Chapter 12 ~ A Price for Breaking Rules and Trust

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Over the next few weeks, none of us found a place to practice. It seemed as if Hogwarts had its boundaries and there was nowhere to go. Unfortunately, Umbridge found out about what we were doing and made a new rule saying if we did something like this then we would be expelled. As soon as we came to the conclusion that all hope was lost, Neville managed to find a spot by accident.

"You've done it, Neville," Hermione exclaimed. "You found the Room of Requirement."

"The what?" Harry and I asked in unison.

"It's also known as the Come and Go Room. It only appears when a person has a real need for it. And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs."

"So say you really needed the toilet," Ron said.

"Charming, Ron," I commented. "But I think that's the general idea."

"It's brilliant," Harry said. "It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back."

"Wicked," Fred and George said.

"So when do we start?" I asked my brother.


We ended up starting the next day. Everyone that signed their names in the list actually showed up. I was surprised and also nervous and maybe even a little excited. I was just hoping that everything would go well.

There was a Death Eater dummy and we decided to use it to practice the easiest thing in the world. However, poor Neville was having trouble with it.

"Expelliarmus," the wand flew out of his hand and almost hit Nigel square in the face. Neville looked back at the dummy in sadness. "I'm hopeless."

"No, you're not, Neville," I told him. "You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this." I put my wand up and pointed it at the dummy. "Expelliarmus!" The wand flew out of the dummy's hand.

We all practiced for what seemed like hours. Once everyone was gone, Harry tapped me on the shoulder. "You were great today."

"Thank you. So were you." I smiled. "I feel sorry for Neville. He's just trying so hard."

"I know. He'll get there."

I nodded in agreement and then we headed back to the Gryffindor Common Room to do the rest of our homework.


The next night, after dinner, we all planned to meet up again.

"Max," it was Ron who called my name. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done with this essay," I replied, finishing the last sentence. I put my stuff in my bag and headed out with Ron to the Room of Requirement. "So do you think I'm doing a good job at teaching?" I asked him.

"Of course. You and Harry are amazing. Why don't you want to be a teacher?"

I shrugged, "I just don't want to. I think an Auror suits me"

"Well, you can definitely kick arse, that's for sure."

I laughed as he started blushing. Everyone was in the Room of Requirement when we got there. Oops. Looked like we were late.

"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter, really," Harry explained

"Bread and butter? Is that the best you could think of?" I commented.

Harry ignored me and looked at Nigel, who was at the other side of the room. "So, um...come on, then, Nigel. Give it your best shot."

Nigel hesitated, but then cast the spell right at Harry. "Stupefy!"

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