Chapter 5: Do it for Us? UNEDITED

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Jason's POV

I heard screaming, at first I thought it was the porn but then I heard gun shots shit.

I ran outside with the boys and saw three of Marcus's body guards had been shot and AJ holding a gun with a guilty face on and Charlie standing there shocked.

"The fuck happened?!" I screamed

Charlie pointed at AJ and she hung her head low, Khalil went up to her and have her this big rant about how proud he was while she was looking at me with guilt yet smug eyes, I smirked and clapped slowly, I gotta admit I am proud of her even I can't get to the bodyguards.

After we cleared the bodies I called in the gang for a meeting

"He's fucking owed us money for over a month now!" I spat " a million dollars "
Khalil brought over his laptop "ok so I've hacked into his computer and turns out he's going to a strip club at midnight tomorrow, my plan is to get one of our girls from the gang to tempt him and they'll go to his house and BAM we'll show up" he proposed "sounds like a plan, now someone call Daisy or Katie" I said they all looked at eachother " Jason they're away in England taking out our enemies there, we'll have to take AJ" Za said "No way. We're not taking her" Alfredo sighed "bro we gotta get this done, she won't get hurt , and even if he tries anything on her we'll be there watching from a distance and then we'll also have a microphone on her so we can hear everything going on" I listened to him talk "ok fine but I'm not sure she'll want to do it" I said "I'll ask her" Alfredo said and walked off up to her room

Fredo's POV

Lord, I hope she agrees we need this done by tomorrow night, I knocked on the door

"Come in" she said faintly

"Hey" I said "hi"

"Um I'm just going To cut to the beef here, we need you to do a job for us and tempt someone at a club for us, all the girls we have are in England taking care of business and we really need you he owes us 1M dollars, please can you do it" I begged "I promise we'll be there and if anything goes wrong we'll be there in a flash"

"No Fredo" she said bitch.

"AJ please it's the least you could do for us, we have been nothing but nice to you, the start was a bit bumpy but think about it we are supposed to be beating you to death here but we're not, we're being nice to you, please just think about it ok" I said in my best upset tone I had and walked over to the door

*sigh* "ok fine I'll do it" I turned around and hugged her tight "but-" aw shit "I've only had one boyfriend before, and It wasn't really a good relationship, so I might not be able to convince him" she said

"That's ok, your hot AJ, like really hot and we'll have a microphone on you so we can tell you what to do okay?" She nodded and bit her lip

"Don't do that" I said sternly "what?" I pointed to her lip "it turns me on, buttttt use that on this dude tomorrow ok?" She giggled "okkkk"

The door opened and Jason came through "Fredo you have a job, go downstairs and they'll tell you" I nodded and walked out, I stood by the door for a few seconds and listened to their conversation

"Did he tell you about the job then?" Jason asked

"Yeah" she replied

"And you have no problem with it?" He asked

"No, you guys have Been really nice to me it's the least I could do" you could hear the smile in her voice, Jason kissed her forehead or cheek I don't really know since I couldn't see.

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