Chapter 25: "We have a drill. We're going to drill."

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Ooh, your head. Where are you? You feel... Dizzy, and tired. You open your eyes to find you're inside some kind of pink bubble? What the... Is that.... Steven? You could barely make out his shape as well as Peridot's frantically waving at you. You looked down. You were at the top of the barn. You freaked out and popped the bubble you floated in, tumbling to the ground. "(G/n)!" Steven yelled, hugging you. "Easy easy, what's going..." You didn't finish, the ground started to shake. "The cluster! We need to go, now!" Peridot yelled. You caught sight of the drill, it was finished. "C'mon (G/n)!" Steven yelled, you handy even realized you were standing still. How was he so open about you helping them all of a sudden? You had just tried to shatter the Crystal Gems. You ran towards the drill, jumping in right as the door closed. "Ready or not, we have a mission." Peridot said as she pressed a few buttons. It was really cramped, you were pressing up rights against Steven. "Increasing speed!" Peridot said, and the drill soon broke ground, you were off. You didn't have time to put a seatbelt on, so the sudden fluctuation of speed made you hit you head on the ceiling. Your head hurt a little bit. "(G/n), are you okay?" Steven asked. Are you really? You just uncorrupted after an intense battle of willpower. "Yes, I'm fine, Steven." You half-growled half-said. You got back into your seat next to Steven and waited. It's dark, really dark. The only reason you can see is because some of the controls in the drill lit up. Steven stood up and flicked a switch. "Alright. Bracing for impact." He said, pumped up. "It's actually two more hours to the cluster." You mentally groaned. Two hours? Did you even HAVE two hours? "Oh." Steven said, slightly disappointed. "I wish I had brought some toons." That gave you an idea. What if you sang? The gems seemed to like it the last time you did, what about now? You opened your mouth, but you were cut off by Peridot pressing a button and some kind of boring, elevator music started playing. Moment ruined. "Thanks." Steven said to Peridot. You all sat in silence after that, the vibration of the drill breaking through rock was the only this happening. Steven eventually broke the silence: "It's kind of... Freaky down here, huh?" "Why do you say that?" You asked. "It's just dark, and cramped, and... I can't even... Stretch out!" Steven tried flexing, almost hitting you in the face. "That's probably because the air pressure around us is changing rapidly. It feels cramped because you're actually having very light forces squeeze on you." You explained. The drill started to rattle and shake. Well, it already did that normally, but this shake was more fierce and threatening. Steven almost fell down, then sat back in his seat. "How did you think you'd get everyone In here anyways?" Steven asked Peridot. "Probably we'd just shrink down or something..." You mumbled. "I don't know, they'd... Shrink, or something." Peridot said. Okay you may or may not have limited thought influence. "We didn't have a lot of time to plan." She added. "So, what is the plan?" Steven asked. You were about to get annoyed, but then again, YOU didn't know the plan either, so you stayed quiet. "We have a drill. We're going to drill." Peridot stated. "Sounds like a good plan to me." You said. The air pressure might actually be getting to you now, you can feel yourself being ever so slightly squeezed. "Get ready, we're about to penetrate the asthenosphere!" Peridot said. Soon enough, the drill shook, like it was in a dense liquid. Magma surrounded the drill as it pressed on. The atmosphere of the drill got warmer. Touching the window would probably NOT be a good idea right now. "Woah, it's all lava!" Steven said. You were about to correct him that it is indeed magma, lava is when it's OUT of the hole it was made in, but Peridot corrected you both: "Lava is what comes out of volcanoes. This is super heated peridotite." "Peridot-ite?" Steven asked. "Yep, the same stuff as Peridots." You said. "But Peridot, you were made on Hoemworld, right?" "Mmhmm." "What was it like?" Peridot paused before speaking again. "I didn't t exist. Then I did. I don't have memories of it, just... Feelings." Peridot looked to the right with a look of... Sadness? "I know I can never go back to Homeworld, but... It's hard... not to have some feelings for where you came from." You thought about where YOU came from... The Kindergarten. It may have been evil, and damaging to the Earth, but... Every once and a while you go back. Just for a little while. "But it's fine!" Peridot spoke up, "I have something... Different now!" "What's that?" Steven asked. "You know... You... Guys." The crushing atmosphere felt a little more comfortable. "THUMP THUMP THUMP!" "What was that?!" You exclaimed. A red hand pressed against the window next to you, making you jump. It's arm sizzled against the white hot glass. "The gem mutants!" Steven exclaimed. "They must have buried some prototypes with the cluster!" Peridot explained. More thumping came from the top of the drill. "They're all over us! What do we do?" Steven asked, freaking out a little bit. "(G/n), do you like laser guns?" Peridot asked. "HECK YEAH I DO" "Use this." Peridot pressed a button and a control pad came out of the console and to your face. It was a screen, it got placed over your eyes, and you could see a turret on the top of the drill. "Pearl said it was unnecessary, but I never leave home without a blast cannon! Fire!" Peridot commanded. You didn't need to be told twice. You spammed the 'fire' button on the tiny control pad Peridot gave you and started blasting away at fusion experiments. "AH HA HA HA HA HA! DIE! DIE YOU GEM MUTANTS!" You exclaimed. "(G/n) you're scaring me please stop." Steven said. "I-I'm sorry. I got a little into it." You said. You shot some more experiments, and you started feeling... Guilty? Something didn't feel right about doing that. You felt your sins crawling on your back. They didn't want to hurt anyone, they're just looking for the missing parts of themselves... Steven was talking to Peridot about something, you were busy trying not to be crushed by the weight of guilt placed on your shoulders. It felt more crushing than the air pressure. "These early experiments combine only two or three shards. The cluster will be a billion times bigger. An inseparable fusion capable of destroying worlds. Starting with this one." You heard Peridot say. You couldn't do it anymore, you held your fire and took the headset off. It tugged at one of your hairs, (unless you're bald.) and a small, pain tear came to your right eye. The drill suddenly started to slow. "We're hitting some depths of rock! THIS IS IT!" Peridot exclaimed. You braced yourself, and held onto the seat. The drill stopped, reversed, and activated walk mode. A light shone from the top, giving absolutely NO change in visibility. "Recovery depth achieved. Target found." Peridot said. You could see the cluster out the window. It was... You can't describe it. It's bright colors made it look beautiful, but you weren't fooled. This could shatter you faster than instant. "Is that?" "ThE cLuStEr..."
I know this one is a bit short, but school's really cracking down on tests. It was either I take another week to right a 4,000 word long chapter, or I upload a few short ones. The wait probably won't be that long for the next one as it was for this one. I'll see you all soon! Thank you all for taking the time to read my stories!

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