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LOL guys Rihanna was never pregnant. She knew that she had cysts on her ovaries and wanted to let him know. A couple of chapters ago, Rihanna pulled Melissa to the bathroom because she needed to tell her something, Rihanna knew beforehand and never told AUbrey. Nothing more nothing less. Originally , I was going to make her pregnant. But I changed my mind and added some other shit so I hope you like it.


Rihanna woke felt a hand in hers as her eyes tried to adjust to the lights that shown down on me. She winced at the harsh light.

"Light." She tried to say but her voice cracked halfway through. She  heard a gasp and she looked over to my left to see Melissa.

"ROBYN !" She screamed, wrapping her arms around her. Rihanna smiled and hugged her back. Then Melissa's body started shaking and Rihanna felt water on my shoulder.

"Cry ?"

"Robyn speak like a regular person." She said,while pressing a button. In two seconds a nurse rushed inside to see Rihanna..

"Glad to see that you are ok Ms. Rihanna. This one hasn't left your side since you have been here." She smiled. She walked over and checked all my....my...I can't remember. She passed Rihanna cup of water and she drank some of it.

"OH shit I need to call Aubrey."

Rihanna gave her a questioning look.

"Who.....Aubrey ?" RIhanna struggled to speak out.

"What ?" She said, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Who Aubrey ?"

Her eyes got even bigger. she pressed the small red button again and the nurse appeared.

"What do sh-"

"Can someone get memory lost during a coma ?"

"Sometimes yes."

"I think she has it."

The nurses eyes widened like Melissa's.

"I'll be back."

Soon an Aubrey with red eyes walked in. He ran to Rihanna and started kissing all over her face. He hugged her so tight that she couldn't push him off. His heart fluttered to see her eyes open. He waited for this moment for so long. Every minute of his mind was about her and know that she was here, he wasn't letting her go.

"Baby I missed you so much."

"Not....baby." Rihanna said,moving away from him. She wiped her lips and face and everywhere else he kissed her. He smiled at her and lightly grabbed her hand in his. Rihanna started blushing at that fact but pulled away from him. Aubrey's eyebrows furrowed together.

"What's wrong ?"

Rihanna gulped nervously, noticing how close he was. She tried speak at the best of her ability.

"I....don't know..you." She forced.

"Why don't you know me ?" He asked. She simply shrugged and moved farther away from him. He was confused. They talked about getting married and having kids and she doesn't remember him ? He was just honestly confused.

The nurse came back in with Rihanna's doctor.

"Can everyone leave the room while I talk to her please ?"

Aubrey got up, giving her a kiss on the forehead and left along with  Melissa. The tall white doctor sat in the chair on the side of Rihanna's bed.

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