16: The necklace

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I woke up and we all sat down. "We need to talk about the necklace. All we know is that Umbridge has it. And more importantly she hates me." said Harry. "Yeah it's kinda known" smiled Mione. Harry laughs. "Well we better get dressed." said Drake. I nod and go get ready. 

"I know

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"I know.... change into other wizards/witches and go in, then boom grab the necklace and leave" said Mione. "Yes" said Drake and Harry. "Yeah. A cloak over us. And well in we go" said Harry. "Yeah umm I know! THE cloak. Then boom. Grab it and leave." said Mione. Harry nods. We go and sit down. "I can apparete into it from here. And I can use a spell to make us look different" said Mione. They nod. And I do it. I give myself black hair, blue eyes. And Drake brown hair and brown eyes. Harry blonde hair and hazel eyes. I put my hair in a bun that my mom usually does.

 I put my hair in a bun that my mom usually does

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My outfit is business style.

My outfit is business style

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My suit is red kinda. My heels is black with a peek toe. My toe nails are painted blue.  My nails are french manicured. My make up heavy. I look at Harry and Drake walking down the stairs. "So you ready? I just have to change our voices a bit then we are ready" said Mione. I chnaged my voice to a seductive kinda voice. Drake's voice is husky. And Harry's well manly kinda. I smile. "Let's do this" said Drake. "These shoes give me extra height" laughed Mione. We left and went in. "Name?" asked Arthur Weasley. "Wilma, what's it to you? I am here to meet someone in an office for a ride, let's just say" said Mione. Arthur blushes. "Of you go, then" said Arthur. I walk off and watch. "Name?" asked Arthur. "Matthew, here to give a woman a time of life, ya know, looking like this?" said Drake. Arthur blushes. "Go on through" said Arthur.  He walks to me. "Name?" asked Arthur. "Damien, here to a friend" said Harry. "Go through" said Arthur. He walks up to us. "Okay let's go." said Harry. We walk around and see her. We walk up. I hug her and magic her necklace into my bag and then I pull away. "Oh! I am sorry! I thought you were someone else!" said Mione. "Oh dear it's fine" said Umbridge. Harry magics a fake necklace like the one we stole on her neck. "Well we better be off, stuff to do" said Mione. Umbridge nods and walks off. We walk off and apparete home. "That was close." said Harry. I laugh. I magic us back to ourselves, voices to our normal ones and change back. I go put pyjamas on and my hair in a plait. I sit down. "I'll tie the necklace to the inside of my bag till we can destroy it" said Mione. "Yeah, wearing it, it could be damaging" said Mione. "Yeah" said Drake and Harry. I make dinner and then we go to bed at 11. 

6th Year in Hogwarts with Draco DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now