Chapter 10: A Cry for Help

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Recap: Peridot has taken control of (G/n)'s actions using a device that bends a gem's actions to the controller's will.

Peridot's POV
Finally, I got away from those Crystal Clods. We should be warping to the communication hub. I'll be able to contact Homeworld from there to let them know of the mission's failure. I wonder what will become of (G/n)? Maybe I'll keep them, they're a better ally than Jas-- "Communication Hub warp offline! Seeking alternative warpstream..." (G/n) said. "Wait what?!" Where in the name of Yellow Diamond are we? This isn't the communication hub! We're in some type of forest. "Hey (G/n), where did you bring us?!" I hit them on the top of the head, making them flinch. "R-Random warp pad selected for travel. Communication Hub warp status: offli--" "Yeah yeah yeah, I know. How can we get to the Communication Hub from here...?" I looked around, only to find... Organic life. Everywhere. ">Memories from former life report the Communication hub is 123 miles east." "Well, let's go then!" I activated my propeller arm, and took flight. (G/n) ran, surprisingly fast. I needed to go into high speed just to catch up.

Garnet's POV
Why did this happen? How did this happen? (G/n) is always being abused, and it's not fair! They've been trapped for so many years, only to be poofed and forced to fuse with Jasper, almost shattered, and now they're with Peridot! Why didn't my future vision reveal this? 'Come on Sapph! Why couldn't we see this?!' 'Future vision is complicated. It doesn't just show one outcome, it shows many.' 'I know that Sapphire! I've known that for years! It's just that why didn't we go sooner to save them?!' 'I saw it as an outcome, it was just so unlikely to happen, I didn't react to it!' The arguing ceased, and I was left to wonder how we were going to find (G/n) and Peridot.

(Time skip to when you get to da hub

Peridot's POV
Finally, I'm here. That took longer than expected. (G/n) was already standing guard when I got there by the broken warp pad. There was a huge chunk of the communication hub crushing it! What did those clods do here? I landed and then started work. "You left me behind you clod!" I punched them in the chest out of anger. For down reason, they had bruises on their head and body, I wonder why... "How long have you been waiting here?" ">Systems have been idle for: 12.36 minutes." Wow. I'm late. Whatever, I started working in the hub, getting some help from (G/n) with things such as reorganizing pillars with my escape pod and their new arm. Eventually we got the pillars into a position that started up the hub. My fingers formed my screen and I started recording a video message. "This is Peridot. Transmitting to all frequencies from abandoned crystal system colony planet Earth... To Yellow Diamond, My mission has been compromised. My escort and informant are gone and I am now stranded. PLEASE SEND HELP!" I then ended the recording and tuned it to the frequency of the newly functional communication hub. I hit 'send' and stood next to (G/n), waiting for a response when they started to glitch out. They were making spastic motions and started yelling ">ALERT! VIRUS DETECTED! >V-VIRUS HAS BEEN PU-PURGED." That was odd. That never happened before. Whatever, I'll work out the flaws when I get back to Homeworld and show Yellow Diamond. She'll be so proud of me! Now we're just going to have to... Wait. Wait for help. Wait for Yellow Diamond or somebody to send help. Hopefully they get the message. I just want to go home.

(2 days later...)

Steven's POV
Crying breakfast friends is getting really good! I'm watching it with Amethyst, we just got up. I feel so bad for Spork. They kind of remind me of... (G/n). Always being used by other people for their own benefit. Suddenly, the TV went to static. Again. For the 5th time this morning. "Aw man!" It was doing this yesterday too. "Hang on, I got it." Amethyst started kicking the side of the TV with her boot. "How 'bout now?" Then the TV immediately started shaking and making a screeching noise. It's never done that before.

Amethyst's POV
For sure I thought kicking it would work. That just made it worse. Then the TV started playing weird noises before it straightened itself out and showed a picture of Peridot. And also... Was that (G/n) in the background? It was hard to tell from all the... Snow? Flying around. I wonder where they could be...

Pearl's POV
Steven's Television box started making strange noises, so I walked up to his nook to see what was going on, Garnet following close behind. The TV started making distorted noises and then faded to... Peridot? And (G/n)?? We were able to get a good look at them this time. Their eyes were... Black, with small (color) pupils. They had a shiny, cannon arm as well as... A (gem shape) metallic object covering their gem. (^^If your gem is on your back just skip this last part) What did Peridot do to them? "Connie says it's on her TV too." Steven said. "But where could she be broadcasting a signal that strong?" I wondered out loud. "There's only one place. The communication hub."

Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven's POV
Hold on (G/n). We're coming.

(Back at the hub)
Peridot's POV
We've been waiting for so long! That message was sent to all frequencies on Earth! Including... Oh my stars. ">ALERT! CRYSTAL GEMS HAVE BEEN LOCAT--" I hit them in the head again, and whispered into the headset: "Activate Stealth mode." (G/n) quickly dove behind a rock, while I activate my camouflage function. It changes the appearance of my body. It makes me look... Green and spiky. A common Earth cactus. They're found in cold areas, right? Oh Never mind. I put my arms at a 90 degree angle and waited.

(I'm just gonna skip the whole conversation part, you all know what happens)

Peridot's POV still.
The Pearl and the Permafusion are attempting fusion! What monstrosity are they going to create this time? I had my back turned, so I couldn't  see anything. I'm sure (G/n) saw everything though. In fact, I can see them peeking out from behind the rock, observing.

(G/n)'s POV
>Subjects "RubySapphirefusion" and "RebelPearl" are attempting fusion. >Possible fusion outcomes: Tiger's Eye, Amber, Fire Opal, Sardonyx. Warning! Virus Detected! Virus identity found! Virus known as "Letmeout.exe" has been located. Purging... Virus Successfully Purged. Establishing antivirus.

???'s POV
"LET ME OUT! YOU STUPID, GREEN... AAAGH!" Oh no. They're taking control again. Someone, help me....

Third Person POV
And so, Sardonyx elegantly smashed the communication tower, leaving Peridot and (G/n), mostly Peridot, trying to look for another option. Eventually, Peridot finds an old gem cargo ship.

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