Chapter 8: Calls

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Arabella-Jay's POV

"AJ" I heard Jason scream "WHAAATTT" I screamed back "You've been hacking who knows who for ages now, we're going to a club come on" he said as he snatched the laptop off of me. I groaned and got up, I went up to my bedroom on the third floor, I chose this room because it's huge and has a lot of room for shoes, Jason persuaded me to stay in his but I told him that I couldn't if he wanted to bring back a girl from the club, he understood where I was coming from, I thought being in the third floor was easy but then I have to climb up 3 fucking flights of stairs. Great.

"I told you my room was better to stay in" Jason taunted "whatever Mcann" I muttered and glared at him "somebody's on they're periodddd" he sang "what up AJ? Why the death glares" I shrugged "sooooo how are you after yesterday" he said deadly serious "oh I'm not that bad, you didn't fuck me too hard with that small cute baby carrot of yours" he looked me dead in the eye. "ARRABELLA-JAY WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY DICK" he shouted playfully "I SAID ITS A CUTE BABY CARROT AND ITS TOO SMALL" I teased "oh okay that's why all the girls in the club want me aye?"he smirked "You don't even have a sexy body,Davies" (Davies is gonna be her surname from now on) "oh really Jason, let's put that to the test then we'll go to the club and just watch how many boys want to get some of this Davies action" I smirked and he nodded "ok then sweetheart but let's see how many girls fall for this baby carrot of mine" he stated "oh please it will be such a disappointment when you whip it out, you couldn't even make me moan loud yesterday" I rolled my eyes playfully knowing that it was the complete opposite of that "oh really how about this" he cleared his throat "ahh Jason fuck me harder, baby ahhh shit, I'm gonna cum, HOLY SHIT FUCK ME FASTER JASE" he said putting on a girly high pitched voice repeated what I said last night while having sex. I stood there with my mouth open he chucked and walked off and I trodded to my room and looked for an outfit for tonight's club. I eventually chose high waisted jeans and a Neon cropped hoodie. Jason wore letter pants and a Givenchy hoodie nothing too club worry but he pulled it off

"Looking good Davies" Jason stated "not bad yourself Mcann" I nodded and the rest of the gang headed out to the car.

Jason's POV

"Damn she's a bomb bro" James said, a member of our gang as we watched AJ dance with some other girls she claimed she used to know. "$1000 to make her fall for you by the end of the week" he said and stuck out his hand "what, no that's not fair on her that'll hurt her feelings" I said "come on bro since when does JASON MCANN care about feelings what happened to fuck them then leave? That just proves how love sick you are you never care for others feelings" he taunted "well-no-bu-" he raised his eyebrow "fine I'll do it" I shook his hand "I'll give you two weeks, you know since you care and all" he nodded and walked off laughing.

I walked over to AJ who was dancing her ass off with a drink in her hand I rapped her shoulder and she turned around "hey" I said "hi" she shouted over the loud music "wanna dance" I asked she just laughed at me "since when do we talk in public Jason?" Still laughing "well we're friends aren't we?" She nodded, we were dancing for what felt like ages and I looked over at James he put his thumbs up and smiled

"Come on let's go home, it's three" she nodded and we headed back to the car, once we got home she sat on the sofa, neither of us were drunk but the rest were "thank fuck my feet were killing me" she sighed as she took of her heels "so um I was wandering off you'd go out with me" I burst out "what is this a bet?" She laughed "" I said trying to make it sound believable "come on just give it a try" I begged "you never know what could happen" I begged more "but I don't look at you as a crush Jase" she stated, I got an unpleasant feeling in my stomach I had no clue what it was though, I pushed it aside "please please Pleasee pleaseeeeeee" I begged more and she nodded "ok fine" I jumped up "yayyyy" I turned to her "be ready at 7.30 tomorrow" I said and we bothe walked upstairs letting sleep take us in


Arabella-Jays POV

I woke up the next day feeling like shit, I hopped out of bed and took a long hot shower. I walked downstairs once I put on a hoodie and yoga pants and made myself some pancakes and whipped cream. I heard Jason come downstairs whistling some weird ass tune and stopped to look at me "morning princess" he chirped "morning" I replied "remember about tonight babe" he winked and out away all my things that I used.

The doorbell rang and I ran to answer it "Max!" I said (Max is the name of the boss) he smiled and I let him in "BOYS!!" He screamed through the house as I sat down to continue hacking this account "should I stay or?" He nodded and the boys came down stairs "I DID IT!!" I screamed and everyone turned to look at me "sorry, but I did it I hacked into the new York bank, we can all take millions each and rob the whole bank!" Everyone gasped and gathered round "AJ it's not cool to rob a bank you know, but to rob the whole of new Yorks bank is way cool" max said I laughed "AJ I was thinking do you want your own gang" max suggested with a shrug of the shoulders "w-what do you m-mean?" I asked completely shocked "like Jason is the leader of this gang and I'm the boss and you could be the leader of your own gang, you know? So do you like the idea?" He asked "like?LOVE IT!!" I exclaimed over the moon about his preposition he nodded and stood up "well you think about it and I'm not making any promises though, I need to go now but I'll see you around" he tapped my head and left.

Everyone gathered around me and congratulated me exempt from Jason who stormed upstairs and slammed the door shut "what's up with him?" I asked "he's probably just pissed that your sexy ass got your own gang to be with only being here for a few months, I mean it took him years to get where he is now AJ your pretty lucky this doesn't happen often" Za said in all honesty.

I went upstairs to go check on him "are you mad at me?" I asked he shook his head "no I'm just mad at Max, he's putting you in more danger AJ, I don't want that?!' He said and I nodded, He patted the spot next to him on the bed "come on babe we need sleep before our date" I smiled at how sweet he was being lately but I couldn't help but think If I even liked Jason in a boyfriend way?no I would never look at him like that EVER


After I woke up I got dressed into a slim fit dress and did my hair and makeup. I walked over to Jason's room and overheard him on the phone

"Yeah man were still on better start saving"


"Nah bro she's fucking taking my place"


"I hate her with all my heart"


"I'll text you the place were going on a date in a few minutes got to go byeee"

I could feel a lump form in my throat and his words kept replaying in my head

I hate her with all of my heart- I'll text you the place


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