooh! Can we get chocolate?"

"I don't see why not."

"Because I'm fat." He mumbled looking down. "And who wants a fat person?"

"Hey! Listen to me! Baby look at me." I lifted his chin up with my index finger.

"You're not fat. You're just blessed with three beautiful soon to be born children." I said looking him in the eyes.

"Yes I am."

"Do you want to be punished?" I maybe younger than him, but I'm in charge and he knows that.


"Then stop, you're not fat." I mumbled in his ear, as he sobbed quietly in my shirt.

"Than why is everyone calling me a fat ugly blonde pig again?" He whimpered looking up.

"What the hell are you reading twitter hate? Again? I thought we agreed not to!"

"We did! And I'm not, I was going threw the trends and saw '#Niallsafatuglyblondepig or #slutmuchNiall'"

"Babe, you should have came and got me I would've taken care of it." I kissed him.

"I know, not we have to finish going food shopping, and then go get the paint so we can paint the rooms,"


"Hmm?" He asked.

"Promise to stop thinking you're fat? It's not good if you stress yourself out trying to be perfect for me. You are perfect!"

"Fine, I'm- not perfect. Haz, no one's perfect. No matter how much you tell them that they are, their not perfect."

"Well, you got a point there."

"Because I'm right and your wrong."

"Don't push it Horan."

"Styles. Harold Edward Styles."

"Niall James Horan get back here!" I yelled talking off after my Irish boy-friend who ran into the store.


I cut him off by catching him. "What about now?"


"I am not a meanie. I just know how to catch my leprachuan."

"Practise young Hazza, practise."

After a minute of trying to figure out what he said, I noticed he was gone. "Niall!" I groaned.

"Come and find me curly."

"Oh you're gonna get it! Don't call me curly dammit!"

"I'll call you want I want, when I want!" He called out.

"Babe, come out, this isn't funny," I pouted.

"You're right, it isn't funny, it's hilarious." He wrapped his small arms around my waist.

I spun and kissed his forehead. "You just wait until the bump get's bigger and you can't move." I smirked, picking him up and walking out, since we were in a candy store.


"You're pregnant."

It hit like a ton of bricks. I can't be pregnant. I promised my mum I wouldn't be a mum at the age of 19. I broke it, there's no way. I thought we used protection-

"BABE!" Zayn yelled, his hand waving in front of my face.

"I thought we used protection."

"We did, but it must've broke."


"Babe, condom's break all the time." he said, helping me up.


"How far along are you?" The nurse asked, cutting me off.

I nodded quickly as she giggled. "Almost two months. It'll be two months in about a week or so."

"Would you like some pictures?" She asked.

We smiled at her as she left. "What about tour?"

"We'll figure that out as we go on in life. Hey Niall's pregnant too."


Sorry it's short, and most likely crappy. I'm sorry it's just a filler really, I can't think of anything!

Wrecking Ball (Narry Storan MPreg) HaitusWhere stories live. Discover now