Chapter 9: Come On

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"Come on, say Papa." I told Darcy, staring at her.

She giggled and started to crawl away. The three of them were about 9 months old now, and were crawling. Harry Jr. talked this morning. All he said was 'da' but he still said something. Macy said the word 'ba' before nap time, so Niall took them all out for ice-cream, leaving me here to try and get Darcy to say something.

Macy sleeps all night now, thank god. I could tell Niall was having a hard time when he had to go into the Studio early in the morning. Harry Jr. likes to throw his toys and take his sisters toys or pull their little hair that they have. And Darcy is just like, 'nope, I ain't going to be doing this shit, too much work'. I still have to feed her. Macy and Harry Jr. are feeding themselves with their hands. I know it's not how they should eat but, one; their babies, and two; you raise your kids how you wanna, and I will raise mine how I wanna.

"Darcy!" I groaned. "Come back! Do you want Mr. Tickle Monster after you?" She squealed before using the couch to help her stan-

"HOLY SHIT YOUR STANDING!" I yelled grabbing my phone. She giggled and smiled before wobbling off as I pressed record. I followed her before she fell on her bum. I smiled, dropping my phone into my back pocket, picking her up.

"Come on, let's get you a treat, you want some candy? We can't tell daddy though." I said walking over to the junk cupboard. I opened the thing up, and raised her so she could pick something. She smiled before reaching for the Swedish fish.

She whined when she dropped it on the counter. "I know, you don't like dropping things." I brought her and the gummies into the living room, and placed her in her walker. I tore open the package, putting a few on her tray, before turning on the t.v.

"Babe?" I heard Niall yell from the front door.

"How were they?" I asked taking Macy from him.

"Thy were both good, they fell asleep within 5 seconds after I put them in the car, Did Darcy talk?" He asked following me up the stairs.

"No, something better. I'll show you after we lay them down for their second nap." I told him, going into the girls room. I laid Macy down, and covered her up, and kissed her forehead.

"Night princess, I love you." I shut the door, following Niall down the stairs.

"So Darcy didn't talk, she used the couch to help her stand up. She walked Niall. Our baby walked." I smiled look a fool.

"Did you get it on Camera?" He asked.

I nodded and brought my phone out. I used to triplets birthday to unlock it, and went into videos. I brought up the recent one, and gave it to Niall to watch. I checked on Darcy, seeing as she was done, and picked her up. I walked back to the couch, plopping down next to Niall. I turned Darcy around so she was looking at us, and made funny faces.

She giggled and reached for my face. But before she did, Niall took her away. "You walked huh?" He asked. "What did papa give you?"

"Ishy!" She smiled.

"Oh so now you talk? You're gonna get me in trouble kid!" I joked.

"You gave her gummies, didn't you?" Niall stared at me in disbelief. I nodded slowly.

"Baby, it was only three."

"I don't care! She shouldn't have any of that stuff until she's at least a year!" He yelled, standing. He placed Darcy in my lap before going into the kitchen.

"Daddy's mad." I muttered, low enough for her to hear. She giggled before she laid her head on my chest and looked up at the t.v. watching whatever was on.


"No, Liam, he gave her candy, Swedish Fish gummies." I stated. I was Skyping Liam as I made dinner.

Harry and the kids left to go to the store, and they should be back soon. Ever since I found out Harry gave her candy, I've been ignoring him, giving him the cold shoulder. He seemed upset, but that's what he should be feeling, what if she choked?

"Okay, did he watch her?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'm ignoring him. But that's not my point. My point is, what if she choked?"

"Niall, she's eating Cheerios, over at my house. She's fine."

"She's there?"

"No, when I babysit, I give her some Cheerios."

"Liam, I gotta go, they're back." I said, as I heard the garage door close.

"Okay, bye." He said logging off. I closed the laptop lid, just as they walked into the kitchen. How he carried three children and some bags with food in them, I don't know, but he did it.

"I would like to talk to you after we put them to bed." I stated, pouring the mac-&-cheese into the strainer.

"Okay, what's for dinner?"

"Burgers, the kids are getting either baby food or a small helping of mac-&-cheese."


I sighed laying on the bed, just as Harry came in. I yawned, and started to take my clothes off, getting ready for bed.

"So you wanted to talk?" He asked.

"Yeah, Haz, I don't mind her eating certain things, I was worried about her choking."

"I didn't even watch her, I came to help you."

"Speaking of kids, I think they should start waking up a little later. 7am, is too early. I prefer 9am." I said slipping my shirt on.

"So then we send them to bed at 9:30 instead of 8." I nodded and pulled back my covers. I made my way into the middle, snuggling into Harry's entire body.

"I'm sorry for not watching her." He mumbled, kissing my forehead as he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for freaking out."

"It's fine, let's just forget this ever happened, and get some sleep." I nodded and fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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