~ september 2023 ~

411 39 25

Brittany pov
It wasn't long until we were both proved right, the interviews came  in like a wrecking ball (a/n **insert Miley Cyrus here** hahahahahah) and we were legit on every different breakfast show those following days. We have flown out to Central America to be on Good Morning America as well as Ellen  which is our interview we are currently at! Sam is minding the kids cause that would just be too much to handle.

"And we are joined now live with two of Canada's most famous actors and dancers Brittany Raymond and Trevor Tordjman. You two are now officially Canada's most loved couple" the interviewer, Ellen, states and I laugh as does Trevor
"Really?" He chuckles and she nods
"Yes, congratulations" she says and it almost comes out sarcastic!

"We'll that's something to be proud of" Ellen laughs
"Okay. Lets get down to things shall we. Why don't we start with the fact that you guys are now officially going to be a family of 5 now!!" As the audience claps and we smile gently.
"Yeah! Wow so many officially's" Trevor says and I laugh as does the audience
"Hahaha no we are very excited. Thank you so much for all the support so far" I reply and she smiles
"How is the pregnancy going?"
"Terrible. I'm in so much pain. The cramps are the worst and not to mention I can't remember a thing" Trevor says jokingly as everyone gives another chuckle, some more than others. I shoulder him hard and he laughs again.
"No, it's going better this time. I feel as if this time round it's definitely easier- only because I've gone through it before. But you actually don't know how hard it was to keep it a secret" I giggle and Trevor speaks up
"Yeah we actually had to go to a red carpet event a couple of weeks ago, for our former-cast mate Jennie Pappas. She had a movie out which she was in and invited all of us along and Britt was so scared someone was going to pick it up- a paparazzi or a fan because she was showing quite a but but she managed to keep it a secret which was good"
"And have you told the kids?" I look at Trevor, a little nervous
"Yeah. They are quite excited about it actually. I think Charlie has more-- oh yeah that's them up on the screen" I say but am I interrupted by gorgeous pictures the show put up on the big screen of the two of them.
"Yep! That was them last year when we went to Vancouver for a half holiday/ half Trevor's work trip. We took the girls or icecream at one of the best Cafes there tht literally have the best desert there. They loved it and was just a picture perfect moment" I say kinda relieved that we got out of that question. I'm pretty sure Ellen knew I was nervous about it too so she dodged any more further information.
"Look at how cute they are!!" Trevor states louder than usual and I laugh as everyone starts clapping.
"Have you guys talked about knowing the sex of the baby or anything yet?" She asks as I laugh as everyone looks confused
"I'm sorry did I miss something?" She asks and I laugh again. Trevor just smiles
"I accidentally...accidentally like I'm really sorry babe, let it slip to him before. He originally didnt want to know and so only I found out and then it just suddenly slipped out last week. And I really do feel terrible" I say side hugging my husband as I try to make up for things in live television.
"Don't worry. You'll make up to it. Tonight. On your kid-free night" she says and everyone oooo's and I laugh as does Trevor who's now not pretending to be upset anymore.
"Alright. Well enough about kids, more about you! Brittany I heard oh had a new film coming out?! Alive.." She says excitedly and the audience cheers slightly louder.
"Yes...I am very excited for y'all to see it. Of course being pregnant in the movie is a little different but it's fine. It's definitely one for the ladies ;)"
"Yes yes yes. We all heard about Liam!" Ellen says and all the girls wooooo in the background. I laugh
"Yeah. He's quite a character, so is Demi. They're really lovely people. Incredible actors and I am so lucky" I say and Trevor smiles compatibly.
"What about you Trevor? Still wiith RawMotion?" He nods
"RawMotion is still alive, just under the hands of my little brother. I am a stay at home dad at the moment. I do some work, booking choreography gigs and sometimes going into the studio to dance. Pey needs me right now though so it's always best just to always be there" Trevor answers
"Yeah he's very good. I love him for that" I say kissing him on the cheek.

"Alright well since you two are down here, why don't we play a fun game huh? You guys just take these boards"
"Never have I ever?? Ellennnnn" I say and Trevor laughs
"You can't come here without playing it."
"God this'll be interesting" Trev says
"Okay never have I ever cheated on another guy/girl" she says and I don't even want to look at trevs but I pull "I never"

Thankfully Trevor hasn't.

"Okay. Clean sweep so far. Next one- never have I ever used the other partners toothbrush without letting the other person know" this one I turn it over saying I have and put my head down while everyone cheers
"You have?!" Trev asks, mortified. I nod and he chuckles
"Right well I'm moving out" he laughs and I smile weakly
"I'm kidding babe. You can do it anytime" he says before going and pulling a disgusting face to the audience.
"Okay. Next one. Next one. Never have I ever seen a male/female stripper" she says and the crowd erupts as we both pull "I have"

I swear my face for bright pink as I do as both Trevor and I burst out laughing as we obviously know when we did it.
"We--we both had one on our bachelorette and bachelor party's" I say laughing as Trevor chuckles too
"It was the cast's idea-- not ours!!" Trevor defends
"Okay...some behind the scenes TNS lives. This is why we go on Ellen!!" She says and we all laugh
"Okay last one. Last one. Never have I ever said sex with each other but didnt enjoy it!!! Now this will be interesting" she says and I practically bury my head in my hands as Trevor leans over

And then I slyly turn over the "I have never" side and the crowd cheers and I suddenly get confused, until I see Trevor's who's tuned over the "I have" side and that's when it all went crazy.
"WHAT?! What do you mean? What time?" I ask infuriated and he just laughs and then whispers in my ear the one in the airplane bathroom because there was no space and I completely understand
"Oh right. Yeah that was terrible" I say and turn my batten over too and the crowd goes into laughter"
"I'm sorry, on Ellen we dont share secrets. Would you like to share with the crowd?" She asks cheekily and Trevor's out. He's basically crying of laughter. My stomach hurts I'm laughing so much.
"Ummm...uh..it was before we or married...on this--"
"We had sex in an airplane bathroom" Trevor blurts out and the whole room applauds and Ellen's face is priceless. I'm mentally face palming myself
"Oh my god. I can't believe you told everyone" I shake my head as everyone laughs
"There wasn't enough space..." He goes on and my mouth goes open wide as everyone continues
"Wow. You guys sure picked a good day to come to Ellen!" She says to the audience and they all laugh
"Please thank Brittany and Trevor everybody! we'll see you guys soon. Thanks so much for coming out!!" Ellen says as everyone starts applauding and we are asked to walk out.

Well that was definitely an interview to remember...

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