Chapter 7; Home

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"Babe, you have to sit in the back." Haz said as we put the kids in the car seats.

"But there won't be enough room, did you bring the van?" I asked.

"No, Louis is, He's going to drive us home, and help us out for about an hour."

"Oh." I smiled and looked down at Darcy. She and Harold had yet to open their eyes. Macy was the bravest and opened hers first.

I smiled at her as she yawned. I was a parent to three children. I had a family. I wanted one since I met Harry. Call it crazy, but I just had this massive crush on him since forever, and now I finally had him, and three beautiful children. I couldn't ask for a better life. Well maybe I could, I mean, I don't need management up my ass for the next three months.

"I heard there's three children that we don't know about?" Calum asked walking in with Luke, Ashton, and Mikey behind him.

"Yes, boys, we'd like you to meet Macy, Darcy, and Harold." Harry grinned.

"I am here." Louis walked in.

"Okay, we would love to stay and chat, but we are being dismissed in about three minutes. You're welcome to come back if you'd like." I said, looking at the time on my phone.


"So I was thinking." Harry started.

Louis and everyone else had left about an hour ago, leaving Harry and I alone with the triplets. It was peaceful, until one of them decides they want something. The only one who's up right now was Macy.

"About?" I asked, my eyes flicking to him from Macy.

"We need to get them on a schedule."

"Babe, that's every parent. They're only infants, they won't have a schedule. They'll make one for us, and that's as far as we go until they sleep all night long."

"But, I don't want them to be those kids who make their parents do everything they tell me to with a snap of their fingers."

"And they'll be those kids for the first few months because they can't get up and directly tell you what they want. It's part of being a parent."

"But- how do you know this? I never put you in  parenting classes."

"I don't need parenting classes when I have my mum, and Louis' mom if I need help."

"But that's what I'm here for," He whined.

"Harry enough, we're parents to three, and we won't get through this alone. There is people already willing to help us if we need it. Just look at our damn fan base. Those girls are absolutely amazing, have you seen the way they are when we're not on twitter? Violent as hell, then one of us goes online and they become all sweet. Cupcake Harry sweet."

"Oh my god! That's why they try to come everything up when one of us goes online!"

"You're unbelievable! After two years, your just now figuring that out?!?" 

I stopped arguing when I heard a small whine coming from Macy. I looked down and giggled. Her bottle was completely empty and I guess I wasn't paying attention to her, so she started to whine. Just like Harry when he doesn't get something he wants.

"Yep, she's defiantly your daughter."

"What, why mine? She's yours too!"

"Because just like you, she whines when she wants something or doesn't get what she wants." I stated handing him her empty bottle. I sat her up a little and patted her back softly until a I heard her burping. I smiled and laid her back down on my lap, continuing to feed her with a new bottle.

"And she has your eating habits, I see."

"It's not an eating habit, it's called being hungry."

"Okay, can we just agree on, one of them being mine, and one of them being yours, and Macy is just the both of us thrown together?"

"I guess." I groaned when I heard the baby monitor going off. I looked down at Macy and found her fast asleep, thank god.

"Duty calls babe," I said, getting up and walking upstairs. I walked into Macy's and Darcy's room, and laid Macy down. I walked over to Darcy and found her wide awake, and her eyes open. I smiled at her and picked her up.

"Hi baby." I then groaned when I heard Harold yelling away.


This is going to be a long 18 years.

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