14: Gin and Harry's baby

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It's now July. July 30. I wake up and get dressed. We are in the burrow. I get ready and see Drake is up and dressed and waiting for me. "Gin and Harry are downstairs." said Drake. 

We go down and sit down and eat

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We go down and sit down and eat. "So me and Gin are going to hang outside! Call me if your in trouble!" said Harry. "Okay!" said Mione. They left and we sat down. "So we have the house to our...... oh hi Ron" said Drake. "You planning to have sex in my house?" asked Ron. "No!" said Drake. "You better not!" yelled Ron. Molly ran down. "Why you yelling?" asked Molly. "Mione and Draco are going to have sex" said Ron. "Are we naked?" asked Mione. "Well.... no" said Ron. Ron storms off. "I'm sorry, dears, he is just a teen and a horrible friend" said Molly."I know. I want Ron, the old Ron" said Mione. Molly hugs me. "Me too" said Molly. Harry runs in. "GIN'S WATER BROKE" yelled Harry. We all spring into action. We all go to St Mungo's. Gin and Harry go in and then we hear Gin yelling, screaming, crying. All of a sudden we hear a baby crying. We all sigh with relief and smile. We go in. "Meet James Sirius Potter" smiled Gin. "Oh my! He has Harry's eyes and hair." smiled Mione. Lupin walked in. "What! Oh he looks like you Harry and your dad" said Lupin. "I know. His name is James Sirius Potter. After dad and Sirius." said Harry. Lupin hugged him. "Thank you! He is probably going to be like them!" laughed Lupin. "Oh god. He better not be like Harry or your dad Harry" said Gin. "Oh he will. But somehow he will be like us we respect woman and in the end Potter lads are nice gentleman in the end" smiled Harry. "I know. Just your dad fell for a woman who is red headed and I am red headed" said Gin. Harry smiles. "Maybe but I want you to know Gin. When I am on the hunt remember that I love you and James" smiled Harry. "I love you too. James too. James adores you. Just promise me you will survive" said Gin. "I promise!" said Harry. Harry kisses Gin. I smile and lean into Drake. He kisses us. "After the war that will be us" said Drake. "I know. I hope we stay alive" said Mione. "We will. For now let's be happy about Gin, Harry and James" smiled Drake. "What did I do to deserve you" said Mione. "Nothing. I love you" said Mione. "Mione, Drake do you want to be godfather and godmother" said Gin. "Of course" said Drake and Mione. We smile and kiss. Harry hands me James. I look at him. "Hey baby boy! I am godmother Mione or Hermione" said Mione. I kiss his forehead. I hand him to Drake and he smiles at him. "I am Draco. Drake on most parts and I might be one person out of a family who hurts but I will also help you" said Drake. He hands James to Gin. I kiss Drake. "You are one of a kind!" said Mione. "Thank you" said Mione. "You two need to have a kid and marry each other" smiled Harry. We blush. I hug Harry. "You two can go home. Have the house to yourselves" said Molly. We nod and we leave. We go to our room and sit on the bed. We start kissing and we take our tops and stuff off. And well we have sexy time. We fall asleep in our underwear and me in Drake's top. We cuddle. And fall asleep.

*I don't like writing smut so you will be getting sexy time, sorry you can imagine it yourself though:)*

6th Year in Hogwarts with Draco DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now