Chapter 7

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Jacks POV

Giant hands slamming into the metal fence. Government sneakers squeaking to a stop. Gold teeth growling in displeasure.

They have lost. And I have won. I finnaly stop running and collapse on the cold ground and laugh a weak laugh.

Until I get another look at them.

Sprinting toward the fence, there gold teeth bared. Bang! They slam into the fence.

Suddenly, the only thing keeping me alive is being ripped apart and pushed over by the enemy. I try to run but I am frozen where I lie, waiting for the shooting to begin.

In an instant only as the fence tumbles to the ground, I am blinded by a flash of beautiful blonde hair. The hand belonging to the hand grasps mine and pulls me on my feet instantly then starts leading me violently through the border line.

And then the shooting begins.

Tranquilizers, bullets, nuclear blasters.

I prepare myself for a brutal death. But keep dodging deadly bullets as this creature struggles to save my life. I look behind myself and see they are gaining on us. Then suddenly a bullet shoots out of a gun that will surely end me. Before I even form that thought the girl pushes me over and I fall again to the crumbled cold ground. The deadly bullet misses both of us but we r still in shock.

Boss-guard pushes himself through. And points the deadliest gun of all directly at me. Nucleur. Fast.

There is no cute for this kind of blow. Or escape or fast death.

Instead I will suffer slowly, painfully and without thanking this blonde haired girl who saved my life. As his hand goes on the trigger. The girl is infront of me.

"Ah Marvelous. We have a guest." Says the boss guard not daring to move his gun from my - our direction. "And I thought we had a truce with sweet Margurite." He says sarcastically.

"Move. or I'll do to you what I did to Deli,what did she say again? 'help me help me sister.' Ahh. she was one of my favorite kills."

The girl- marguerite- shutters but recovers quickly. "So snake we meet again. Look life you've been ageing. Is that a bald spot on your head?" She says fearlessly.

" I'll give you one last chance to run. You can't win. Not today. Not the next day. Not ever. Move before we change our minds." Dumbfounded I watch the girl hesitantly move away from me and over to a Snake. She bows obedianly, but I see what she's doing. With her small left legs she kicks upward. Hard. Snake whimpers like a kicked puppy dog but before he knows what hit him there's a fist to his rib and his cheek. Breathlessly he collapses on the ground. Marguerite kicks him again in the stomach and he seems to double over. She glances at me and says "Run kid run. While you got the chance."

"What about you?" I say with true concern. " I'll be right behind ya. Go" hesitantly I run but as I look behind myself I screech to a halt and stand horrified.

A lone guard takes a long spear and throws it right into her leg. She gasps but limps on and before I no it I am rushing to help her in any way I can. "No" I hear her inaudibly say. But as I pick her up she immediately falls unconsciously on my shoulder. I fin as fast as I can dodging bullets of all sorts carring this beautiful work of art destroyed by the Government. Suddenly I hear a voice behind me. "Let's not waste our bullets they'll die out here anyways" he says in a sturdy voice. Despite the many arguements they leave. I silently thank the guard who saved me and then I realized I know that voice. Kind eyes. 1 gold tooth. Government shoes. That was my father. My loyal good father. What had the government turned him into? I am filled with rage until the suffering girl in my arms crys out in pain. "It's ok it's ok it's ok" I say to her watching the life drain out of her ninja powered leg. "Can you sing?" She says desperately. I look at this girl desperately clinging to life, and I sing her a song. it was a lullaby my mother had taught me but I sing every word. And start to cry as I think of my brainwashed father, my indangered sister and my loving mother with no one to love.

Suddenly I am filled with desperation to save this girl.

I grab soft material from the ground, and rap it around her wound. I grab leaves from the old willow tree and try desperately to help. "Water." The girl says and grab a handful from a puddle and splash it on her leg. I continue doing this for what must be hours and watch the life return to her eyes, the color back into her cheeks. I am is thrilled I forget all about my other problems and am overwhelmed in joy! Without hesitating I look into her grey eyes and she looks back into mine. And we both lean in and kiss.


Happy Saturday everyone! Hope you are enjoying the story. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask! I'll try my best to answer! That's all for today! Bye

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