03 - Pool!!!

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Back to home I was sitting by myself full of frustration and anger. I can't believe she challenged me.
"Fuck yourself" I said to myself.
I could have slapped her. Oh no! I should hang her to death.

I realised I needed a refreshment. So, I thought texting to Laura. But these guys were too boring . All they would do is eating pancakes and marshmallows on Uncle Joe's and repeating all those shits old memories. They can't do anything new.

All of sudden I remembered the lake at the middle of the woods. It was the only place I used to go there when I felt bored. I had said no one about it not even my parents and friends. I had found it 5 years back once when I was lost on the forest. Now it was the perfect place to go. It was almost impossible to drive along the woods so I thought of going on foot. Yet it was difficult. There were huge rocks around and the road was covered by thorns. The faint sound of animals could be heard. People used to say that the place was haunted. So no one could dare to visit it.

I knew all these things were Bullshits. I had been there many times before. It was great being there; a beautiful lake , calm environment. Awesome kinda feeling was pouring on me. It'd had been long since I haven't taken shower. So I went inside the pond.
"Ugh." I cried. The water was too cold. Still I managed to be there for few minutes. When i came out of the lake , I heard a strange sound, probably a girl crying. Suddenly I remembered background music of horror movies.

Oh! Gosh it was the same kinda sound. My hands and feet started shivering. I wanted to run away but my legs weren't moving. The sound seemed to be approaching closer and closer. Meantime I saw a dark object a few meters ahead at the other end of lake.

Now it was the time. I started running as fast as my legs could bear. I didn't dare to look back. Stumbling on rocks and woods , finally I reached at highway. My heart was pounding over my chest. Was it coming out or what?

Oh f**k!! What's happening. I didn't want to share this bitter experience to anyone at least for the sake of my self respect. I went home and was thinking about that event. Suddenly Mom entered with a letter in hand.
"There's a mail for you." She smiled.
"What? For me?" I asked cause no one had ever mailed me before.
"It's for Nicolas Johnson." She winked.
"Don't ever call that name." I grabbed letter and started unfolding it. Mom had already left. It wrote:

She could be coming soon at your house. Run away or you will get sneaked. Hahahah lol::::
Curious?  Call....

There was a phone number at the back side of the letter. Firstly I was scared. But my curiosity was well enough to cut it out. I dialled the number.
"Helllllo" A girl spoke.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Witch" she laughed.
"You are so soft cheese pants"

What???? It was her.

"You...." I said.

"You are making me hilarious" she laughed.

"I need to talk to you" I shouted.

"Yeah sure. But don't get frightened this time." She hung up.
The anger level of mine was sky rocketing at the moment. All I wanted to do was to kill her. I drove towards her home. Her mother was not at home. I went straight at her room.

"Welcome bubble gum" she laughed.
"You bitch" I took a pillow and threw at her. She came running with another one. I caught her and made sure she couldn't move. I was strong enough to handle a girl.

"How did you know about that place?" I asked being as rude as I could be.

"My dad had been researching on plants. And when I went along with him I discovered that place. But why are you asking that."She said.

"How dare you to scare me?" I growled.
"Huh what are you taking about. Why would I ?" She looked confused.

"What??? You weren't there." I was like..
If that wasn't she then....

She jumped out..

"Look at your face!!!!" She laughed like she's gonna eat me up.

"You are so anxious." She said trying to control her laughter. 

I couldn't say anything . I thought what?? The one who made me go through such circumstances was in front of me but yet I was helpless.
Suddenly his brother arrived.
Oh hell!! She was still in my arms held tightly. What might have he thought ?

"Poor boy your's bad time's running " I said to myself.
Really it was my worst time.
I didn't have idea what to do. I just held her and threw her from the window....

Hell!!! What did I do??

I ran downwards to see her.

Thank God!!! she landed on swimming pool. But I couldn't believe that I actually threw her.

Next update soon

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