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Aubrey Drake Graham wasn't the same at all after Rihanna left fourteen weeks ago. He lost his contracts and wasn't apart of Young Money anymore. He started to drugs constantly. Any drug that he could get his hands on. Didn't matter if it was heroin or crack-cocaine. He wanted it. He needed it.

He wanted to get rid of the thoughts of her. He wanted to get rid of the pain. He hated feeling this way. This is what his ultimate fear was. Her leaving to go back to Chris. He knew that they still loved each other. He knew that. But he knew that his and Robyn had an even stronger love. But why would she still leave with Chris ?

Her memory was still fucked up. When she said boyfriend, it clicked.  Her memory of people around her faded.  She didn't remember anyone from 2010  and beyond. His heart started breaking because that's when they met.

His house wasn't the same. Everything was broken and shattered to pieces. He changed the locks to his house just so everyone could leave him.  He doesn't eat. He just drinks away his pain. 





And repeat.

The once beautiful and bright person soon changed into a monster that no one wanted to around. His life was going to shit and he didn't know what to do but make everything else feel the pain he felt.

On the other side of LA.....

Rihanna scurried to a corner as a drunk and abusive Chris , staggered towards her. He was having one of his 'episodes' again. He would come back drunk from'stress' and beat her because he felt like it. She tried to escape multiple times but every way she did it she got caught because the maids or bodyguards snitched on her. One time Chris caught her and beat her until she blacked out.

She soon lost hope of trying to leave. As hard as she tried, it wasn't good enough.  After every punch , kick, shove and slap, she started to remember.

She remembered the incident in 2009. Meeting Aubrey in 2010. Starring in major movies like Battleship and Home. Winning countless awards. Singing on stage to millions of fans. Making her relationship public. Her fight with Melissa. Almost dying on stage.

She finally remembered Aubrey.

 The man that fought for her constantly. The man that almost killed a man for putting his hands on her. The man that used to write her love notes to just get a smile on her face. The man that would make love to her til 3 Am just to show how much he loved her. The man that constantly made her feel safe.

She started to realize why she was here. Her old actions from memory loss caused so many problems. But it was her fault.

SHe knew about the cysts long time ago but never told Aubrey. She promised her doctor after that concert ,she was going to go into surgery to get them removed. But they bursted too early. Only if she told him about it, this maybe would have not happened. 

Robyn knew that she had to get out of there but she didn't know how.


A slap flew across her face as Chris yelled at her, as she started not paying attention to him.

"I'm sorry." She said, lowly as her face became numb to pain. She hasn't been fed in a week and it was taking a toll on her.

"I'm sorry what ?"

"I'm sorry Master."

"No you aren't. But I have something for women like you. GET YOUR ASS UP AND GET IN THAT ROOM ! YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES BEFORE I GET UP THERE !" He shouted at her. She quickly ran upstairs and shut the door lightly.  Robyn found the house address a couple of weeks ago and wrote in on her hand. She sat on the bed, starting to do something that she hasn't done in awhile.


Robyn prayed for forgiveness from the Lord.She prayed from Aubrey. Melissa. Her mom. Chubbs. Khatib. Ryan. Fans that missed her and Aubrey. Even for Chris. Most importantly for herself. This was hell. And she knew her good soul didn't need to be here.

Robyn knew the worst was going to be able to come. She knew what he meant when he said for women like you. He was going to do something that he hasn't done to her and it was only one thing..rape.

  (AN: It gets rough so if you can't handle rape or anything stop reading from this point because it is going to get graphic.)  

Chris opened the door and slammed it behind him. His smile was insensitive and wicked. He grabbed a laptop from under some dirty clothes and threw it at her. Rihanna caught it easily. He pulled a gun from his waist and pointed it at her.

"Take off your clothes."

Robyn stood up slowly, and took off her clothes and undergarments. He pointed to the laptop.


The gun went off and a pain hit her shoulder. She screamed out in pain.

"Get on the fucking laptop and go on Skype.log into your account and video Chat Drake."

Robyn's eyes widened at the name, but she still followed his rules. After she placed the call, Chris walked towards her and slapped her with the gun. Rihanna felt the taste of blood in her mouth. His breath reeked of alcohol and She almost wanted to throw up.  He got off of her and took off all of his clothes. He grabbed her legs and pulled her close to him. Tears started falling down her face.

Chris kissed her sloppily as she had enough. She kicked , punched, slapping and screamed as much as she could. Chris got off of her for one second not before putting the gun to her head. She immediately stopped moving. He grabbed duct tape and ripped pieces off to cover her mouth.

Chris smirked and thrusted into her. She screamed, trying to get away from him but she couldn't. He thrusted as hard as he could, causing her to cry even harder.  

"You like this you little slut huh ?"

She started falling apart in his hands as she shook her hands. Her tears meant nothing. Her screams meant nothing to him.

She looked to the laptop to see nothing, not a thing.

She thought Aubrey would save her but he wasn't.

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