Its time

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"Hey sexy... why don't you bring two more shots of whiskey to my table. One for me one for you my treat. You can pay me back in a different way if you'd like." I roll my eyes at the drunk man who stumbled into the bar. He was already drunk when he got here so now he's probably over his limit by now. He's a pale skinned older man with more hair on his chin then he has on his entire head. He is wearing a bleach stained t-shirt and what looks like regular denim jeans. He put on a brown leather jacket that was a little inappropriate for his age in my opinion but I can't judge. I'm not really that into fashion these days. 

"Sorry hun, your cut off" I say taking away the four empty shot glasses he already had on his table. "Would you like me to call you an uber or do you have someone coming to get you?" I really hope he didn't drive. His eyes are barely open and I am not going to be responsible for him killing someone or getting killed behind the wheel.

"I'd rather you take me home baby. I could show you a good time." Its sad that I am used to this. To be safe I called him an Uber and made him pay off his tab on the way out. I pocketed the $20 tip he gave me and he left to be someone else's problem.The best part about serving drunk people is sometimes they don't notice that they give me a huge tip. I can use every cent that comes my way since I refuse to use Kyles money. The thought just repulses me to the core. If I give him the authority to support me financially then he has leverage. I can take care of myself and to do that I need money. Plus if I end up not staying with Kyle I am going to need to be able to save up enough money to buy a small apartment. Apartments aren't cheap.

After making a round around the bar checking on my tables I slipped behind the bar to clean some glasses. This is my favorite thing to do while at the bar because its the only thing I do without the possibility of getting hit on.

I made it my mission to stay out of the house for as long as possible. Kyle continues to avoid the subject of why he ditched me and I am beginning to become claustrophobic with all the weird attention he's been giving me. He doesn't give me space to breath anymore so I rely on my job to give me my space from him. I even offered to do more overtime than I am already doing, which Sam and Bam was happy to agree to since I am one of there best employees. I don't particularly love working at the bar but I'll take what I get. Plus working with Bam has proven to be really fun. She is the sweetest lady I have ever met and I have yet to figure out how she could be related to someone like Sam.

I learned that she is a widow. She was married to her husband for almost 30 years before he died in a car crash. Every day she would tell me a story about him with a smile on her face probably remembering him like he was just here yesterday. Then she would have to go to the back of the store to be alone for a while. Most likely trying to gather herself back up because she misses him.

I thought Kyle and I was going to be like that. Grow old together with love that never seems to die. Maybe we would have adopted a child in the future but we really would only have a need for each other. And when it came time for us to part ways through death I wanted us to have the privilege of being able to look back and say 'our love was timeless'.

I still want that.

"Hey Sam, since the bar isn't that busy tonight can I just end my shift early?" I need to go talk to Kyle. I promised him a second chance and even though I went back home with him I don't think I have been doing everything in my power to make it work. A relationship takes effort from two people and I haven't been giving him the benefit of the doubt. I have to know why he left though? I can't decide if I need to move on or not if I don't know.

I got home faster than usual. I am running on pure adrenaline. He is going to tell me why he left even if I have to strangle it out of him.

I chuckle at that crazy thought. I would never strangle him. The only thing I may be able to hurt would be his ego but again I don't know if I would want to do that either.

He is still Kyle.

I expected Kyle to be asleep since it was almost three in the morning but I was surprised to find him in the kitchen drinking a cold glass of water.

"Can't sleep?" I asked highly aware of the little bags forming under his eyes. Its really hard to sleep properly by yourself once you are fully mated. If I am being honest with myself I haven't gotten a good nights sleep since he left. I have been working at the bar most nights and my sleeping schedule is kind of screwed up now.

" I would sleep better if you were with me" He sighs." but I know it's unlikely right?"

"Why did you leave Kyle? Please don't sugar code anything. I want the cold hard truth." he puts his glass down and just stares at me. Doesn't say anything at all. He just gives me this intense gaze like he doesn't know what to say at all ."Say something!"

"What do you want me to say? Because I don't have a good reason for leaving. I thought it was a good reason at the time but when I realized it wasn't I came back for you." He pulled out a chair to one of the kitchen table stools and motioned for me to sit. I obliged.

"Why did you think it would be a good idea to just pick up and just leave?! Do you know how hard it was for me when I came home to nothing?! You are my mate and my husband! If you don't love me anymore then just tell me but I deserve to know!" I say lowering my voice a little remembering that we have a pack house full of sleeping wolves.

He rounded the table and grabbed my face getting closer than we have been in a really long time. "No of course I still love you. I love you so much that I would do anything I have to do to keep you safe and happy." he wipes a rouge tear as it slid down my cheek and whispers, "That's why I had to leave you."

I'm finally going to hear his side of the story. And from the way he looking at me I don't think I am going to like it.

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