Chapter 4 - 2nd Time

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I woke up to movement on the bed in the bed. I opened my eyes and saw Jason getting dressed into jeans and an oversized T-shirt. "Hey" he said "hi" I said back, I couldn't move my body, I ached everywhere And I let out a long loud groan. "What time is it?" I asked with a long breath. "6pm we slept for ages, I'm gonna have to go with the guys to take care of a job, but one of my guards, Hamish will be here with you" he said and kissed my cheek, they were soft and sweet I felt electricity rush through me as his lips were on my cheek he pulled away. "So, this Hamish guy have I see him before?" He nodded "you never saw his face though" I panicked as I remembered everyone's beating toward me, Jason must have noticed and asked me if I was alright "yeah it's just, he's going to beat me again isn't he?" He looked me in the eyes and sense my uneasiness, "you know your supposed to be kidnapped and were supposed to beat you up, but I'll let him know okay?" I sighed in relief but then pain rushed through my body

"is Kenny staying?" He shook his head "can you bring him here please" he shook his head again "he has to come with us" I groaned and sneezed my eyes shut "please bring him up here please Jason" I said through clenched teeth as my stomach was killing me "no" son of a bitch "yes" "no" "yes" "AJ" "Jason" "fine" Jason walked out and a few seconds later Kenny walked through, I rolled around on the bed biting my fists to keep in a scream "woah you alright there?" I groaned and held my stomach "Kenny...... Period.... Help"  silence. Great he left I lifted my head and he came through with pads and tampons "here these are Lily's I'll go to your house and get the black bag that you always have yeah?" What a good friend I nodded and he helped me up to the bathroom, I grabbed a pad and did my business and walked downstairs to find 'Hamish' sitting on the couch playing the PlayStation.

Kenny had left about 20 minutes ago and I was starving "Hamish I'm starving I need to eat" he sighed " but I don't want to move I'm in the middle of a game" he was playing GTA 5 " I can go myself I can't escape there's loads of bodyguards so I wouldn't get away" I said and he smirked, I got up and drank some water and cut up some pineapple then ate it obviously.

I hate periods I get the worst cramps, how come boys don't get anything like what the hell? They get a boner at the most but even then they don't get dick cramps do they? Ugh.

I walked back through to the living room and sat down "AHHHHHHHH" I screamed as a cramp came on "AHHHHHHHHHHH" I started rolling around on the couch and fell to the floor clutching my stomach " shit, what happened, are you ok?" I yelled out again "crap, Arabella what's wrong?!" Hamish came over grabbing me "GET OFF ME AHHHHHHHH" I yelled he flinched back and whipped out his phone

" is an emergency bro... It's AJ.... She's screaming and rolling around.... I don't know what the fuck happened..... She won't let me go near her ..... She's crying her eyes out man..... Fuck the job just get your ass over here" he hung up

"Where *breath* Kenny" I squeaked "call *breath* him" the door swung open and Jason's voice was heard, my eyes were shut tightly "shit, what the fucks wrong with her?" He yelled "I don't know bro" Hamish said, I felt Jason's hot breath on my face, I relaxed a bit "AJ what's wrong baby?" Baby "n-nothing" i squeaked, I felt my body being carried "I'm gonna take her up to my room" I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into the crook of his neck letting my tears flow, I felt him place my body in the bed

"AJ what's wrong" he said concerned " it's my period" I said all embarrassed. He nodded and Kenny burst through the door with the bag I asked for. Jason took it and opened it, taking out the needle "Kenny out." He said sternly "but-" he started ," but nothing ok? Out." Jason stood me up as he stayed on his knees, pain rushing through me he slowly pulled down my sweatpants "just relax ok" I did as he said and hid my face in his neck "alright 1.....2....." And he placed the needle in me "the pain should be gone in about 5 seconds" he pulled up my sweats and the pain was gone "how did you know how to do that?" I asked "Lily used to have bad cramps" he said "oh well thank you and I'm sorry I held you back from your job" I put my head down in guilt "hey, it's ok baby everything is ok" he reassured me and we walked to the bed, a knock at the door was heard "come in" Jason said, it was Kenny "you alright now,Cupcake?" Cupcake he used to call me that when we were really close but then he left school for a month and came back without a word to me and the next 2 months he would only speak to me when necessary and wouldn't let me help him, since I new something was wrong. I nodded trying to hold back tears, I walked to the window and stared out at the world I would probably never be able to see again.

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