Chapter 11: Saved (or are you?)

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Okay, time to wrap up the fillers! I have more plans for the future, like more stories and such, but I'm gonna finish this first. Don't worry, I won't finish it for a while.

Peridot's POV
Okay, it's been 4 days. I still haven't gotten a response from Yellow Diamond! Maybe she's just busy... Plan D has failed. We need to get to the Homeworld Warp. It's my only chance. I fly there, (G/n) running across water. They haven't said anything in days. Maybe because the device prevents them from doing it. I started picking up pieces of the warp, what did they do this time? Ugh! Why do they keep on breaking my things?! Eventually the stones got too heavy. "(G/n), help me with this." ">Administering assistan--- '--WILL NEVER HELP YO--... >Assistance." I really need to get them back to Homeworld, before the device fails and they turn on me. They quickly started picking up chunks of the warp and started placing them, with me helping every now and then. By that I mean I hit them if they did something wrong. After a couple of hours of assembling the jigsaw of a warp pad, I heard another activate. ">WARNING! CRYSTAL GEMS DETECTED!" The Steven, Perma fusion, defect Pearl and defect Amethyst came through a warp off to the left. How did they know we were here? "What?! How did you know I was here?" I asked them. "I dunno." The Steven said. Ignorant clod... He than gasped, as all the others did when they took notice of (G/n).

Pearl's POV
There they were. (G/n). Again. They had various bruises and marks on them, what have they been doing? Wait, saving (G/n) would be the perfect chance to get Garnet to forgive me!  "And you'll never get away with this!" I shouted, eagerly waiting to get Garnet's forgiveness.

(G/n)'s POV
All Crystal Gems detected and accounted for. Initiating retreat... Error. Invalid retreat location. Requesting alternate strategy.

Steven's POV
"Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?" Peridot said. I couldn't pay attention. I was too focused on (G/n). They were battle damaged and bruised, their metal arm scratched. ">Peridot. Permission to exterminate the Cryyyyyy...'NO!' --stal Gems?" I gasped. They wouldn't really hurt us would they? "You know what, (G/n)? Granted." "(G/n), no..." Garnet whispered. "EXTERMINATE!" They raised their gun arm and pointed it at us. They fired, we dodged the blast and allowing the shot to hit behind us, a pillar. It crumbled down. I summoned a huge shield, but it isn't going last long. It's too tiring to hold a shield that big for that long. I could swear I hear (G/n) say 'I'm sorry!' Before going back to "EXTERMINATE!"

Garnet's POV.
(G/n) is in pain. Terrible pain. They appear to be trying to take back control, judging by the random cuts in speech and I could have sworn I heard them say 'I'm sorry!' They fired off another shot, headed right for Steven. I pushed him out of the way, catching the pillar. Pearl ran off, saying something about "taking them out." She's going to hurt (G/n). And I know why.

Pearl's POV
That's it. They can hurt my friends, they can hurt me, but when they're trying to hurt Steven, that's when I draw the line, so to speak. I charged at Peridot, only to be caught in some (color ) bubble energy. A beam was coming from (G/n)'s arm, freezing me in place. "Ha!" Peridot said. "You're going the wrong way!" As soon as she said that, (G/n) flung me backwards, yelling "Exterminate!" Again. I flew right into Steven. Garnet was still holding the pillar. "Get her!" She said as Amethyst came up and did the rolling ball thing she does.

(G/n)'s POV
Spin attack detected. Executing counter attack #4. ALERT! Functional warp detected!

Third person POV
Amethyst dashed into (G/n), only for them to dodge and have herself roll into the warp pad chunk pile, hitting her head. She shook her head saying "OW! Grrrr..." "Ha! You missed!" Peridot said and jumped on a broken warp. "Amethyst, catch!" Garnet through the pillar she had been holding to Amethyst, who in turn grabbed it with her whip, yelling "DESTROY!" As she pulled it from the sky and and down to the ground where Peridot was standing. Instead of hitting Peridot, (G/n) countered Amethyst's attack with an "EXTERMINATE." and a laser blast, shattering the pillar into chunks dust flying everywhere. They than grabbed Peridot by the waist, and dashing over to the one functioning warp pad, placing her down on it. The dust cleared, as both gems looked upon them. Peridot gave the Crystal Gems a taunting look as they both warped away.

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