~ march 2015 ~

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Brittany POV
It's been a month since the start of the tour. We are all back home now. Sam is glad that we got home safe and that she's now no longer alone. I had the most amazing birthday in the world. It was on tour actually and the cast wrapped my bunk in wrapping paper and then surprised me, flying my entire family to the city we were in that day. Luckily we weren't performing that night so I had the whole day to enjoy the city with them. It was really nice.

Tonight is the season 3 premiere party. We are all getting together again to go to watch the first episode of the season. Some of the fans will get a chance to exclusively pre-watch the episode with us as well as a meet and greet which will be fun too. It's more like an event so there will also be a q and a session. I'm so excited. Trev and I announced our relationship to the public last Christmas so it will be the first time we have been able to be a couple somewhere other than the studio.

"You sure you don't want to come sam?" But she shakes her head.
"Dylan organised a date night so I'll give it a miss. But you have fun. Should be a great night" she says and I nod
"Okay. See you later?"
"Yeah. You look amazing by the way. Trevs lucky to have you"
"Yeah...I don't know."
"Britt. The text was from his cousin, he said that okay? Trust him and have a good night okay?" I nod slowly
"Okay.. I'll catch you afterwards"

My limo is waiting outside my apartment in which will pick up Trevor, Lamar and Victoria along the way. As I look out the window on the way there, I can't help but sigh and reflect on what had been a very stressful month. Ever since reading that message from Trevor's phone I had hesitated and lost my full trust in him. Sam had convinced me to stay with Trevor and trust him as after all he had wanted me to be his girlfriend for so long it was ridiculous. I couldn't help but have that gut feeling though. What if that wasn't his cousin and he was lying to me?

"Hey girllll" I say as vic hops in with me. She smiles and starts getting all excited.
"I'm so pumped!!" I smile and she waves her hands in the air
"Let's get this thing started!!" She says and I laugh
"Lets pop em open!! You okay for me to drink?" She nods
"Yeah of course, only another year or so" she laughs and I smile
"Awesome" I say opening the bottle
"Hey guys" I think it's Trevor and Lamar and as vic moves aside I realise I was correct
"Hey babe" he says sitting beside me as I smile giving him a kiss
"Hi Lamar" I say bending over to give him a hug.
"Hey Britt" he laughs
"Champagne?" I ask and he nods so does Lamar
"Yeah sure. Thanks" he says as I hand it to him. He smiles
"How are you?" I nod
"Yeah I've been good."
"Keen for tonight?" I nod
"Been waiting forever" I say as the limo pulls up. He smiles
"I could've driven here!"
"Yeah but limos are way more interesting" I say convinced and he laughs
"True that. You ready?" He asks as I look out the window, a line full of fans already waiting. I smile as I hold my boyfriends hand.
"More than ever" I reply, as we step out onto the red carpet.

The episode has finished now and it's time for the meet and greet. Ive kinda already seen the cast's family, meeting and talking to some of them... Trevor's family included. It was fun I guess and I always love meeting the fans as well as they make up my job. But I was more intrigued into the next part of the night. The q and a. I know as a kid, the concerts I went to- I always would love the q and a the best. I loved this part as it got the fans a chance to know some inside information...even the cast as well which was always interesting.

But in my part; more interesting than I had originally thought
"Right stage 3 people. We're on in 5,4,3,2,1" Sandra says through her mic, one of the speakers
"And for the final part of this evening, the q and a please welcome back the stars of The Next Step season 3!!! Victoria Baldesarra, Lamar Johnson, Logan Fabbro, Isaac Lupien, Jennifer Pappas, Brennan Clost, Alexandra Beaton, Trevor  Tordjman and Brittany Raymond" she leads and we all smile, walking onto the stage on the call of our name.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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