Chapter 12: Goodbye (For now)

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Steven's POV
"Garnet why did you have to do that?" I asked, they just poofed (G/n). "They were going to kill Peridot." "Uh, isn't that what we're trying to do?" Amethyst said. "Yes but I can see in future vision... That we're going to need her later." "Well, you didn't have to poof them over it, you could have just told them that!" "Amethyst, they were too dangerous to be left unpoofed! If they didn't hurt Peridot, they would hurt one of you. I don't want to risk that." Garnet said sternly. I haven't seen her like that for a while. "Guys! Stop fighting!" I said, I stepped between them. "Let's just go back to the temple and talk about this." "Fine." Amethyst said, crossing her arms.

Garnet's POV
Everyone started leaving the room. I stood still, looking at each of them as they left. What I'm about to do could spark tension within the team if I'm seen doing it. I have to bubble (G/n). They are becoming too dangerous to be around. They ripped Amethyst's whip like it was nothing. They crushed Peridot's metal parts with their bare hands. And at this point, as nice and cheerful as he is, not even Steven could calm them down. Steven looked back for a moment before walking out of the room. I crouched down, picking up (G/n)'s gem, checking back to see if anyone was still watching. Nobody was. I stared at the (Gem type) for a little bit, hearing an argument going on in my mind. "They're too dangerous, Sapphire! If we leave them like this, they'll reform and hurt Steven!" "I know, and I can see all the outcome, but do you really think that bubbling them will help their already growing hostile attitude?" "It's too risky. Lets just do it." "Fine." I then bubbled (G/n) and sent them back to the temple. "Garnet? Shouldn't we be going?" I heard Pearl say. "Yes." We stepped into the warp pad and left. I'm surprised nobody noticed where (G/n)'s gem is.

(G/n) POV
Great. I'm stuck in a bubble. I was almost done reforming too! I can't believe they would do this! Oh, and the best part, only ONE person (technically two) knows where I am! And that person (or people) are the ones who bubbled me in the first place. I wonder how long I'll be in here... The gems were telling me some have been in here for months... I guess I can work on my new form until I'm out... Yes, I think I will add a (thing) and a (thing) as well as take off that (thing) that's bothered me. Yes... This will be my greatest form yet.

Hours later...

What time is it? I've been working on this thing for hours now. Well, in bubbled gem time. Time seems much faster when a gem is poofed. So, it's probably been a few days, I'm guessing. Will I ever be let out?

Steven's POV.
I wonder what happened to (G/n)'s gem? When we got back, Garnet said she had no idea where it was, neither did Pearl. Amethyst got mad at Garnet and started accusing her of things. "Guys, stop fighting! We can deal with this tomorrow. Steven is tired and needs his sleepy times." I said, referring to myself in the third person. That seemed to work, all the gems went to their rooms, except Garnet. She came to tuck me in, how nice. She kissed my forehead, and I went to sleep. I woke up as soon as I fell asleep, or at least that's what it felt like. I sat up, nobody was out yet. I slowly got up, and down the stairs, I still wondered where (G/n)'s gem could be. Could Garnet have...? I walked to her room. There is no way to know unless. Amethyst came out just then. "Amethyst! I need to go to Garnet's room!" "Sure." She walked me into her room, and I found the puddle. I stuck my head in, Garnet wasn't there, I wonder where she could be. I hopped through the puddle, sliding down the tubes and landing in the floor. I looked around, maybe Garnet bubbled-- found it! I jumped up and grabbed it, as it popped on contact. Their gem fell to the floor and shattered. I immediately woke up again, but I was in Garnet's room, sliding down the tubes. "What just happened?!" I sled down again and before I popped the bubble that (G/n) was in, I though, how could I get that down without breaking it? I climbed up the pipes, eventually reaching the same height as their bubble. I reached over, but it was right out of reach. I slipped, and fell. Right before I hit the ground, I immediately went back to. when I was on the pipes. This time, I thought about happy things, like how pretty Earth and all its things are. I jumped, but I floated since I was happy. I floated over to (G/n)'s bubble, and grabbed it. I floated to the ground, and popped the bubble. (G/n)'s gem immediately started glowing and out popped (G/n). The looked at me calmly before saying "Hello Steven. Where's Garnet?" I didn't want to tell them, I know it's just future vision and it doesn't matter, but why did they want to see Garnet? "I-I don't know." They looked at me before smiling and saying "It's alright." Then Garnet immediately walked in. "STEVEN! What are you doing in here?!" Pearl and Amethyst walked in. "Oh no, he's popped (G/n)'s bubble!" Pearl said. "Why, what's wrong?" I asked. "(G/n) is too dangerous to be left alive!" Garnet said. (G/n) stood still.  I could only imagine what they felt now. "If that's how it's going to be, then goodbye." They said. A tear going down their cheek. They quickly turned into a ball of spikes like amethyst does sometimes and knocks Pearl over, bursting through the Garnet's door (which was still open) and out of the house "(G/n) wait I said, but I was too late. They were long gone, leaving only footsteps in the sand, and a couple broken hearts. I immediately woke up in bed, taking a deep breath. Nobody was up. I debated on what I should do. Leaving (G/n) down there isn't fair but letting them go will only cause as much sadness as leaving them there. I decided what I'm going to do. (G/n) shouldn't be left to stay in a bubble. They aren't even corrupt, which makes it even less fair. I asked Amethyst, went down there, got the bubble popped it, and WatchKit all go down again.

(G/n)'s POV.
"Steven! What are you doing in here?!" Oh great. It's Garnet. I wonder what she's going to do to me this time. Poof me? Bubble me? Shatter me? Force fuse me? Okay that was a little dark. But still, I need to get out here. I've been betrayed by everyone. I'm going to run away. I'll figure out where when I've gotten away. And I'm NOT taking a warp pad. Pearl and Amethyst are here now, Pearl looks scared that I've gotten out, what, am I some kind of corrupted monster? Of course not. The Crystal Gems walk towards me slowly, summoning their weapons. As they move away from the door, I speed away, having to knock someone out of the way. I hope that whoever it was, it hurt. Especially if it was Garnet. I ran out the room, and through the main area, and broke down the door, the screen scratching at me a little bit before I hopped over the wooden railing and onto the sand, leaving them forever. Or so I hoped to. I heard someone calling my name, but I didn't care. Whoever it was, they can expect to never see me again. I hope.

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