4 Possessive

4 1 0

Axel (Eaton)-
The metal heats as I hold the cell key deep within my palm. The Perleth had told me to help serve trays with Mr. Thayer, a guard. He instructed me to hold onto the key as Mr. Thayer is a new worker and doesn't have much of his trust. I may do that but the key will remain in my possession until I can talk to the girl. I need to know more about her.

We walk down the hall and I can feel my heart beating. It's beat loud but maintaining a constant thud. We begin with the first cell, a girl with bright blonde hair and a purple dress huddles to a corner. Her eyes widen with fear. Mr. Thayer open his palm and I rest the key in the center. He unlocks the lock, sliding the cell bars back, the noise clean and cut. He places the metal tray containing various vegetables.

We move through the cells, my heart stopping every time we reach a new one. Just to think, all these people were in part of a massacre, innocent people dead. The scared girl in the purple dress could have killed four and the man is the black tuxedo could have plotted the time frames. The reason they commit such an act is unclear but I hope there is a reason and all these faces aren't monsters without justice.

We approach one cell and the guard halts, his right hand twitches and his head cocks towards me. He raises his eyebrows and his lips part ways as if he's seen spirits.

"Sir," he clears his throat and pushes the cart holding all the trays.

The man does not look up, he rocks his body and brings his knees to this chest. His freckled face anchored to the floor and I can easily imagine his thumb in his mouth. Mr. Thayer repeats himself and he looks up.

His eyes ease off of the floor finding their way to the voice's body,"Cal?"

"Buddy, what have you gotten yourself into?" Mr. Thayer unlocks the cell and embraces the huddled man.

He stands now and they begin to talk but I seem to not listen. I don't know how this new employee knows this man. I move my head before I see her. She lays across the floor, her arms and legs sprawled. She looks to the ceiling, her blood stained dress covering the area around her. Mr. Thayer echoes a laugh and that is when she turns her head, wearing a smile. Our eyes meet and only then I feel like a wild animal. I approach her like a new species, one I have not seen before. She inches towards me as a curious animal. Her arms seem to drag to the floor and her walk contrastingly delicate. We both move around each other, the cell as a barrier and my mind as the instinct. I reach out a hand, to just touch the beautiful animal she is but my hand never reaches her. Colors swarm my vision and I step back.

"Do you see them?" She murmurs, if no one hears and I was not to answer she wouldn't be insane, it would be only a unheard sound.

Words do not reach my lips instead they jumble around my tongue. They never anticipated to speak though my mind had. I hear the voices of Mr. Thayer and the inmate stop.

"The Perleth said he would do this," he whispers to the prisoner and I fell his heated grip against my forearm, leading me to the exit.

As I stumble towards it, I hear a faint voice echo through the brick walls,"What's his problem?"

Dark and silent the brig stays and where the two walls collide I lay. I close my eye and feel a sudden intertwine of energies. The air thickens and my breathe heats the cell. His body mounts mine, I release the tight grip I hold to my legs. He stands above me and parts of his limbs illuminate from my eyes. I can see him. I can see him. I can remember his chest expand when he sleeps and his antagonistic smile. Oh Blaine, I want to say in such relief as if my lover had returned, but Blaine is no lover and I don't use diction like oh.

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