Graveyard of Beginnings

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Your P.O.V
Your party had been very successful, many of the guest were impressed by your determination to become mayor.  You had been receiving calls all morning, getting compliments and donations to help fund your complain.  Rumor was you were even going to be endowed by James Gordon himself! 
You assistant walked into the room and dropped off a pile of paperwork.  You looked up from your work.  "Any news about Mr. Wayne?"  You asked, trying to hide your eagerness.  Your assistant shook her head.  "Not yet.  But no need to fret!  This is only the beginning!"  She said, trying to cheer you up.  You gave a pained smile.  "Yes.  But if would of been nice to have his support and funding since he such a powerful figure."
You rubbed your temple and looked at the time.  Letting out a sigh, you rose from your chair.  "Well, I think I'm going to call it a day.  You gave the flowers?"  Your assistant nodded.  "Yes.  They are in the front with the car."
Nodding, you walked for the door.  "You did fabulous yesterday by the way." You said to her smiling encouragly.  She grinned and looked at her feet bashfully.  "Y-you too Ms.  See you tomorrow."

Your limo drove to the entrance of the Gotham Graveyard.  Tightening your grip on the bouquet in your hand, you watched as the limo slows drove by many names you didn't recognize.  It slowly screeched to a halt in front of your families graves.  Your family had been buried here for as long as you could remember.
"Should I wait Ms.?"  Your driver asked.  You shook your head and dug around in your purse.   "No.  It's alright."  You said handing him a tip.  "I'll be here a while."  You looked over at the tombstones.  The driver eagerly took the money and nodded.  Rolling up the window, he slowly drove away.
You turned around and walked past your grand-parents graves to your father, grass just beginning to poke out of the freshly turned dirt.  You glared at your father's tombstone before glancing to the blank space next to him where your mother would one day be buried.  Shaking your head out of negative thought, you leaned down next to a smaller grave, farther from your father.
"Hey sis..."  You whispered quietly, staring at your sister's grave.  Placing the flowers on her grave, you pulled some of the overgrown weeds off her grave.  "It's been a few years huh?"  Your eyes were damp and you quickly wiped them on your sleeve.  "Dad's with you now.  Hope he doesn't annoy you too much."  You thought for a second.  "Thought I doubt he made it to heaven."  You sat down in the grass in front of her tombstone.
You were silent for a moment, listening to the sounds of the wind across the grass.  "I miss you."  You said, almost chocking on your own words.  "I miss you so much."  You covered you mouth with your hand as a tear escaped onto your eyelashes.
Just then, a voice rang across the clearing.  "Ms. Dehai!"  You looked up quickly and spun around, eyes falling on an older gentlemen walking up to your.  You wiped your tears eyes and forced a smile.  "Yes?"  The older man walked up to you.  "Alfred Pennyworth."  He said, sticking out a hand.
"Pleasure."  You said taking his hand.  A movement behind Alfred drew your attention.  You glanced over at a car off in the distance, eyes landing on Bruce Wayne.  "To of what relation are you to Mr. Wayne?"  You asked, gesturing to Bruce.  "His Butler Ms."  You nodded.  "Mr. Wayne did not want to disturb your grieving but I insisted he thank you for the party yesterday evening."
You smiles, happy that Bruce was happy with the party even though he was not the one telling you.  "You can tell him the pleasure was all mine."  You looked away from Alfred's kind eyes to Bruce's cold ones as he silently approached.  You took a step back, careful not to step on your sister's grave.  Bruce noticed and walked over, reading the stone.
You stood silent, eyes hopping from the stone to Bruce's serious face as he observed the epitaph and flowers.  "You had a sister?"  He asked.  You nodded solemnly.  "Yes.  She passed away when she was 11.  In fact, a believe it was a year or so after the passing of your parents."  Bruce faced you.  "How did she die?"
"We were visiting our father here on Gotham when my sister decided to go to a skate park on the shady part of town.  While there, she was supposedly robbed, her killer stabbing her 10-12 times before finally slitting her throat."  Your voice failed to say anything more for a moment before you added something.  "That's when I knew I wanted to become mayor.  To reform this city, in a safer, cleaner version of itself."
Bruce nodded.  "I felt the same way after my parents died."  He paused a moment.  "Perhaps we can discuss politics in a more refined setting."  He raised an eyebrow.  "Would you agree to dinner at my manor Friday?"  You were dumbstruck to say anything so you simply nodded.  Bruce gave a stiff smile.  "Excellent!"  Alfred said clapping his hands together.  "Well I believe we should leave you to your affairs."  He said, looking at the graves.  "I look forward to your meeting together."  Bruce said as he followed Alfred back to the car.  "Likewise."  You said smiling.
As soon as the two had gotten out of earshot, you quickly dialed you assistant.  "Hey.  It's Y/N.  I need to cancel all of Friday's dinner plans...."  You listened for a moment as you assistant sent you a flurry of questions.  "Why?  Because I just got a meeting with Bruce Wayne that's why."  Before she could ask anymore, you quickly hung up and looked at your sister's grave.  "Sorry sis.  Duty calls."  Then you quickly walked away, dialing up a taxi and thinking of conversation topics for your dinner with the biggest name in Gotham.

A/N: Here you go my favorite people!
Another chapter.  Now we start getting into your love life... Kinda... Well we will in a chapter or so.  Hope you are enjoying the story so far!  Can't wait to write more as soon as I can!  I hope it wasn't too short but there wasn't much to happen in this chapter besides set up the dinner 'date' *sly smile*.
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (has anyone seen the new Steven Universe episodes?)

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