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Hi guys! It's been a while, don't you think?! haha.. These past few weeks were a whirlwind for me. I don't even know where to start, so I won't. So blah blah blah, here's the story!


Chapter 6


The first part of the ride went slow, then the first fall came less than three seconds. The whole coaster went nuts and the two of us looked at each other, then we both nodded and faced front. We screamed as loudly as we can during every fall in the roller coaster. In the third slower part of the ride, he became quiet. Then just as everyone screamed for the fall, he shouted out words that at first I didn’t understand, “JEEEESSS!!! DDOOO YOOUU LIIIIIKKE MEEE NOOOOOOWW???”

The coaster went for another fall. “WHAAAAAAAATTT??” I asked just to be sure I heard it right.

“Do you like me now?”

I held out my hand and that second he touched it with his. Silence brushed over me. It seemed that screaming out ‘Yes Niall’ was the fair thing to answer back. But I froze. Of course I froze, this is the first time that a pop-star asked me this! I saw how happy he was during the ride and during the hand-holding that I couldn’t resist saying yes. But I wasn’t ready yet. I felt dumb about not saying anything and I felt sorry for disappointing him at that time. After all we just met, and we we’re here as friends. But still a huge part of me is thrilled about what he’d said. I was actually happy with him. Now I was truly happy compared to the times that he wasn’t here. I even forgot that I was mad at him for causing trouble in the library.

After I heard the question I felt queasy. I had to vomit first. I didn’t know what his reaction will be if he sees me regurgitate everything we ate this evening and have him smell all the fury from inside me. No! That is not an option! Delete! Erase! That will not happen! Not in my watch.

In no more than thirty seconds, the coaster went to a stop and I removed the safety bar immediately. After realizing I never did give him an answer, he also fell silent. I hopped out of the ride and I heard Niall calling out to me with the saddest trembling tone of voice I’ve ever heard. I never stopped running.

All this drama for just a break in the comfort rooms? Geez! I could’ve just said “wait a minute!” but no! This drama queen settled for something with a flare.

I didn’t want commitment. I wasn’t looking for a relationship nor was I even allowed to have one. But something in my heart wants me to give it a try. I just don’t know when the right time is. But I guess there is no right time. I liked him for just a couple of days, and I don’t see how I can’t just admit it to the world, well, at least I’ll admit it to him first.

I only met this one person for just nine days; the only one I thought would make me this comfortable about myself. So I cleaned myself up after the ‘you know what’, I splashed water at my face in hopes of calming myself down. “Okay Jess! This is it! He asked you, so you go out there, and answer him back. Go get ‘em Jess!” I talked to the reflection that looked pale and queasy. I ran out and looked for Niall.


“Jeeeeeeesss, do you like me now????!!!!” I was so relieved to have finally gotten all my words out. I’ve been meaning to tell that to her and at last, I had the guts to do it. I reassured myself that she was gonna answer back. I was sure of it. But a little part of me fought against it. I said to myself that if she doesn’t answer back, I’ll understand and I’ll try to do everything I could just to get that little but yet big word. I was determined to hear the yes from her- because she’s the one.

“Wwwhhhaaaaatt??” She asked, eyes still glued to the front. Of course, she wouldn’t hear it, I was overpowered by other screaming riders.

Time stopped and everything became slower when she was laughing and smiling and when she held out her hands, motioning for me to grab it, I felt electricity shoot through my body. The ride stopped too. And I didn’t hear an answer from her. Shit! I knew it!

She slid out the safety bar and ran out to nowhere. My heart fell into a million pieces, literally. Yeah! I know, drama queen of the century right here. “Jess! Jessica! Wait up! Hey Jess, wait!” I yelled out but she didn’t look back. A million reasons filled my mind why she just ran out and left me alone. Which reminded me! I had to put a disguise! I was kind of surprised that no one approached or pulled out my sleeves yet. I guess the universe is just mourning with me.

I stood there for what felt like forever when I felt a tug at my left sleeve. I raised my head to see a gleaming smile from Jess. Wait, this is confusing! “Let’s go try out that ride there! Its name sounds wicked! Soul Separator! Niiiiice!” Jess told me in a cute deep voice while jumping up and down looking a little bit pale.

“Jess, are you okay? You just left me without saying a word. Plus, you look a little bit pale.” I said in a seriously worried tone. I felt her cheeks warm up as I cupped her face with our eyes meeting.

She just sighed in annoyance like a little girl and finally spoke up. “Come on! Let’s go! I bet it’s way more awesome than the last roller coaster!” She said enthusiastically trying to brush off her queasiness. She grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me closer to the operator. The whole time she was holding my hand, I felt like my heart was about to explode any second now. I just ran my fingers through my hair in confusion and gave in to her stubbornness.

As I was about to hand out the two tickets from my right pocket, I saw the big sign with red words on it, “Beware: Puking and Vomiting Will Definitely Occur. Oh shit!” I blurted out nervously but I felt Jess’ fingers intertwine with mine. She then gave me a reassuring squeeze and that made all my worries vanish with only that. We ultimately sat in front and it was a good spot so no one could recognize me and we won’t be able to catch flying puke.

With no more than a few seconds from starting, we headed on to the first big fall, “Niaaaaaaaaaaaaall!”

“Whaaaaat’s thaaaaaat Jeeeess?!”

“ I have something to say to you,” she hushed after realizing we got slower. Then the ride went fast again.

“Niiiiiiaaaaall!! Yeees!!!”

She said what?! “What?!”

“I said, I like spending time with you!” she said raising her hands in the air.

“You do???!!!!!!”

“Don’t make me repeat myself Niall!!!!” she said while she let out the most amazing laugh I’ve ever heard. I froze for the second time. First, was when she didn’t respond, second, when she actually did. I felt like the happiest guy in the world. That proves it. I was happy, and it was because of her.

After the ride, I dragged her out of the seat and we went to the snack bar right in front of the Soul Separator. “Jess! Please! I wanna eat like right now. Hurry up!” She seemed lost in her tracks so I pulled her up to my side.

“Wait, Niall,” she tugged at my sleeve. “Look, I like spending time with you,” she was now playing with her fingers, looking adorable. “but don’t you think this is a little too fast?”

“What? Look Jess,” I like saying her name like that. “I know you like us to be friends first, so I won’t rush. We have all the time in the world. And I won’t be going anywhere. I’ll just stay with you until you realize it.”

“It? Meaning?” She said, confused. Adorable. Unbelievably sexy. I can’t control myself now. Focus Niall.

“That you like me enough to be my girlfriend.” I said nonchalantly.

“Thanks, Niall. You’re a good friend.” Oh, right. We’re friends. Just friends. Ow.


I am so so so so sorry. haha.. Love you guys, wherever you guys are from!

- Leigh-yahn <3

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