12: News

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I wake up and get ready, it's a Friday and I they have cancelled class cause everyone would have been tired after last night. 

I go down and see Drake sitting there waiting

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I go down and see Drake sitting there waiting. "Hi, Mione. I have news!" smiled Drake. "What" said Mione. "Harry and Gin want to meet us" said Drake. "Okay Drake let's go" said Mione. We kiss then go. We see Harry and Gin white as ever. We frown. We go sit down. "Come for a walk with us after this, please" said Gin. We nod and start eating. We finish eating and we leave and go to the lake and sit down. They sit in front of us. "We have two important pieces of news. First one being that Gin is pregnant. And secondly I found out something. My aunt Petunia.... wrote to me. Vernon died and Dudley actually is in hospital for being over weight" said Harry. "Wow congrats! And for Vernon and Dudley I am sorry" said Mione. "Don't be. I never liked them. But they were family" said Harry. "Oh okay. So how many months?" asked Mione. "3. We went and she was like you never knew you were pregnant and plus I never got morning sickness. Which is annoying. It's January. So November I got pregnant" said Gin. So she is due in July. "So July" said Mione. "Yeah" said Gin. "I want to ask you something Gin. For the hunt you can't come with us, especially if your pregnant, me, Mione, Drake will handle it. At the moment Ron isn't invited" said Harry. "Harry. You go. I'll be with our baby. He/she won't know who you are. Listen Fleur and Bill are getting married in August on the 21st. You are staying okay" said Gin. "Of course Gin, I am not missing my childs birth over him." said Harry. Gin kisses him. "Okay well let's go. We have to plan that night that is to come" said Gin. "Yup. So library" said Harry. "Even better library in the room of requirement" said Mione. "Exactly" said Drake. Drake helped me up and Harry helped Gin up. We rush to the room of requirement. We go in and sit down. "I am going on a job with Dumbledore. Mione, Drake where will they bring Dumbledore to the tower. So you two go there. Gin will be in the common room protected. Understand love? I am not having my family die on me now. I am not loosing my Gin or baby" said Harry. "Harry! I will be fine" said Gin. "Gin. You are pregnant please just stay! I lost my mom and dad. I am not loosing my girlfriend and baby" said Harry. "Fine. But I will keep up with what is going on. I will stay in touch. I swear if you die at the hand of a death eater I will kill you if you turn into a ghost! I swear!" said Gin. "Of course baby" smiled Harry. Me and Drake smirk. "You guys are cute" said Mione. "Thank you" said Gin. We smile. "So it is planned. We are ready" said Mione. They nod. We leave. "Night Drake" said Mione. "Night" said Drake. We kiss and leave. We get to our common room and I get changed and get into bed and fall asleep. 

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