13: Dumbledore's death

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It's now the last month of school and the day of the attack. I get dressed. I am ready. 

I am ready and I go down and see Harry is ready

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I am ready and I go down and see Harry is ready. "Gin is up, in the toilet. So Drake is over there. And I better go" said Harry. "Ah okay. Bye see you tonight" said Mione. Drake walks up to me. "Okay lett's get through today..... Gin Hi!" said Drake. Ron walks down with Dean and Seamus. "Oi what you doing here?" asked Ron. "We are talking. We are friends. We as in me and Mione are dating" said Drake. I smirk. "And I am pregnant" said Gin. Ron goes red with anger. "HARRY JAMES POTTER WHERE ARE YOU I AM GOING TO GET YOU" yelled Ron. "His not here. His busy" said Mione. "With what?" asked Ron. "Stuff with Dumbledore." said Gin. "Oh like I believe a slut like you. Your 15! Harry is 16!" said Ron. "I know but I don't give a fuck!" said Gin. "Gin! Come on, breakfast leave the Ronald alone." said Mione. We walk out. "Why is he like this?" asked Gin. "No idea" said Mione. "Maybe just maybe this is how he is. You know the real you hides, then comes out." said Drake. "Oh my god yes!" said Mione. "So he is mean and cruel. Not my Ron I know" said Gin. "Seems so" said Drake and Mione. We go, sit down and eat. "Now we wait for the whole day." said Gin. "Gin promise me you will stay in. Your 7 months. Stay here" said Mione. "I know. It's just I don't want to loose Harry. I knew he was special he still is" said Gin. I hug her. "I know he is. But to him you are the most special person ever" said Mione. "Really?" asked Gin. "Yeah, he does. He loves you so so much" said Mione. "I love him so so much as well. I want him to live" said Gin. "He really does love you enough to keep you out of harms way" said Mione. "I know I will stay in the common room. I will go to bed, but I'll be awake" said Gin. "Okay so lets relax for now. And wait for tonight" said Drake. "Of course" said Mione. I kiss him. We break away. "After this it's a hunt and then hopefully Voldemort dies and we can have a wedding and kids and live to we both die together" said Drake. "I want that too" smiled Mione, in tears. In the end we all end up talking.  In the end it's time for dinner and we go and eat. I hear a bang and BELLATRIX walks in. "OH Hogwarts I Have come" said Bellatrix. "Shit. I am so happy I bought the cloak. Come on, Gin, Drake" whispered Mione. We slip under and walk to the teachers and walk behind to Snape. "Snape. Let us through the door make it look like you are leaving" said Mione. Snape nods and gets up. He looks at Bellatrix and nods and we left. We ran to thee common room and go in. We set Gin in and set her down. "Now stay!" said Mione. We run out and run to the tower and hide. We Harry, we smile and throw the cloak over us. Dumbledore comes up with Bellatrix and Greyback and Snape. You all of a sudden hear talking. And then "Avada Kedavra" yelled Snape. I scream in my head. "Where is Draco?" asked Bellatrix. "I have no idea" said Snape. She nods and walks off. With Greyback. Snape goes and we run down and see Dumbledore on the ground. Harry runs to him. Gin runs out. "Bill was attacked by Greyback, and Dumbledore is dead!" cried Gin. Gin ran to Harry and knelt beside him. Me and Drake ran to them and hugged them, Drake grabs my hand and cried into my shoulder. "Oh my" said Mione. We just sit there crying. We were the Golden Trio, me, Harry and Ron now we are the Golden four Me, Harry, Gin and Drake. In the end we go to bed, Drake comes with me and we sleep on the sofa and fall asleep with tears on our cheeks. 

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