Mommy's Help

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We take it for granted fore if you was to be robbed of it, the chance of your survival would be slim to none. Yet we like to downplay its importance and unconsciously forget it is there, until it isn't anymore.
So many times did I wish air would be taken away from me but It never was. I was given the ability to escape from near death many times forcing me to breath in the air that I didn't want nor did I think I deserve. Until I was saved.
When I met Kyle he was the breath of fresh air that I wanted, NO NEEDED, even if I didn't know it for a while. Every time I had episodes or went through depression or basically anything difficult in life he was there to remind me to breath. It was always okay after that. Might not have been perfect at all times but it was okay. Even after Kyle left I was fine because subconsciously I was doing what Kyle would have told me.
But why can't I now?
I'm looking around trying to see where I am. I look for pictures, furniture doors, or any clue of my location but there is nothing. It's pitch black all around and from what I can tell I am completely alone.
I'm just laying here. On what I believe is a cement floor. I'm not struggling, not gasping for breath, not anything. I'm not doing anything. I can't breathe but I can't find it in me to try to let the air in. It's like I forgot how to. My mind wants me to breathe in fact it's desperate; however, my body is completely immobile. It won't do anything even if it's for something as important and as simple as breathing. Doesn't seem like I'm dying though.

"Your doing this to yourself baby girl."


"I'm here"

What's going on? Why can't I breathe ?

"You can breathe. You just don't want to."

What do you mean I don't want to? I need to breathe!

"Yes. That's exactly my point. You need to breathe but your not letting yourself do it. You can be told to breathe all you want and on the outside you might be able to breathe but on the inside it's different. Your different"

I'm still confused. How do I breathe outside but not within?

When she comes into my line of vision I can tell just by her posture that she is trying to say something important but she also looks uncomfortable. Let it out woman!

What is it?

"I know you want my help but I've decided that this is something that you will just have to figure out. You are smart and strong but you are causing yourself so much more pain and stress then is really necessary. " it was then that her voice began to fade out "Learn to breathe and everything will work its way out."

{End of dream}

"Mom!" I jolt up gasping my hands going immediately to my throat trying to revive my suffering lungs. They seemed fine. I can breath with no problem so what does mom mean when she says 'learn to breathe" ?

Couldn't she just be straight forward with me instead of confusing the hell out me! I already got so much on my plate and I KNOW she is aware of this.

I need more sleep. Sleep doesn't solve anything but It sure does help. I don't have to work today so screw it!

I roll over expecting the comfort of my plushy pillow only to come face to face with the hard floor. Groaning I sit up rubbing my now soar face while giving the bed a death glare.

"Don't blame the bed for your clumsiness love" he says with a low chuckle. I turn my head to see my yummy looking mate at the doorway. He's wearing his plaid pajama pants that I bought him for Christmas with no shirt. They hung low on his waist so ultimately it was the Best Buy ever!

Stop drooling it's not like you haven't seen him naked before

Shut up!

"Your one to judge" I say remembering day I woke up in bed with him ending with him being on the first floor when we first met.

"Whatever. Eat up then we can take a shower."  It was then that I noticed that he was holding a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with in one hand and apple juice in the other. Now my mouth was watering for a different and less provocative reason.

"We?" I ask while getting back in our bed. He sits on the foot of the bed handing me my tasty breakfast while speaking in a blunt tone.

"Yes WE. Don't think I didn't notice your little eye rape a second ago." He chuckles " you obviously want some of this" he says gesturing to his perfect physique. I got to give it to him, he is breathtaking, but that didn't stop me from spitting the food that was in my mouth at him slightly choking.

"No I don't!" I scream after composing myself. Not at all embarrassed about spitting on him. Hey, we are married after all. He just gotta deal with me.

You so do!


"Yeah you do.  I can feel it"

Damn mate bond. Can't hide nothing!

I looked down hiding a blush using this time to return to my pancakes. "Your not getting in the shower with me" and I ended it with that.

After I finished breakfast I walked into the bathroom locking the door behind me and hopped in the shower. I let the hot water soothe my tense muscles. Mom what did you mean? I have so many unanswered questions questions and it's stressing me out immensely. Lost in thought I failed to hear the bathroom door open nor did I hear the shower curtain move but I felt the sparks. They were everywhere started from my head down to my toenails. Only one person could give me this sensation.

"I told you we was showering together" he whispers accusingly into my ear.

Crap when did he learn to pick locks?!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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