Chapter 3 - Fuck me and Attacks

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Before this chapter starts there's some mentions of bisexuality, I'm not trying to offend you if you are bisexual or anything when you read this chapter, it's just for the effect on the chapter/book, just a heads up for those who may be bisexual✌🏽️xx

Arabella-Jay's POV

I sighed as the 'gang' were playing the PlayStation "I'm tired,please" Jason's head snapped towards me "you can't sleep." He said sternly I nodded and the door was kicked open with a squealing girl walking through, she looked at me and did a double take checking me out, I was still in that disgusting thong and lace bra that Marcus put me in, Kenny didn't have any spare clothes for me to wear since he didn't live here, the only person with spare clothes was Jason but he didn't offer and none of us wanted to ask him

The girl now known as 'Louise' was talking to me

"Omg your so hot, are you actually for real" she squealed Jason scooted along towards me and whispered "she's bisexual by the way" after he said that a wave of nerves came over me, I'm straight.

She pounced in my lap and started leaving butterfly kisses down my neck, I was disgusted. She slowly made her was down to my breast valley and dug her face between my DD I started squirming and kicking

"A squirmer I see" she smirked, I was mortified at her behaviour, aren't bi people supposed to ask if your straight or not before attacking the target?! I had tears down my face I was so scared I turned to Jason who was watching with a slight expression of uncomfortableness.

"Jason,please fuck me" I whimpered his head shot towards me, he was so shocked at what I said he could barely speak.

"W-what?" He said "please Jason" I whispered pleading and begging

"No" he stated bitch.

"Khalil you do it, Please I don't want my virginity taken by a girl, I'm straight, just please"

"She's a Virgin?! I'll take her" Khalil squeaked

"No I'll take her" said Za

"Guys let the expert do it, me" said Alfredo

They soon started fighting over me while Louise was starting to unpeel my bra but before she could Jason shouted so loud I think my ears popped "SHUT THE FUCK UP GUYS SHE ASKED ME OKAY ILL FUCKING DO IT" Louise was pulled off of me and shoved into the sofa

"Jason please" I said he smirked at me "you sure hottie" I nodded "it's going to be rape both ways anyway" I mumbled

Jason untied my arms from behind me and carried me bridal style up the stairs to what supposedly was his room. His room was huge, he had two walk in closets a bathroom attached to each closet, white faux fur carpet and a huge emperor sized bed in the middle. He placed me on the bed and kissed the valley of my breasts. I was crying uncontrollably, he kissed my cheek, got up and locked the door. I was shaking so much until he kissed my hand

"Shhhhhh" he soothed "I don't want to be here anymore" I sobbed "it's ok, it's ok" he said stroking my hair, he got up and opened the door

"Get some clothes out of my closet and I'll bring some snacks up for you" he smiled sweetly and walked out

I walked to his closet and picks out Grey sweatpants and one of his oversized hoodies along with a white V-neck underneath. I walked out and found Khalil, Za and Kenny on the bed they all looked up at me and smiled I limped towards them weakly and they gave me sympathetic hugs gently enough so they don't cause me anymore pain.

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