Torn Apart by Fear

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Swara's POV

That night, as I sat in my room, trying to relax with a book, the world shifted with a single message. "Stay away from Sanskar." My heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, I couldn't breathe. Was it a prank? It felt like more than that. I tried to push it aside, but deep down, I knew this was serious. My heart was telling me that something dangerous lurked behind those words.

The next morning, as I walked into college, I saw Sanskar standing near the entrance. Our eyes met briefly, and I could see the concern in his gaze. He always knew when something was wrong.

Sanskar: "Swara, what's wrong? You look tense."

Swara: "Oh, it's nothing. We should head to the auditorium to check the preparations, right?"

Sanskar gave me a puzzled look but didn't press further.

At the Auditorium...

Sanskar and I were engrossed in discussing the event arrangements when suddenly, a strange noise echoed above us. I looked up in horror as the chandelier above Sanskar began to sway dangerously. My heart dropped. Before I could shout out a warning, Ragini appeared out of nowhere and yanked Sanskar out of the way just as the chandelier came crashing down, shattering into pieces.

I ran to Sanskar without a second thought, tears streaming down my face. I hugged him tightly, sobbing uncontrollably.

Swara: "Sanskar, are you okay? I was so scared!"

Sanskar: "I'm fine, Swara. Look, nothing happened. Please stop crying."

Ragini tried to calm me down too, but the fear that gripped me refused to let go.

Swara: "What if something had happened to you?" I choked out between sobs.

Sanskar smiled softly and said, "When you're with me, nothing bad can happen."

For a moment, our eyes locked, and it felt like everything around us faded. But before I could process it, our sir interrupted, thanking Ragini for her quick action. I turned to Ragini, still overwhelmed by emotion.

Swara: "Thank you so much! I don't know how to repay you. Just ask for anything."

Ragini looked at me, her eyes filled with hope and sadness.

Ragini: "Come back into my life, Swara."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. Without thinking, I pulled away from Ragini and ran out of the auditorium, my tears blurring my vision.

At the Staircase...

Sanskar caught up with me at the staircase, grabbing my arm and pinning me gently against the wall.

Sanskar: "Swara, wait. What's going on?"

Swara: "Let me go, Sanskar! What are you doing?"

Sanskar: "Why are you pushing Ragini away? You miss her, you love her. Why are you doing this?"

Swara: "I don't feel like answering you right now. Let me go!"

Sanskar wasn't willing to back down. His voice was firm but filled with concern.

Sanskar: "I want to talk to you. Meet me at CCD at 5:00. I need to discuss this."

Swara: "I won't come."

Sanskar gave me a look that told me he knew I would. "I know you will," he said before walking away, but not before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, leaving me stunned and even more confused.

At Home...

The rest of the day passed in a blur of emotions. I couldn't stop thinking about Sanskar and the chandelier, about Ragini and her plea for me to return to her life. Just when I thought my heart couldn't take any more, my phone buzzed again.

It was Sanskar: "I'm waiting."

Despite everything, a small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. I quickly changed and headed to CCD, hoping to find some clarity.

On the Road...

As I neared CCD, I spotted Sanskar across the street. Relief washed over me, but it was short-lived. Out of nowhere, a truck barreled down the street, heading straight for him.

Swara: "Sanskaaaaarrrr!!"

Sanskar realized the danger just in time and stepped back. I ran to him, throwing my arms around him as tears of relief and fear flowed freely.

Swara: "Why don't you take care of yourself? Why do you always act so recklessly?"

Sanskar, as playful as ever, covered his ears and pouted. "Sorry, I'll be more careful. Please stop crying."

But my relief was short-lived. The memory of that threatening message flashed in my mind. I pushed away from Sanskar and ran back home, leaving him confused and worried.

At Home...

I checked my phone, my hands trembling. Another message awaited me: "Good, very good. Stay away from him, or I will hurt him like I did today. Stay away."

A chill ran down my spine. I knew I couldn't ignore this anymore. Whoever was behind this was serious, and I couldn't risk Sanskar's safety. My heart felt like it was breaking, but I knew what I had to do.

Swara's POV:
I have to keep my distance from Sanskar, no matter how much it hurts. I love him deeply, but I can't put him in danger because of me. I love you, Sanskar, and I always will. 😢😢

The scene ends with Swara sitting on her bed, her face streaked with tears, holding her phone as the weight of her decision crashes down on her.

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