Chapter 17: When it rains (It pours)

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Okay, so now that I'm actually inserting the reader into the actual adventures it might take longer to write these chapters. But I'm sure you're all fine with it.

3 days later
Steven's POV
(G/n) still hasn't reformed. What are they doing in there? Their gem has been on the table, with Lapis there just in case they reform. Today is the day we get Peridot out of the bathroom. Maybe it's for the best (G/n) stays in there, Peridot does seem kind of scared of them. Is it because of the whole thing at the Homeworld warp a couple weeks ago? I hope not. Then, a bright light came from the table. "(G/n)'s back!" I yelled. I walked over to the living room and watched (G/n) reform. They took shape, but looked a little different. Instead of the (stuff) that they used to wear, now they have a big star in the middle of their clothes, and on their shoulder's too. (Unless you're wearing a tank top like Amethyst.)

(G/n)'s POV
"Ah, it's good to be back." I stretched, before opening my eyes. I'm standing on a table. I hopped off and remembered, I gotta apologize to Pearl. But a wild Steven appeared. "Hey (G/n)! You're back!" "Yeah! So, how've you been, Steven? How long was I out?" "3 days." Steven said. "Oh, wow. I've never taken that long. Sorry!" "Its ok!" He ran to the bathroom, opened the door a crack, and slipped in. I walked over to Pearl along with Garnet and Amethyst trying to get Peridot out of the bathroom. "Open the door, Peridot! If this 'Cluster' is putting us in danger, you to tell us what it is so we can stop it!" "No! I hate you! I'm not telling you anything about the Cluster!" Peridot said. I tapped on Pearl's shoulder. She looked down (or up if you're taller) at me. "Sorry I didn't listen, it was foolish of me, and I apologize." "It's good to see you learning from your mistakes. You are forgiven." "I smiled and then changed my expression to neutral  so we could get Peridot out. "Oh come on! Is it like a big... Hunk of... Granola?" Amethyst said. What? "What's granola?" Peridot asked. "Earth food." I replied. "Oh great, you're back." She said. "Problem?" I asked. The bathroom was silent after that. I stepped back. "Now Peridot, I'm sure we can reach some sort of agreement. Perhaps a trade is in order?" Pearl asked. Bargaining. Nice strategy, but I don't think that'll work. Peridot is stubborn. She likely won't give in unless we either threaten to shatter her. 'Okay (G/n), calm down. That was messed up!' How else could we get her out? "Oh sure, why don't you just give me back my leg enhancements and my arm attachments with all my screen and my log and all my information! Oh wait. YOU DESTROYED THEM! So no, I don't think we can reach some sort of agreement!" Peridot yelled from behind the door. I want to kick it down so much. Everyone else groaned. A noise came from the bathroom. I think this is called 'flushing.' Soon, Steven walked out. Well, at least we are being somewhat honorable about the situation and she's opening the door to let Steven in and out. In turn, we don't attack when this door opens. "Sorry for interrupting your interrogation." He said. "Don't worry about it Steven." Garnet said, almost whispering. I'm still in the corner trying to figure out how to get Peridot to tell us about the 'cluster' if it's even real.

Third Person POV
"I swear, Peridot is gonna crack any second now!" Pearl said sternly, making sure Peridot could hear. Heh, you were gonna crack any second now if this continues. Bad joke? "I'll never crack for the likes of you! You... Crystal Clods!" Peridot screeched from the bathroom. Pearl just made a face. "Ooh, I got your clods right here, you little--!" "Oi! There are children present!" You cut Pearl off before she could say anything she would regret. "If she's not going to tell us on our own, then we'll have to investigate ourselves." Garnet said, pulling Pearl's arm away from the door. "I'll go with you!" Steven said enthusiastically. He hasn't been on a mission in a while. "Sounds good. Lapis, you're coming too." Garnet said. What! She's bringing everybody except you?! "Hey! What about me?" "Somebody needs to look after Peridot. And you seem intimidate her the most." "Good point. Fine, I'll stay." "See you later alligator!" Steven said. "It's (G/n)..." You said, unfamiliar with the Earth saying. They warped off and you were left to wander the house. You wonder how long they will be gone. Pearl taught you how to cook, you should make Steven something for when he gets back. Spaghetti? Eh, sure. You get a pot from the cupboard and fill it with water from the sink. You had hoped to keep quiet, just so Peridot might come out in her own. You put the pot on the stove and turned up the heat. After a few minutes, it started to rain. You liked/hated rain. It's calming/infuriating to you. A loud crash of thunder shook the house. You heard the bathroom door unlock, and you turned to see Peridot run into a wall. "IT'S HAPPENING!" She yelled. "What?" You asked calmly, putting the top on the pan. "The cluster!" She said running over to you. You were surprised to see she is getting this close. "What else could be making that horrible-- AAAAHH!" she tried to say before another CRASH of thunder rattled the glasses in the cupboard. Peridot shrieked in terror and ducked down under the kitchen counter behind you. She whimpered in fear, making you feel bad. "Peridot, it's just thunder. It's average Earth weather, we'll be fine. It's just a rainstorm." Peridot made a weird noise of curiosity and moved her attention to the window. "Oh, you don't know about rainstorms, I'll explain. Pretend the water in this pot is the Earth's ocean. When the sun warms the ocean up, some of its water evaporates..." You lifted up the top of the pot and let the steam fly out, slightly scorching your face, but whatever. "Then, it eventually clusters together and falls down as rain." "So scalding liquid pours down from the sky?" You had to laugh. "No Peridot, it cools down once it's up in the sky. It can't hurt. Look, I'll show you..." You walked Peridot over to the door and opened it. You walked out of the house and stood on the balcony, overlooking the lighting storm. It looked beautiful. Peridot slowly walked out, starting with her hand. A droplet hit her finger. She reeled back, still on edge. But then we rubbed the water into her fingers, and saw it didn't hurt. In fact, it even felt quite nice. Then her foot, then her whole body. You turned to her and smiled slightly. "See? It won't hurt. It's just something that happens on Earth every once and a while. So, what do you think?" She turned to you. "I think the rain is cool sometimes. It's relaxing." "Yeah." Peridot said. "Kewl." After a few minutes, you were both soaked, so you went inside and dried off. Both being gems, you dried in a matter of seconds. You sat down by the window as Peridot paced back and forth nervously. "Hmm..." Peridot then made a few strange noises that went along the lines of "Hmm... Uh.... Eeeeh... (G/n)?" "Yes, Peridot?" "I'm going to say something." You wondered what it could be. 'Maybe it's about the cluster.' You thought. Peridot inhaled and said "Thank you." Well, you didn't think Peridot could change this way. You wanted to hear more. "For what, exactly?" "For explaining this 'rain' business to me." "No problem, Peri~" She ignored your nickname and continued. "Yeah, you're a much more intelligent gem than I originally thought." You were slightly flattered, but it didn't last long. "Oh, uh, thanks, I guess?" You said awkwardly. "Yes, much more useful than those clods." Her emphasis on 'useful.' You were about to say something, but soon forgot as Peridot spoke up. "(G/n)! I've made up my mind!" "About what, exactly?" You asked. "I've decided to share some... Information with you." You decided it would be funny to predict what she was going to say. "About the cluster?" You said, smirking. "Uh, yes, how did you know?" She asked, confused. Part of you wanted to say 'Because I'm smarter than you~' but that would be rude, so you just said; "I guessed. But listen, you should tell the gems, they would know how to handle the situation better. We should wait until they all get back from... Whatever they're doing." "No!" Peridot exclaimed. "I don't want to talk to them! You're the only one I need!" She said, kneeling down. "I could show you now, but I have nothing! My arm attachments, my screen, my log. It's all gone!" She said, her eyes getting all wibbly wobbly. "But all my logs up to 652 still exist. Backed up in facet 5 of the prime Kindergarten!" You know where she's going with this. This could be a ploy to escape, but without her lasers, Peridot is harmless. You just decided to play along an take her to the flipping Kindergarten. But a part of you was still unsure; "Kindergarten? I dunno, it's kind of risky..." "(G/n), do you WANT to know about the cluster?" "Alright fine, but if we get killed, I blame you in gem afterlife." "YES!" She yelled, jumping up and down. "BUT," you stated. "No! A catch!" Peridot said dramatically. "Fine, what are your demands?" "If you try to escape, I will not hesitate to poof you, sorry to sound so threatening." You then walked to the warp pad and warped to Your place of creation. "Let's go." Peridot said, taking your hand and pulling you down the hill the warp pad was built into. You some how got ahead of her and landed just fine, but Peridot landed right in your arms. You two have an awkward stare before you dropped her and said; "Alright, lead the way, general Peridot!" "Oh please, Peridot's like myself aren't fit for the position of general, but I will gladly accept." You groaned and followed Peridot. Looking around brought back... Memories of particular events you don't want to talk or think about. You eventually caught sight of your hole, glancing inside for a second before continuing. "This place is falling more and more into disrepair, are you sure it's safe, Peridot?" You said, fearing for the safety of you both. "I know, it's been so poorly managed, it must have been in much better shape when you first emerged." When you first emerged...

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