Chapter 9: Date

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Ok so before I start this chapter I want to apologise for not updating frequently from now on I'm going to try update once a week, because I too hate it when a writer never updates ☹

Ps. The more you comment the more I'll update :))


After I woke up I got dressed into a slim fit dress and did my hair and makeup. I walked over to Jason's room and overheard him on the phone

"Yeah man were still on better start saving"


"Nah bro she's fucking taking my place"


"I hate her with all my heart"


"I'll text you the place were going on a date in a few minutes got to go byeee"

I could feel a lump form in my throat and his words kept replaying in my head

I hate her with all of my heart- I'll text you the place



Arabella-jays POV

After eavesdropping on Jason's phone call, I pushed past the conversation he had, better not jump to conclusions am I right?

I knocked on the door and walked in finding him in a tuxedo and putting on a bow tie

Jason's POV

I heard a knock on the door and heard the clank of someone's heels on the floor, I turned around finishing off with my bow tie, "is Jason McCann wearing a tuxedo?" she smirked walking towards me "just for you my lady" I smirked back "you look pretty" she nodded a thank you in response. " so where are we heading then?" she asked excitedly "you'll see" I winked

"Jason do you like me?" I nodded obviously lying "for how long" she continued "a while, you just caught my eyes the first time I saw you" I said again, lying "Jason, I don't like you like that, nor will I ever" she said a little squirmy, I felt hurt by what she said, but I don't know why. "we'll see about that babe" I winked and we got out the car pulling up to the expensive restaurant.

"oh my god" she gasped at the restaurant, "reservation under McCann please" I said to the waiter "right this way" He took us to our table, I pulled out a chair for AJ, she muttered a thank you and we looked at the menus.

A chirpy dude came up to us with a notepad "hello there, I'm Andrew and ill be your waiter for tonight, can I get you anything to drink?" he said winking at AJ, a flush of anger came over me. "I'll have a lemonade please and ill have the spaghetti please" AJ politely answered "ill have the same thanks" I replied and he ran off to the kitchen or wherever he had to go "AJ you said you don't like me in a boyfriend way, will you let me in pleaseeeee what have you got to lose" I begged "jase I really don't like you that way, and im sorry about it but I just don't" she said "baby, please lets just try it, I wont go all boyfriend on you like having sex and PDA but I will go a little since I know your not that keen" I said "jasonnnn" she whined " sorry.. damn I shouldn't have done this, I respect your decision" I said acting all sad.

"ok, ok I will but if I don't like it ill break it off this is only a trail,please stop I hate it when your sad" I smiled big and the waiter came back with our food and drinks

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"ok, ok I will but if I don't like it ill break it off this is only a trail,please stop I hate it when your sad" I smiled big and the waiter came back with our food and drinks. After food we went to a little lake, I used to go to when I was a kid.

"do you like it baby" I asked holding her waist. she nodded "where the fuck do you find all these places Jason" she laughed. I shrugged "unzip my dress" she commanded harshly which shocked me a little but kind of got me...excited in areas "w-what are you doing" I choked out staring at her lace undergarments. she slowly took off her bra letting her boobs fall naturally, I licked my lips as she pulled down her thong, "I'm not going to go swimming in my undergarments id catch a cold " she said in an obvious tone and jumped in the warm lake "you coming in oryou just going to watch me" she trailed off I took off my shirt and and trousers as well as my calvins and hopped in. I caught her staring at my abs and dick.

"like what you see babygirl" I smirked and she nodded slowly licking her lips " but Jason.. its not like you didn't stare is it now?" she said massaging her breasts teasingly. I gulped and took a step closer. she must have felt jerry poke at her high because she laughed "look who's got a boner already" she grabbed my hand and placed it on my dick squeezing it a little. I moaned and my lips parted ever so slightly "have fun getting rid of that, ill be over there" she said and swam off, her sexy ass poking through the water.

I groaned sexually frustrated and began to fix my problem down there, once I saw the white liquid in the water I swam over to AJ. we were just messing around for a few hours and decided to go home. "I had fun tonight, thank you" she said smiling a pearly smile. "me too" I replied " you know after today maybe... Just maybe.. I do look at you as more than a friend" she smiled and kissed my cheek "night Jase" she said and kissed my cheek

"eyyyyyy that's all I get?" I said opening my arms for more. she smirked and nodded. I pulled her by the arm and crashed my lips to hers as they started to move in sync, I swiped her bottom lip for access and she gladly opened her mouth only for our tongues to fight for dominance, of course I won. we pulled back and she still had her eyes closed smiling to herself, "goodnight kitten" I kissed the top of her forehead before heading off to my room as she went down to the kitchen for a drink.

I got a phone call and without even looking at the ID I answered it "heyyy man, how did the date go, is she falling for you yet?" he asked "yeah bro she let me in" he chuckled "that's it bro, step one complete now for the last step.. to trash her at the end of this and then the moneys all yours bro" he said " almost there, anyway im tired as fuck so im going to bed man" I said lazily "alright bro bye" he said and hung up

I have a bad feeling about this

I took a shower and put on a t-shirt and basket ball shorts and made my way to my bed, just as I was about to lay down I heard whimpering, it sounded like AJ. I bolted upstairs and burst through the door to find he cured up on the bed bawling her eyes out. "AJ baby what's wrong" I said concerned and walking over to her fragile body, ive never seen her like this she's always so strong, something must be really bothering her.

she handed me a piece of paper on it, it read:

watch out baby, I'll be coming for you soon x

AJ got up and pulled out a brown envelope from her drawer, she gave it for me to open and nuzzled her face into my chest, soaking my t-shirt. I opened up the envelope and in it was pictures of AJ EVEYWHERE literally E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. " It could be Marcus, it could be David it could be anyone I've ever hurt during a mission Jason" she choked up

"come here baby, honestly I don't know who it is but I will track them down, this isn't right" I hugged her tight kissing her head lightly "I'll protect you baby" I said "you promise" she bawled looking up at me with red teary eyes "I promise" she nodded "Jason, please stay here tonight" I nodded and we laid under the sheets "I've been getting texts too the most recvent one was 3 days and it'll all be over" she whispered "and you didn't think to tell us babe?" she shook her head "I thought it was a prank or something but apparently not" she whimpered "shhh shhh lets just go to sleep ok and we'll talk in the morning ok?" she nodded and closed her eyes .

I have a feeling something bad is going to happen, something very bad

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oooooohhhh what do you think is going to happen???

awww they're going out now, do you think Jason will have the guts to dump her?

do you think AJ will get mad when Jason tells her it was all a bet?

do you even think Jason will tell her?!

just want to say thank you to everyone who is reading and voting for this story it means a lot!!!! don't forget to vote xxxx

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