Training and mission with Sasuke

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After we were dismissed, I left the training area but turned back when Nikki didn't leave. I sat myself in a tree by the clearing and watched as she trained with Kakashi Sensei.

Both of them were fast, and I realized that Nikki wasn't even trying to fend us off. She was playing with us. Now I see that she is extremely powerful.

No wonder she's an Anbu captain.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a kunai by my head. Nikki was at the base of the tree looking up at me.

"Come on, Sasuke. Let's go home."

Nikki's pov.

After walking Sasuke home, I poofed to my own room, pulling my boots off and putting my headband on the nightstand beside me. I kept my mask up just in case one of Kakashi's genin got any ideas during the night to see one of us without our mask on.

I sat on my window sill for the rest of the night, looking out the window. I don't really sleep that much anymore because of that night. Even if I did sleep, I would wake up with nightmares and be up the rest of the night.


At sunrise, I made my way to the village gates to wait on the rest of team 7 to arrive. Kakashi poofed beside me, surprisingly, and patted my head. I looked up at him and smiled through my mask seeing he was smiling as well.

"Good morning, Kakashi."
"Morning, Nikki."

We talked for about an hour before Sasuke showed up and joined our conversation.

"Since you two are here already, I want you to go ahead and head out. Me and the others will catch up. Be mindful of rogue ninja and traps out there, and good luck." Kakashi saw us off as we left the gates and took off through the trees, looking everywhere to be safe.


After a while of running, I held my hand out to stop Sasuke, noticing a trip wire right in front of us and a pitfall after it.

"We need to go around. Theres too many traps to be safe. I can poof through, but I doubt you'll be able to-"

Sasuke rushed past me and made it past all of the traps without a scratch. My jaw dropped a bit, but I smiled.

"Challenge accepted." Within seconds I was right next to him, not one of the traps being touched. Sasuke let out an airy laugh, and we continued on our way.

"What was our mission again?" Sasuke turned to me, obviously not knowing the mission.

"We are supposed to meet someone in the next village and escort them back to the leaf. You and I are supposed to scout ahead for any ambushes or traps so the others can get through. When we get through, we can rest for the day and make our way back later." Sasuke nodded and pushed ahead a bit, looking hard for the traps.

Is he trying to impress me? I may be older than him, but he seems to want to push himself to prove to me that ue is strong.
So far we haven't seen any traps and we had made our way to the village's hotel where we are supposed to relax for a bit then make our way back.

"I'll get us some food, you rest for a while until the others show up." I smiled at Sasuke, leaving him in our hotel room and getting some food from the nearby market.

"Hm...should I get more apples or is this enough?"

"Nikki-sama!!!!" Naruto's voice sounded behind me, making me sidestep out of his way as he tried to glomp me.

"Nice try, Naruto. You would've got me if you were quieter."

Naruto grinned and held his hands behind his head, us waiting on the others to come by.

"Where are the others?"

"They went ahead to the hotel. I wanted food so I came here and found you. Where's Sasuke?"

"He's in the hotel room-" I froze, feeling a distressed chakra coming from the hotel. Naruto nodded as he felt it too, us turning and racing to the hotel.

I bursted up to the floor that Sasuke was on, my eyes widening at what I saw.

Kakashi was down and so was Sasuke, Sakura was yelling at another ravenette in a black cloak with red clouds on it. He seemed awfully familiar.

The guy turned to me, his eyes widening a bit before regaining his composure. Just seeing his face made me recognize him.

"Itachi? I thought-"

Before I could get my thoughts out, he had poofed in front of me, tapped my forehead saying "next time, Nikki", then poofed away with his shark friend leaving all of us either down, distraught, or fuming. As for me, I was staring at the spot where Itachi once stood, eyes wide, before falling to my knees.

"Yeah, Itachi. Next time."

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