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I have a really good idea. Forget majority rules. I have a great idea. Just prepare for drama. I had a dream about this shit just trust me. Shit about to hit the fan.



"Baby I'm leaving." I said, walking to the door. Aubrielle was coming over and I was going to leave before she got here.

"I don't want you to." Aubrey pouted and kissing on my neck. I smiled and pushed him off.

"You know why. I'll see you Tuesday."

"Bye baby love you."

"Bye." I cringed at when he called me baby. I was pushing on almost a month and i saw my belly get bigger by the day and it was scaring me. I was pulling out the driveway as Bria was pulling in. We both stopped and looked at each other in the mirrors. I rolled my eyes and drove off.

My mind was racing over and over again the scenarios as I went to go the prison Chris was held in. I walked in. Got checked out and everything. They already knew who I was here for so the already pulled him out of his cell apparently.

I sat down in a brown hard but sturdy chair. In a couple minutes, Chris sat down infront of me in his orange jumpsuit. I grabbed the phone and held it to my ear. He grabbed the other phone and put it to his ear. He looked at me with a bored expression.

"So you gonna open your mouth or what ?"

"I need to tell you something."

"And that is ?"

"I'm pregnant."I mumbled. I didn't like the way it rolled off my tongue.

"You pregnant ?"


"It can't be mine."

"Seriously Chris ? You fucking raped me. Why would I even lie about that ?"

"I don't know why and I frankly don't care."

"I can't believe you."

"So what you gonna do with it ?"

"It's a baby , not a fucking object." I snarled.

"Well what the fuck are you doing about your child ?"

"Well I'm......"

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"You're pregnant ?"

I went to my house and called everyone over including Aubrey's and I's parents.

"Oh I'm so ready for a grandchild." Mama Sandi said, giving me a bright a smile. I sighed and looked down.

"It's not Aubrey's. It's Chris's."

The room got silent and I saw the smile disappear from almost everyone's faces.

"Well you keeping it right ?"

I kept my head down. Melissa stood up and looked at me.

"You selfish bitch." Melissa shouted and she just stormed out, slamming the front door.

"I'm gonna take her home." Noah said, getting up and following her.

"I mean whatever you choose, I hope you don't feel guilty for missing out on the other choices. I'm with you for whatever will make you happy." Chubbs said, giving me a hug and leaving with Khatib and Ryan.

My mom and Mama Sandi were sitting next to each other and looked at me.

"What are you going to do with the child ?" Momma asked me.

"I'm going to get an abortion."

"Are you sure you want to do that ?" Mama Sandi asked me.

"Yeah I thought about it this morning when I met with Chris. I-"

"You met with Chris ?"

I nodded.

"So my son didn't know huh ?" Sandi said, looking at me with a smirk.

"Yes. Chris doesn't want it and neither do I. I just think it would be best if I just get the procedure done."

"I'm against it but if you want to, go ahead. Just know you could miss out on something great." Sandi grabbing her things along with momma.

"Where you guys going ?"

"We are gonna have a girl's day and talk shit and no you ain't invited." My mom said, making me pout.

"Man what ever."

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I sat in my car at 6 A.M. in front the closest planned parenthood by my house. I lightly tapped my long nails against my steering wheel.

Fuck it.

I got out and shut my door, walking inside. I gave them my information and a white woman in a white lab coat led me into a room.

"You can get changed here." She said, giving me a hospital gown. I changed into it and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I walked back in and sat down on the edge of the procedure table. My stomach was doing flips and I knew I was scared.

This was my worst nightmare.

The lady named Ms.Erin walked back in.

"Well your body is in great enough shape to start the procedure. You can lay back now."

I laid back , clasping my hands together as I looked up at the ceiling. I was so nervous that I didn't listen to Erin talking to me.

"Are you listening ?"

"No sorry."

"It will hurt and you will bleed for a couple days just like a period."

I nodded and put my head back down.

"I will begin the procedure now."

Tears fell from my eyes and covered my mouth from making any sound.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to myself.


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