~ august 2014 ~

425 42 14

A/N - the scenes I have created are a little different to how they were performed on TNS ;) to add to the storyline. And is so much more longer than expected ahaha. Enjoy Xx

Brittany pov

It's nearly the end of filming for season 3. Everyone is now getting to the crucial state of things, trying to film the best and worst parts of the season. There are definitely a lot of emotions running high at the moment as we say goodbye to some of the cast. We are all about to head off to the university for the last time to shoot the very end of season 3. It's the duet between James and Riley at Internationals. We decided we wouldn't mix these types of scenes up, just to avoid mix of emotions- especially because this is such an important part of Season 3. It's the end. The very last moment of the season and could possibly be the very last moment of the series. Which sucks I mean we've all grown so close over the past couple years. It would definitely be really sad to let it a go all of a sudden.

"Hey Brittany" the producers and crew greet as I rock up to the location for the day. The last day. I try to smile through my tension in my face. The ice that is about to break.

"Hey B"
"Heyyyyyy. Ready to shoot?" some of the cast say as I walk into the cast hub.

"A little nervous, a little sad I guess. This may be the very last scene I shoot..." I say drifting of a bit and they all look at me sympathetically
"But it's with a great guy. He'll be there at least. You won't be doing it alone either so you're okay" Sam Grecchi suggests and I smile weakly
"Speaking of which..."
"He's in hair and make up"

"Gotcha. thanks so much" I say standing up and waving to the girls.

I found him lost in space. He was never the kind of guy to get emotional  but when we had to and when everything around him was influencing what he felt, he had no choice but to let it go. It is hard and I've always found it hard to see guys cry. It always indicated to me that something truly significant has got to them and they just loose it.

You couldn't say he was crying, just more trying to get into that headspace of true emotion. I mean it was the last dance. Everything came down to this. It's not like we were trying to make it to the extreme that everyone would create mountains of waterfalls of tears, we just needed that extra drama. And that's what Trevor and I had to give today.

"Hey" I say softly walking in. He shakes his head slightly, turning to look at me while Nicole still fixed his hair. The boys only take like a good 15 to get everything prepared...not long at all.
"Sorry if I--"
"No no it's fine" he says before we both suddenly look at the ground. Nicole suddenly pats him on the shoulder as an indication that he's done and I weakly smile as he pops out of the chair.
"You ready to do this?" He asks and I hesitate a little looking up at his almost now vulnerable face. And it makes me even more scared.
"Yeah" I whisper "let's do this" I say before the megaphone goes off.
"WOULD BRITTANY AND TREVOR PLEASE REPORT TO STAGE 1. STAGE 1- BRITTANY AND TREVOR" it calls and I turn to him as he softly places a hand in mine. I look up.
"We'll be okay. The final one B, we just have to make this one count" he says before we start walking off towards stage 1. I just can't help but believe him.

I've been through so much with Trevor. We've been through times no one else has, experienced tours, travelled to cities, performed in front of thousands and through everything, we've stuck together as the jiley we were created to be. And I just know that for the show's sake, I have to throw away everything I've thought for Trev, and just be with him through this very last scene. Everything matters. Everything has to be special. And I wouldn't want to do that with anyone else but the guy I've done it with all along. We are the glue to this show. And we can't mess it up now over just our outside feelings.

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