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After a couple hours of looking, I stop at a nearby stream and have a small break. As I rested against a tree, I heard rustling in the trees. I thought it was Itachi coming back, but my thoughts were corrected when I felt a kunai to my throat.

Opening my eyes, I let them focus on my attacker. Raven hair, dark eyes, familiar scowl on his face.


The younger Uchiha glared at me, most likely thinking I'm Itachi.

"It's been a while, nii-san. Enjoying killing innocent people?" Sasuke pressed his kunai into my throat.

"Sasuke-kun, it's me. Nikki. I'm not Itachi-kun." I held Sasuke's arm and gently moved the kunai away from my throat.

"If you aren't Itachi, then why do you look like him?" Sasuke maintained his glare, putting his kunai away and activating his sharingan. He stares at me for a few moments before I decide to explain myself.

"I left the village in search of you, but I found Itachi-kun instead. He took me in. We are just on regular missions for money right now, Sasuke."

"That doesn't explain why and how you look the same. Are you really Nikki-sama?"

I sigh, pulling Sasuke's necklace out from under my shirt and holding it up for him to see. His eyes widen a bit before his scowl comes back. "You could've stolen it."

"Sasuke." I took a step towards him, looking into his eyes. "Would you believe me if I showed you?"

Sasuke tensed as I activated my mangekyou sharingan and sent him into a genjutsu, showing him the day he gave me the necklace and left. "Nikki-sama. Sorry I doubted you. I have one question, though." He stared at my sharingan as he came out of the genjutsu.

"When did you activate your sharingan?" Sasuke's features showed confusion.
"During the massacre of the clan. Itachi killed my parents, but not on purpose. The whole clan was planning to take over the village. You, Me and Itachi were the only ones allowed to live, even though I knew about the plan. Itachi couldn't bring himself to kill me, so he made me watch as he killed my parents. He doesn't know I activated my sharingan either. Only you know I have the sharingan."

"Then what about your mangekyou?" Sasuke had sat down and was listening attentively.

" for another time. I will tell you, though, that it was because I killed a close friend of mine on my journey to find you and Itachi-kun. I made myself forget that day, and I never want to remember the details."

I stopped explaining when I saw Itachi's crow flying to me, landing on my shoulder. "You should go, Sasuke. Now isn't the time to get your revenge. We can keep in touch with your snakes I know you got from Orochimaru."

Sasuke nods and goes on his way. I turn to the crow, suppressing my sharingan and hoping the crow doesn't tell Itachi. "Lead the way, my friend. Where is Itachi?"

The crow leads me to the collection house where a bored Itachi waits for me. The crow lands on his shoulder, its sharingan still activated. Itachi looks up at me, his eyes looking through me.

"I see. I will tend to that later, my friend." Itachi gets up from his seated position and strides to me, his sharingan activating.

"My companion says you are hiding something from me. Care to elaborate?" Itachi's sharingan pierces through my being, sending shivers down my spine. "I will tell you, but not here. Let's go somewhere quiet."
Itachi nods, leading me to a quiet clearing by a lake.

"Alright, what are you hiding from me?" Itachi sits on a rock, me sitting beside him. I sigh, looking down. "Do you really want to know?" I whisper to no one in particular.

Itachi gently grabs my chin, forcing me to face him. "Show me. Now." His mangekyou activating. I sigh, closing my eyes and focusing all of my chakra to them. When I open them, Itachi's eyes widen and he lets go of my chin. "Why didn't you tell me?" I look down, trying to keep my composure.

"I didn't want anyone to know I killed my best friend for no apparent reason. I'm sorry I didn't tell you Itachi." I looked down at the ground again, trying my hardest to fight off the oncoming tears but to no avail.

The tears came anyway, moistening my face as Itachi just stood there watching. It was like he was watching himself cry that night of the massacre. I looked exactly like he did that night, which made his heart hurt worse.

My sobs stopped when I felt Itachi's thumbs wipe my tears away, his hands cupping my face gently. When I look up, I see the pained look in his eyes. "You remind me so much of my younger self. It's okay to cry at times. Sometimes you just have to release the pain when it becomes unbearable. Trust me, I've been there." Itachi's hands move to my back and pull me to him, letting me calm within his warmpth.

Itachi gently rubbed my back as I let out my pain, remaining quiet as I did so. I stopped after a while and gently hugged him. "Thank you, Itachi-kun." I smile and pull away, wiping my tears on my sleeve.

"I got our money, so we can head back and train if you want or we can just rest in my room." Itachi held up the sack of money and we started walking back to the akatsuki, dropping off the money with Pein and falling asleep in Itachi's room, Itachi hanging halfway off the bed and me sleeping in a burrito of covers in Itachi's bed.

Uchiha Rivalry (Itachi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now