Chapter 3 ~ A New Punishment

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CONTENT WARNING: This chapter contains forceful eating.

The next few days were uneventful. I had one more week until I went back to the Burrow. I was ready to leave this gloomy place. I thought Malfoy Manor changed me in a way, a weird way and also in an unpleasant way. I was so confused at everything that had happened to me during my stay here. I wanted to tell Harry, but I didn't have any words to explain any of this to him. It was all horrific and painful.

I was headed down the hallway when I ran into someone while passing the bathroom.

"Out of my way, Potterette!" I was pushed by a half-naked Malfoy, who was wearing a towel around his waist. His hair was dripping from the shower, getting some water on me.

"Malfoy!" I quickly turned away, feeling some embarrassment from seeing him like this. "Can you put some clothes on?!"

"I will if you get out of my way first."

"Well, sorry if we ran into each other."

"Yes, and I wished we hadn't, even though it can be prevented." He pursed his lips. "Now, get out of my way."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't own me, you know."

He scoffed. "Okay, listen, just because you survived You-Know-Who, doesn't mean you're all big and bad. Deep down, you're just a scared, little girl, who isn't ready to go to war."

Did he just say war? I spun around, furrowing my eyebrows. "What are you talking about? What war?"

He raised his eyebrows at me. "You didn't know? I heard that You-Know-Who was building up an army. You know, supposedly, if he was actually back."

"He is back, Malfoy."

"Says who? You? Your brother? Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore speaks the truth. You heard him yourself. Harry and I were there the night he returned, too, the night he--" I stopped there. I didn't want to mention the other part. It caused a pain in my chest.

"The night he what? Killed your boyfriend? It's not like he loved you, anyway."

I looked down at my necklace. "Yes, he did. He told me."

The boy paused for a moment, then he looked at my necklace as well. "He gave that to you?" he asked, pointing at the jewelry.

I nodded in response. "He gave it to me the night before he died. He really did love me and I loved him. I loved him more than I ever thought I could." I looked up at the boy and held back any tears that I thought would fall. "You really should think before you say shit like that, Malfoy. You've already hurt me enough." I paused. "I thought you had changed some, especially after the night you found me on the balcony."

The blond seemed annoyed, but his face grew soft. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled again.

"I'm having trouble hearing you, Malfoy..."

"I'M SORRY!" he yelled, almost out of breath due to his panting that followed. "THERE! I'M SORRY, MAXINE POTTER!"

My mouth dropped, jumping from his loud voice booming in my face. "Don't call me Maxine ever again. My name is Max."

"What if I told you that I liked Maxine?" He raises his eyebrows.

I felt a wave of delight from the fact that he complimented my name, despite me not liking it so much. But he didn't need to know that. "It doesn't matter if you like it. It's my name and I prefer Max. I've always been called that."

He rolled his eyes, then sighed. "Fine, then, Max Potter. Happy?"

"Not quite," I told him before punching him in the stomach, causing him to clutch his body and groan in pain. "Now I'm happy." I smirked as I walked by him. I felt a rush of satisfaction from that punch.


"Potter!" Oh, great. I left my room to go see what Lucius wanted. "I need to talk to you."

Talk to me? This wasn't good.

I went downstairs and stood in front of him. "Sit," he demanded, pointing at the table. I did as I was told and sat at the chair he pulled out for me. "Now I've noticed in the past few weeks that our food keeps disappearing. Do you have any idea why, Potter?"

"No," I lied.

"Oh, really? Then why don't you eat this, then?" He brought out a whole pie. I started getting sick just by looking at it. The thing about me eating all the food was that I didn't throw it back up. I just ate all of the food until I couldn't eat anymore.

"You want me to eat that?" I asked.

"Of course. Just shove it down your throat, Potter. That's what you've been doing these past few weeks, am I right?"

"I told you already that it wasn't me."

"Liar! Now shove that damn pie down your throat!"

I hesitated before I picked up the fork and reluctantly started eating the pie. One bite and I was already starting to get sick. But I had to eat this. I just had to. I started to cry a little as I was eating it.

I was done within five minutes. He pushed me off the chair, kicking me in the stomach. Then he walked away from me.

I ran up to the bathroom as fast as I could. I finally gagged up the pie and threw it up. Malfoy found me.

"What the hell?" he questioned. "Are you okay?"

"What do you think?" I retorted.

After he cleaned me up, we stayed in the bathroom, where he comforted me. "I'm going to get you out of here," he whispered.

I nodded and we headed to my room, where he sent my trunks to wherever the hell I was going. He also gave me my broom that his father took when I first came here.

"Thank you," I told him.

"See you at school." Then he left the room. I climbed out the window and headed to Little Whinging, where Harry would be.

A/N: So this is where I make like the longest Author's Note ever because my chapters are so short. Sorry about that. I get lazy at times. Lol.

So I've decided to write 3 chapters at a time then I update every 3 chapters. Does that sound good? I want to try it for a bit and if it doesn't work out then I'll just go back to my old plan and just update as I write. OKAY?! Cool. Glad we understand each other.

So yeah, I kind of added some DRAX. I guess I owe y'all because I added so much Cedrax in the last book. Lol but you guys can't stay mad at me forever! Because I'm gonna be adding more Drax probably. So like yeah. Lol

So comment, vote. Y'all should get this by now.


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