7: Christmas Day

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I wake up next to Drake. I kiss him. "Morning happy Christmas!" smiled Mione. "Morning. Merry Christmas, Mione" smiled Drake. I decide to get up and rush and get dressed. 

I curl my hair and go down and see Drake waiting

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I curl my hair and go down and see Drake waiting. With Gin, Harry. Ron is sitting there scrowling. We sit at the table and eat our breakfast!  Sausages, bacon, eggs and toast. And orange juice and tea. Everyone is happy apart from Draco. We finish our food and drinks and we go to sitting room. And I hand Drake his present. He opens it to a ring. It's a gold ring, with three diamonds, and hopefully my name appear, it means true love. He tries to take it off, but it doesn't.

"I love it! He puts it on and my name appears

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"I love it! He puts it on and my name appears. He hands me mine. I open it to see a necklace, a snake on it. There's diamonds around the black and a snake. I put it on and it ties it self, Draco's name appears. 

"I love it! Thank you" smiled Mione

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"I love it! Thank you" smiled Mione. "I love my name! Thank you.... I love you" said Drake, smiling. "I love you too" smiled Mione.  He kisses me. I kiss him back. "AHEM!" coughed Molly. We pull apart. "Sorry" said Mione. "First time saying it?" asked Molly. We both blush. "Taking from you it means it's the first time." said Arthur. "Yeah" said Mione and Drake. Molly and Arthur sigh, happily. "Young love" said Molly. "I know, Molly, that was us" said Arthur. "It sure was." smiled Molly. We all swap presents. Then go in for dinner at 3pm. The food is lovely as usual. After we ate we all go outside to sit and talk. "Gin, Harry have you told Ron? You told the rest" asked Mione. "Telling him now. Ron c'mere" said Gin. He walks over. "What?" asked Ron. "Me and Ginny are dating" said Harry. "WHAT?! I FORBID YOU" yelled Ron. "RONALD WEASLEY YOUR SISTER IS HAPPY EVERYONE ELSE KNEW WHY CAN'T YOU BE HAPPY! JESUS YOUR ACTING LIKE YOU DID OR DO WITH MIONE AND DRAKE STOP IT! OR ELSE" yelled Harry. Ron just stands there, mouth wide open. "Oh wow. Stick up for the ferret why don't you! I'm going!" said Ron. He stomps to his room. George and Fred walk over. "What's wrong with him?" asked Fred. "Me and Gin are dating! And his acting like I am like Dean or Michael! When I am not! I love Gin" said Harry. "I love you too" smiled Gin. They kiss. They pull apart. "He'll get over it" said George. "He didn't for me and Drake! He punched me in the stomach and slapped me for dating him" said Mione. "THAT GIT!" yelled George. George storms to Ron's room along with Fred. We stand up but decide to sit down. Ron walks out. "You told them!" said Ron. "Yep. What am I not allowed!" said Mione. "No your not" said Ron. "Your meant to be my best friend! Not a person who punches and slaps me! And yells at someone for dating your little sister" said Mione. "MAYBE CAUSE I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THAT DRACO IS EVIL!" shouted Ron. Molly, Arthur, Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Percy come out.   "What's going on?" asked Molly. "Ron. Again. Thinks my lovable boyfriend is evil!" said Mione. "He could be" said Percy. "Really?" asked Mione. "Yes" said Percy. "I believe that  you are  a self rightous git" said Mione. Drake breathes of relief. Percy storms off. Git. "Well we think his not." said Bill. "Same!" said Charlie. I smile, so does Drake. "Well I was wondering..... Mione if you want to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to hang?" asked Drake. "Yeah okay" said Mione. "You will use floo. Then Arthur will get you at 6" said Molly. "Okay thank you" said Mione and Drake. We go in and get changed into our pyjamas. We sit down and talk. Me and Drake decide to go to bed. We fall asleep cuddled. What we didn't realise is that tomorrow is what brings us trouble.

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