The Day of Nicholas Sparks

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“Oh shoot!” She noticed the book I’m holding. Good! She might think I’m gay or something. Note to self: don’t impress a girl using Nicholas Sparks. “What’d you say?!” she said flatly. This girl is really something. I’m kind of surprised why she didn’t know who I was. Oh, well. This should be fun!

“I thought I said I wanted you to leave?” she sure is pissed off. I don’t know why I like her attitude towards me.

It just sends me a challenge. ‘Challenge accepted’, I mentally shouted.

“Oh! Right! Yeah! I’m so sorry about earlier, I better be going, I’m so sor-…” I heard loud thumps against the hardwood floors. I dismissed it and I concentrated on her features. She looked amazing but her facial expression says otherwise. She looked like she hated the whole world right now- all because of me, maybe? I hope not.

I saw her looking over my shoulder when I heard Louis’ voice call out to me. Didn’t these guys know this is a library??! Geez! “Cool get-up!” she mumbled while she let out a smirk. I think she was pertaining to Louis who was wearing a pair of suspenders. Well, that’s how Boobear rolls.

I was then forced to follow the boys out because they were scolded by the now angry librarian. Damn! She was really pissed off! I heard Liam whisper, “Great Louis! Look at what you did!” “It’s okay Boobear, I won’t let that mean old lady talk to you like that ever again!” Harry patted Louis on the back.

“And how do you plan to do that, exactly?” asked Zayn trying to dry off his sweaty forehead while fixing his hair.

“I’m Harry Styles! Don’t question me!” Zayn let out a sigh and put his hands by the sides of his head saying he surrenders.

I didn’t know how I got to this small library. It just happens to be the nearest open building I could hide in for some time. We didn’t know that a huge crowd of fans would gather because we thought the area was clear, we thought wrongly. But I was thankful for it ‘cause I got to see her. Even though it became a little too creepy for her, I enjoyed snatching glances of her singing and lip syncing to some songs.

I liked how her bangs tried to cover up her amazing dark brown eyes. And how she swayed and moved in her stationary position to the upbeat tune. I didn’t even get the chance to know her name! Guess I’ll have to swing by tomorrow. Hopefully I won’t be too loud then.

Okay, maybe some of you are confused as to why the band is here in this small town. Apparently, management wanted us to spread our music so we could have a bigger fan base. We got here yesterday from our last tour in Japan and we just stayed the night in our hotel, jetlag and all. The five of us wanted to walk around for a little bit because there was a carnival/fair thing going on in the park near our hotel thinking that maybe no one knows us here in these places. We guessed wrong. We were about a quarter of the way to the entrance of the park when a huge herd of screaming girls came at us. Being the brightest of the five of us, I left all of them there. They were glued to their places like some people caught naked in the streets. I saw a three story building just opposite the hotel and went their.

Why didn’t we just go back to our hotel? You ask, well we’re not fast thinkers when it comes to herds of girls who are about to eat us alive. I went up to the second floor, panting. All eyes were on me, but not the kind of stares that would surely take advantage of my presence as Niall Horan, NO, the stares were like the opposite of a welcoming look.

The old lady, by the entrance of the room was busy typing in her desk. The minute she lifted her gaze from the keyboard to me, I could sense she doesn’t want my company. Then I saw her. She was sitting on a chair in front of the shelves of books in the far corner of the second floor. I think she was wiping the dust from the big books. She was eye-catching. Her dark hair and her light colored eyes were perfect. She had a pair of headphones on and was wearing black everything.

So I went up closer to the open-shelf area, by the tables which are set up in rows and columns. I picked up a book in the literary section, not knowing any of the authors being displayed in the shelves. I picked up a book with Nicholas Sparks as author. I didn’t know who he was. I went back to the table with the closest view from her. Apparently, Nicholas Sparks is an author of love stories, great. This is not what I wanted to pick up. Maybe I should have picked the older ones. So much for looking like an intellectual.


Thanks for all the reads you guys. I seriously want too apologize for the "Beep beep beep" part in the beginning. i know it was stupid and i honestly don't know if I was asleep writing that part or if I was high on something. But atleast you've reached this part. I also know that this chapter is stupidly short, I just wanted to give Niall a chance to convey his feelings about all of the shit that's happened. Again, if you're still reading this, you are truly amazing. Please keep on reading, and i will update. Just you wait for some yummy and sappy things to come. Mwah!

- Hipstuh <3

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