Sasuke's gift and departure

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bursted up to the floor that Sasuke was on, my eyes widening at what I saw.

Kakashi was down and so was Sasuke, Sakura was yelling at another ravenette in a black cloak with red clouds on it. He seemed awfully familiar.

The guy turned to me, his eyes widening a bit before regaining his composure. Just seeing his face made me recognize him.

"Itachi? I thought-"

Before I could get my thoughts out, he had poofed in front of me, tapped my forehead saying "next time, Nikki", then poofed away with his shark friend leaving all of us either down, distraught, or fuming. As for me, I was staring at the spot where Itachi once stood, eyes wide, before falling to my knees.

"Yeah, Itachi. Next time."

Kakashi was let out of the hospital a couple days after we returned to the village. Itachi had put him and Sasuke under a genjustu of some sort.

Every day since we came back, I would stay next to Sasuke's bed, waiting and hoping he would wake up. Today was that day.

I hadn't slept since Sasuke was put in the hospital, but tonight my fatigue finally gave in and I passed out, my head on Sasuke's bedside and my hand holding his own.

A cold sensation caused me to somewhat wake up and stir. I couldn't feel Sasuke's hand anymore, causing me to bolt upright and see him at the window.

"Sasuke, where do you think you're going? You need to rest." I grabbed his arm firmly, preventing his attempt to leave the hospital room. He turned to face me, his eyes full of sadness and anger.

"I won't let him get away with what he did. I have to avenge my family. Itachi killed my clan, and I will get revenge." His hands clenched, but he remained where he stood.

"Sasuke, Itachi must've had a reason to do that. He was probably protecting you, protecting us." I couldn't tell him what Itachi had revealed to me; Itachi made me swear not to tell Sasuke.

Sasuke's eyes widened a bit. "You? An Uchiha?" I nodded.

"Me and Itachi used to be on the same Anbu team with Kakashi. He didn't like killing unless he was protecting his team or you."

I looked down, seeing what was cold around my neck. Sasuke had put a necklace with an Uchiha symbol pendant around my neck. That was his parting gift.

"Nikki, I'm sorry, but I need to do this. I'm going to seek out Orochimaru and get the power I need to take Itachi down." He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around me.
I tried not to cry, but they came anyway. Sasuke was leaving, and he wouldn't be able to come back.

Sasuke pulled away, patting my head, before poking my forehead with two fingers. "Until we meet again, Nikki."

And he's gone.

I went back to my apartment that night, gathering what I could. I had to go after him. Either that, or go after Itachi and keep him safe. I can't lose the rest of my clan because one brother hates the other.

Kakashi poofed into my room as I was packing, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You're going after him, aren't you?"

"...yes, Kakashi. Him and Itachi are all the family I have left."

"I understand. I will tell Hokage-sama that you assingned yourself a mission. She will understand."

"Thank you Kakashi."

Kakashi helped me pack the rest of the stuff I may need for my journey, walking me to the village gate and seeing me off. "Both of you come home safe. I don't think we'll be able to replace a fine Anbu or genin."

After exchanging goodbyes, I stepped out of the village, beginning my sesrch to find one of the Uchiha brothers.

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