Chapter 2- Enemy

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I feel a cold substance in my forehead

"Wake up" an unfamiliar voice said
I felt a sharp pain on my lower stomach being repeated.

I groaned in pain as they were kicking me "she's awake, you can fuck off now" another voice said, this one was hoarse and deep. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room

"Your awake now princess" he spoke "what's you name baby"

"A-Arabella-jay" I quivered he chuckled and opened his mouth "now your mine Arabella-jay thanks to your little crush Jack here..JACK COME HERE" jack walked in as if he never kidnapped a soul, son of a bitch just kidnapped me dumb ass, "here's the money, 50m exact" I was shocked and a little bit offended that I only cost 50m but most w all mortified that he did this to me for money, I could feel my body becoming less numb by the minute. I looks down and screamed, I was in a fucking lace bra and thong! Tied up to a bed. The tall man was pacing the room he paused and looked at me

"We have some ground rules here baby, rule 1 when I kiss you,you kiss back rule 2 you DO NOT tempt any of my crew rule 3 you mine and mine only and finally-" he was interrupted my a panicked looking Jack

"Boss boss Marcus! We've been hacked by Mcann and his gang, they're making plans to come here and-" he said "shut up and just get our bodyguards ready alright, can't you see I'm busy here" said the man now known to be Marcus who was now looking pissed off.

"Sorry boss" said Jack he glanced at me and had a guilty yet smug look on his face and closed the door behind him.

"Now baby you must be tired, let's get into bed and we can finish this conversation tomorrow ok sweetpea?" With that he hopped into bed and wrapped an arm around me, I groaned in pain as his arm was tightly around my bruised stomach.
Jason's POV (woo)

We managed to hack into Marcus' computer and turns out he's only an hour away

"Hey guys, we're going to Marcus's now let's bounce, get your guns and anything you think you'll need" i said "Za,Khalil your coming with me, Alfredo stay here with Kenny and keep guard and where the fuck is Jack" I said blood boiling, he always disappears when something big comes up like this "he said he had to go somewhere" said Jack "alright just get to work boys" they nodded in response and we hopped into the car

When we got there it was only 11pm so we thought it was a good enough time to spy and observe, I saw Marcus get into bed with some girl we waited until 12 to go inside and get revenge ever since he took Lily a girl from our gang also Khalils sister we decided it was time to step It up and take what's his and by the looks of it, the girl.

"Let's go" I said to my boys

We got into the house and made our way upstairs knocking out a few guys on our way, we got to Marcus' room and stepped in until bodyguards came out of nowhere, shit. We always miss them or can never get to them in time. I turned around and looked at Marcus and his prostitute in bed she was groaning and he was stirring in his sleep, luckily I had Za and Khalil with me and they took out the two body guards in no time Marcus was awake now and looked angrier than ever. Bitch doesn't scare me. His girl was groaning, I nodded for Za to get her, we couldn't exactly see her face but from the outline of her body she was fine as fuck. Za put a bag over her head and she instantly shut up shaking from fear. I pressure pointed Marcus and we headed to the van. well that was easer than I thought.


we pulled up to the house and I carried the girls sleeping body inside, I threw her body down the stairs to the basement and beat the shit out of her she was crying uncontrollably, I walked upstairs to the boys and grabbed a beer

"So what we gonna do to the girl" Khalil said

"Simple, slow and painful death like he did to Lily" I said

He nodded and took a swig

"AHH HELP PLEASE SOMEBODY" I groaned "go tell her to shut the fuck up before I shoot her" I said sternly

They all nodded and all of them walked to the basement I followed shortly after

We all walked in and she shut up instantly "hit the fuck up alright" I spat at her face which Was still covered in that bag

"C-Can you t-take the bag off p-please" she whispered, I walked towards her and whipped it off of her, Kenny gasped


She looked up and smiled a bit when she saw Kenny everyone else gasped, she looked exactly like lily except a bit older.

"Lily?" We all said at the same time, she shook her head "Arabella-jay" Kenny answered for her "she's my friend guys, she's innocent" Kenny said we nodded and walked back upstairs.

An hour later AJ was getting to know all of us, it was nice to have another girl here's specially when she looked like Lily. But she was with our enemy?

I groaned at my complication of thoughts and played the PlayStation with Za and Khalil with Fredo (Alfredo) too, Kenny was on the phone to someone.

My thoughts started to take over me

What do we do now? Will we still beat her? We can't she's Kenny's friend. But she's also our enemy she as with Marcus? Maybe Marcus kidnapped her?

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