~ march 2014 ~

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Guys! Season 4 of TNS starts this afternoon on Disney Channel for those in Australia!!! Comment if you're watching! I'll be live on my Instagram story! Love you all . Hope you enjoy this chapter!!! Lol it may make a bit more sense! Xx

Brittany POV
Waking up to the usual bird chirping sound to me now feels like home. My sister Sam is in the other room still asleep but since today is the day we have our celebratory lunch for the announcement of season 3, I have to get up early. I haven't been used to it at all.

Last year we had our mall tours hit the roof and doing them with the cast was so much fun but really overwhelming at the same time. I guess being a child tv show star is harder than I had imagined. My Instagram followers had skyrocketed as well as the amount of News Station Interviews and Newspaper articles I had been in. Of course along with the show I had to balance all my personal life and school life. Luckily for me now I graduated last yearn so filming season 1 was a bit of a challenge but now that it's over I can just focus on my career. And my family are supportive of me too. I've recently moved in with my sister and I love it. I love the life of an adult and taking the role of Riley on TNS has made me so much more ambitious to go and pursue my dance/acting talent even more.

I start with a shower, washing my hair and then get dressed into some simple yet still nice clothes. As I'm styling my new, ombré hair I wonder how everyone else is going to take it...I haven't seen most of them since we finished our promotional tours/interviews/trailers last year so it'll be interesting to see what they think of it. I mean everyone, including the viewers have seen my old short hair but now it's a bit different. I guess everyone changes- that's the beauty of the show.

It's now around 9am and Frank had asked us to be at set by 11 so I still have a bit of time left. After fixing my makeup and having a bite to eat I still have an hour left. I say goodbye to Sam before heading out the door to my car that's parked in the garage compartment of our shared apartment. I throw my bag in the front passenger seat and strap into the drivers wheel. However the engine won't start.

"Shit" I curse under breath, having no idea what to do now. I try the engine again but still nothing. I sigh deeply and after realising there is no fuel left in the tank I decide to just take the easy road, texting on the cast group chat for a lift. It's a long shot considering its now 10:00 and most of the cast, living a fair way from set, are probably half way there by now. I only live an hour from set so luckily I never take too long. However right now, there's probably no chance anyone's available.


B: Hey guys, cant wait to see you all J My car has just run out of gas though anyone round for a lift to set?

V: Sorry Britt. I'm already half way there.

J: Yeah no can do B, ahahaha I'm with Vic ;)

L: Coming now J

B: Oh my god, thank you so much. You're a lifesaver.

T: No worries, would you like any starbucks while we're here?

B: Hahahaha sure. You know my favourite ;)

** END

Lamar and Trev have been living together since the end of season 2 finished so nearly a whole year now. Vic and I are planning on doing the same except she is still living with her mum as she's still in High School, which I understand...my sisters not too bad anyways. I was kinda glad the boys were picking me up. I mean sure I would have to survive the conditions of a car that smells like men's deodorant but it wasn't that bad. They lived only half an hour away from my joint apartment and that meant they could easily scoop me up at anytime.

"Heyyyy" I say as they all arrived at my doorstep. I had just been waiting all this time for them, checking my phone every now and then. It was never a dull moment whenever the guys pulled up to your house- especially with Starbucks.

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