~ february 2015 ~

426 36 21

Hey everyone.
TBH having this break has been extremely rewarding. I feel as if it's given me a lot of time to refocus and just let go of the haters. It sure is weird, coming back to something I used to come back to every single night. And looking back, two months without writing on Wattpad has been a huge challenge. But it okay. It's been really nice and as much as it has been extremely difficult being away from something I love doing, it was something that sprung up as a personal set back and to me it was something that needed to be fixed! And so I decided to take a bit of a gap of writing and so yeah...I'm back now! And I can't wait to continue xxx

Brittany POV
"Bye babe. See you soon" I hang up my phone call with my boyfriend, smiling as I get the handle of my suitcase and start wheeling it into my sisters bedroom in our apartment.
"You ready to go?" I ask her and she nods, looking up at me a little upset.
"I can't believe you're going to be gone! Especially for your birthday!" She days and I drop the handle and walk over to her, giving her a hug and looking at our reflection in the make up mirror in front of her.
"It's going to be really tough sam"
"I'm going to miss you so much" she whispers and I smile weakly
"I'm going to miss you more" I reply before getting off her shoulders and back to my suitcase
"But seriously! Let's get out of here" I laugh and she chuckles standing up and getting her phone
"Look at me! I'm worse than mom" she says wiping her eyes and I laugh
"I get it. Sisters can be overprotective. Just be still round Trev cause he'll give you a whole load of crap about it until you're older" she laughs and I smile at her, unlocking our door
"Bye apartment! I'll miss youuuu. I'll come back older and stupider" I say and sam giggles
"We'll be here waiting" she says and I laugh, shutting the door for the last time and leading following Sam to her car.

"IF I JUST LAY HERE, WOULD YOU LIE WITH ME AND JUST FORGET THE WORLD" we scream from the top of our lungs to chasing cars, laughing with roof down at 7am in the morning- star bucks in hands. I smile at my sister as we reach the airport and she looks at me warily. The tide here was so much fun and I don't want to say goodbye yet.

I just collapse into a hug. Both of us had no doubt teary eyes as I get out of the car and she gets my bag for me.
"Stay safe okay? Call me when you get there" I nod giving her a hug as I grab my coffee and suitcase and start wheeling off to the entrance
"Love you!" She calls out and I smile, stopping in my tracks, replying.
"Love you too Sam" I laugh, smiling to myself before I walk into the airport to be greeted by pretty much everyone in the cast plus Amy already waiting there.
"Hiiiii how are you guys?" I ask giving them all hugs and they smile, returning them.
"Ahhhh I haven't seen you in like forever" I say to my boyfriend as I jump in his arms. He's now lifting me up on his waist and finally kissed me. I've been waiting for that all morning.

"I know" he replies kissing my lips
"It's not like it's been 24 hours or anything" he chuckles and I laugh kissing him once last time before we are crowded with literal BEGS to stop with the pda which definitely makes the two of us laugh. We are the only couple of the group so no one can have sympathy.

"You ready for the tour!!"
"So pumped!" I reply grinning hugely.
"I can't wait to spend it with you even more though" he says cutely and I smile, giving him a hug.
"Okay so we have the tickets for you guys. We have to get through everyone so listen carefully" Amy instructs as everyone gathers around at the boarding gate.
"Alright Row B seat 1,2,3 is: Lamar, Isaac and Myles, Row C seat 1 and 2 is: Vic and Jordan. Row D seat 1,2 is Britt and Trev. Row E seat 1,2 is Sam and Logan! And I'll be at the back behind them with the rest of the crew. All understand?" We nod agreeing with her as much as we could because we were so desperate we would do absolutely anything!
"Hey babe, you want the window?"
"Yeah, sure"
"Don't get too distracted by the view though, I'm here to do that job" he smirks and I roll my eyes as he chuckles a bit.

We make it onto the plane and set off into the air, not making it 6 minutes without all 4 of The Next Step dancers needing to go to the bathroom. Trevor always teases me about it but really he's the one who can't talk. I end up settling down, watching my favourite soppy and sad movie Marley and Me for the 51st time which always has the same result of me snuggling up to Trevor with a billion tissues from my waterfall tears. For the rest of the trip, my Spotify shuffle got used more than once and all shots I tried to take of the plane up in the air most likely failed to get anywhere once again.

"Okay kids. Hotel night one before the tour bus comes to pick us up tomorrow morning. 9 am sharp" we nod, walking away before we stumble back, Amy just standing there laughing.
"You guys are so tired that you left without knowing your rooms" she laughs as we all chuckle
"Well...to make things easiest do you just wanna room with your plane people?" She asks.
"Except for the couple over there..." She says and we sigh in frustration
"Amy, trust us! For once. We are mature adults and our personal lives are different to what you expect" I try to persuade her. She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms scanning the two of us while the rest of the group snigger.
"Okay. Fine. But please....if I hear, or if anyone else hears ANYTHING, anything at all that they really don't want to hear. You're out" she says and we nod, the others still laughing before we walk away in silence into the hotel reception for the keys
"What don't you want to hear Amy?" Trev says smartly and everyone "OHHHHHHHS" him as he laughs, Amy smacking him over the head with a clip board

It wasn't a surprise. We all knew he would crack at one stage.

"Wow. This is nice" I say sitting down on Trev and I's bed
"Yeah. Oh wow look at the rain outside. This is insane!" He says and I laugh, standing up behind him and pulling him down onto the bed into a hug,
"Noooo Trev. Seriously, stop. I'm ticklish! Hey! You know that! Trevorrrrrrr! Stop!!!" I say as he tickles me madly, making us both laugh.
"STOP! Ahhhhhh" i laugh before he finally stops
"I'm so excited for the tour" he says and I smile
"I'm even more excited for more of our nights in these hotel rooms" he smirks and I chuckle a bit
"I'm just going to the bathroom. Be back soon" he says, kissing me before standing up. I stay laid down on the bed before I hear a chirpy phone sound go off. Knowing its Trevor's phone I reach for it seeing his message, trying not to break down then and there at what I saw.

"Miss you already ❤️ Can't believe you'll be gone for 2 whole months. See you when you get back Flanny"

Looks like these hotel nights aren't the only ones you'll be spending with me...

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