Chapter 17 ~ Looking After Everyone

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Things went downhill very quickly for Hogwarts. Dumbledore was nowhere to be found and Umbridge basically took over the entire school. The walls weren't filled with talking portraits of old people, and no student was allowed to be within eight inches of each other. What kind of rule was that?

So, in conclusion, Hogwarts had turned into a living hell. All the tables in the Great Hall were replaced with individual desks that only took up a quarter of the room. She would sit at the front on her throne, drinking tea and inhaling the smell of power she had finally won. Because Dumbledore's Army was now over, she put every single one of the members in detention. She was making us do lines with her special quills. I could already feel a sharp pain in my hand. I was silently crying to myself. She was making me write the same thing over again. It was not a nice line.

Max Potter is a slut. Max Potter is a slut. Max Potter is a slut. Max Potter is a slut.

When detention was over, everyone had something written on their hand. Mine was the worst, probably. Cho was the only member who wasn't in detention with us. Harry was mad at her. When we were leaving, he went past her, ignoring her completely. There was no doubt that he would never forgive her for what she said about me. I was happy about that. It showed that he cared about me more than I thought he did.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were already in the Gryffindor Common Room when I came in. They were sitting by the fire, comparing each other's hands. I sat down beside Harry and looked at this hand.

"Let me see yours." I showed him my hand and he winced at it. "Max..."

"This is illegal. She can't do this to us," Hermione told us.

"I know. But it's too late now. Dumbledore's gone and she's basically taken over Hogwarts." I sighed and looked into the fire. "There's no hope anymore."


The only thing that was on our minds was how messed up Hogwarts was right now and how everything else was messed up as well. Nothing would ever be the same. Especially since Voldemort was back. And we were his main targets.

"I can't believe it," Hermione said. "She won. She's finally at power. Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming."

"Harry and Max did everything they could," Ron added. "No one could win against that old hag. If it's anyone's fault, it's ours. We talked you two into the whole Dumbledore's Army."

"But we agreed," I reminded him then sighed in frustration. "We tried so hard to help. And all it's done is make things worse. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm tired of playing. All it does is make you care too much, and the more you care, the more you have to lose. I've already lost so much. I think it's just better to..."

"To what?" Hermione asked.

"To go alone," Harry answered. Before he could say more there was Hagrid standing there.

"Hagrid?" I said.

"Shh! Follow me!" He started walking away from the castle.

Why we agreed to go with him, I had no idea. But it had to be something important. Otherwise, he wouldn't be sneaking around.

When we got to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, I stopped.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"Are we really going in here? It's dangerous."

"Don't worry. I'll hold your hand if you get scared," he said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up." I hit his arm as he chuckled at me.

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