Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


December 2oth 2:00

Jamie had taken riding lessons briefly in 1st grade at Hannah's Happy Horses Farm before sports and competition were banned in 2053 so all men are treated equal read the law but we all new the real reason; the government has power you didn't. She didn't remember much or any for that matter how to ride but tried to recall all memory of the occasion as she sat on the...... Saddle right thought Jamie. Jamie then remembered something her instructor (no one was ever a loud to say teacher) Victoria had told her:

Eyes up heels down and give me a good squeeze with your legs to get him movin' cowgirl! And don't let old snowflake take a nap, give him a kick with your heels and off you go

"Yah!!" Said Jamie as she kicked the palamino (or as she said 'blonde') horse below with all her might. The poor horse and rider didn't know what had hit them as they sprang into a full out gallop. "Hey!!" The old farmer yelled. "Thats my horse! And my saddle! They are only......." and he must of babbled on and on as the poor girl held on the wild mane of blonde hair that flew off his necks or dear life, but she didn't hear him. She was blind to the world and anything else that came with it. Tears gathered in her eyes from wind, her jacket was torn apart at the seams by the exhilarating speed and every minute she was scared stiff of being thrown off and trampled.

And she loved every second of it.

"Jack! Jack!! Help me!!" Sang Jacks horrid nightmare that crept up on him like a snake every time he dare doze off. He woke up for the fifth time screaming. As his vision adjusted to the harsh lights of the enclosed area, he realized he had forgotten were he was

Government headquarters.

Cell 368a

Since people nowadays couldn't make goals to excel at anything, learn something new or go somewhere thanks to the Declaration of Precluding Learning and Freedom or the DOPLF Everyone had one goal:

Never let the government notice you, harm you or get you.

Jacks Status: failed

When his sisters Jenna and Jan graduated from Knowledge No More Elementary School his mother told them one thing;

never forget

His father said


Jenna and Jan had no idea what that meant but then again they had just de-learned everything in life. Jamie and Jack were just as clueless.

Know Jack finally knew what it meant.

And when two men in white science experimental suits came in to lead him to his interrogation, he knew exactly what he was going to say.

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