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Pulling him off of me, I took off away from Konoha, into the surrounding forest to have some solitude and to calm myself before going home.


Kakashi was the one to finally bring me home from the forest. Sasuke apparently went to him first after I took off and told him what happened. Kakashi knew where I was and now here he is.

"Did something happen at the compound that Sasuke didn't know about?" Kakashi sat on the branch of a tree beside me, watching me stare off into space.

"...He called me nii-san." My face was void of emotion in saying this; I had cried all of the tears out in the moments of silence I had before Kakashi showed up.

"...And you thought he was referring to Itachi?"

"Yes, that and he was referring to me as his older sibling. He had replaced his own brother with me."

Kakashi sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I understand. I'll explain that to him after I take you home. You'll get sick out here if you stay any longer."

"Thank you, Kakashi-kun, you never ask too much and you were there for us when Itachi wasn't."

When we finally got inside the village, Naruto and Sakura were waiting for us. "Sorry for causing you worry. I have no excuse to do that."

"It's no problem, Nikki. We're all a family here, and we'll care about you and Sasuke even if you leave the village."

"Thank you, Naruto."

Kakashi took me home, bidding me goodnight. I locked the door after he left, shutting myself in my room in silence. I allowed myself to cry once again, holding Itachi's necklace close to me again.

"Why did you not tell me, you baka? I could've helped you. You didn't have to go out like you did, just to benefit us. There had to be another way!"


Startled, I jumped out of bed, turning to the window and finding the source of the noise: a crow. It's eyes were a dark red, and upon further inspection, they contained a sharingan.


The crow merely stared at me, then flew away.

"That couldn't be. He's dead so anything having to do with him should be gone as well, but if I remember correctly, that sharingan is Shisui's, so maybe it is just his bird flying around watching over me."

Opening the window, I look up at the moon in the sky, ignoring all else.

"Itachi, you're up there watching over us, aren't you?"

The wind blew in my face in response. It was gentle, yet warm in nature.

"I will find a way to see you again, Itachi. I swear I will."

Gearing up with my anbu supplies, uniform, Jonin vest, and mask, I jumped out of my window and onto my roof. Another thud landed beside me. Looking to the side, I saw Sasuke.

Uchiha Rivalry (Itachi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now