Chapter 1 - Arabella-Jay

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Arabella-Jay's POV

'Fuck sake!' I screamed as I threw my English textbook against my cupboard. I've been studying for the last 2 hours and I don't understand one god damn thing.

'ARABELLA-JAY' I heard my mom shout,shit. I hate my mom with a passion. Fuck her.

'Yes mother?' I screamed 'COME OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!' She yelled, I went downstairs feeling petrified. 'What did I tell you about making a noise' she spat 'but mom you-' she cut me off with a slap to the cheek 'such a fucking disrespectful daughter' I felt hot tears pouring down my face.

'Mom just let me-' she cut me off by slapping my hard again 'you can't back talk to your mother , you're the worst daughter anyone could ask for, after everything I have done for you,you have the nerve to talk back. GO TO YOUR ROOM' she said 'I'm sorry' I mumbled she pushed me and I fell to my knees 'go away you little bitch' I scurried up the stairs and burst into tears.

A while later my phone buzzed 'Holly💍xx' it read I answered and tried my best to hide my sniffles

Phone talk ( H for Holly ----- A for Arabella-jay)

H: omg AJ ahhh!!!! Tomorrow is the last day of school

I fake laughed

A: yay

H: there's a party at Jack's after school we so have to go girl

A: I don't know, you know how my mom-

H: bitch please your mom isn't gonna notice she'll be to busy fucking some man whores to notice you

Holly is my best friend since forever she knows everything about me and about my mom being a prostitute

A: ok fine but we'll see

H: girl you better look hot as fuck, this is your crush since forever and- Shit my dads home I'm not supposed to be in my phone he's gonna flip shit gotta bounce babe, love youuuuuuuuu

With that she left, I picked up my English book and tried to get something done, I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and glanced in the mirror looking at the red hand print on my cheek. I sighed and hopped into bed thinking about my fucked up life, my mom being a prostitute, I never met my dad and my mom hates me, so I'm depressed I self harm and I am suicidal and most of all I can't sleep because of overthinking things.

Unlike some people I actually like school, I get to escape all my problems, I keep sitting with my friends just forgetting the world and having fun. And tomorrow is the last day of being a senior, I don't know how I feel about it but I'll pull through,I hope

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock great. I'm not a morning person at all.I got up lazily and walked to the bathroom, I looked at the red patch on my cheek and covered it up with my makeup. I walked out and into my closet, what should I wear?

I looked in the mirror, I had long brown hair and was wavy, I have tanned skin and bright green eyes. I just slipped on high waisted jean shorts and a comfy white sweater. I made my way downstairs and thank fuck my mom was asleep I grabbed my my purse and some money and made my way out.

I passed a Starbucks and ordered my favourite ,steamed milk with 3 vanilla shots. I took it out and made my way back to my car and parked in the school parking lot. I got out and some guys were whistling or cheering. Ugh. I just ignored them I came across Jack, he was standing next to my locker weird I just brushed it off and and acted cool 'hey' he smiled ugh that smile ahh 'hi' I waved 'so you coming tonight baby' OMG HE JUST CALLED ME BABY I got butterflies in my stomach 'so.. You coming tonight,yeah?' He said 'um yeah I think so' 'ok sweetheart well umm see you then' he spoke and kissed my cheek and walked off. As magical as it was I couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

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