~ december 2023 ~

404 36 21

Most of this is actually based off my memory of what Christmas was like for me as a child. It was always a very special day and it was so great to put that into a chapter of my own xx

Brittany pov
"Mommy!!!!" I hear whispering in my ear at what feels like a time way too early to be awake.

"Wake up!!" It sounds like Charlie's voice and to be honest I'm kinda relieved.
"What's wrong princess?" I ask her quietly
"It's Christmas time! We need to open our presents" I giggle a little, as all these memories come flowing back if when i was younger and how I used to do the exact same thing to my parents at like 6am.
"Okay sweetie. You go and wake pey and get ready. Don't go downstairs yet though."
"Okay mommy" she whispers back and I smile as she runs out of Trevor and I's bedroom.
"Merry Christmas babe" he says as I roll over, my bump getting way too much harder to manage.
"And merry Christmas baby" he says kissing my bump. I grin as we continue kissing for a bit before I stop
"You ready for this? You don't look too well B" he says and I nod
"Yeah I should be alright. May need to hop up to throw up every now and then but i should be fine" I reply and he chuckles
"No doubt about you" he says and I laugh trying to get up out of bed.
"K you ready?" I ask my two adorable kids who are practically jumping out of their skin to go downstairs.
"Yessssss!!!" They squeal and I smile at their enthusiasm
"Okay, well you wait here while mommy and daddy go downstairs and set up everything okay? No peeking" I say and they are still jumping up and down excited
"They're very excited" I say walking downstairs to see Trevor already setting up the video camera.
"Yeah I can't wait to see their faces" he says. I boil the kettle and turn on "jingle bells" and just as my tea is ready the cameras set up and we are ready to go.
"Okayyyyy down you go" he says smiling at me as we hear a rumble of footsteps coming down the stairs before squeals and laughter erupts.
"Mummy this is exactly what I wanted!"
"You must've been on santas nice list" I reply and charlie smiles widely as she puts down her favourite present.

I see Trevor put the camera away as he comes over to me and gives me a hug
"How're you doing?" I nod slowly, tears forming in my eyes as I grip tighter on my mug
"It's okay" he says giving me a hug
"It's just a really happy time and I know I shouldn't be crying" I chuckle
"You can't help it. I get it" he says laughing a bit as he pulls me in for a kiss.
"I have something that'll cheer you up"
"What?" I ask wiping my tears away.
"Your present" I smile a bit as I watch the kids unwrap more of their presents, he long each other out and I manage to snap a cute picture of them in the process while Trev fetches my present from under the tree.
"Kids. Places" he whispers. And I suddenly get so confused.
"What?! What's going on?" I ask and suddenly Charlie gets hold of the camera. I stand up as Trevor comes and stands next to me with Pey next to him.
"Hun? What are you--"
"Go!" He says to peyton and he suddenly starts unwrapping my present than gives it to his dad. And it's a small black box and I suddenly start getting ready again, covering my mouth with my hand.
"Oh my god" I say as he suddenly gets down on one knee
"Brittany Lynn Raymond. Babe I feel like I know you more than I know myself. We have created two beautiful children, one that is about to see this world as incredible as you've made me see it. I cannot thank you enough for all that you do. You make the best mom any kid could ask for and do anything to make us three (and four) happy. I love you so so much Britt. And I've enjoyed being married to you all the years and that day, where I devoted my life to you I don't think I can express how amazing it was. But i want to do it again. I would marry you a thousand times if I could. So..." he says getting down on one knee as Charlie and Peyton start smiling and giggling, covering their mouths with their hands like I am.
"Will you marry me- again?" He asks and I nod my head
"Of course I'll marry you" I whisper and he smiles, getting off one knee and kissing me again and again and again.
"Is that my ring?!" I laugh
"I was wondering where that ring went" I say and he chuckles.
"Yeah I may have stolen it last night to put it in the box" he says and I smile as we kiss again before we hear the voices of our children telling us to stop.
"Ewwww mommy. Stopppppp" Charlie says
"Aunty Victoria and uncle Isaac do that enough!" Pey says and I laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
"How does a 3 year old know that?!" I ask Trevor as Charlie turns the tape off.
"I have no ideal but I find it hilarious" he says still laughing before picking him up.

Right now most of the cast are over just quickly before they go over to their respective family's and we have ours over too. It's just to keep up the tradition I guess. One year we had them over all day and i guess it's just so good to keep on doing that. Feels like the old days.

"And this is for Charlie" Logan says passing a present along to my daughter.
"Say thank you" I tell Charlie
"Thank you Aunty Logan" she smiles at her and I smile back at my sister.
"And this is for peyton" she says giving it to peyton
"Thank youuu" he says in his cute little voice.
"No problem buddy" she says
"Charlie can you give this to Amy ( thenextstep_life )please hun?"
"And pey before you open yours can you give this to max?"

Amy and Max were Logan and Devon's kids- Max actually named after his character on TNS and Amy named after Logan's biggest fan when she was growing up. She loved the name so much and the young girl as well also so she used it! They were a little older than what our kids were but we're still the cutest kids ever.

We had just about gotten to the end of swapping the presents and so he cast mostly decided to leave- all having to go to their own family's for Christmas lunch. Ours were expected in less than an hour so I was kinda relieved they left in a way so then we could start getting prepared...

"Wow! It's my very own hockey stick!" Charlie says smiling. Amy loves ice hockey so that inspiration must've come from her.
"Oh that's great sweetie! It's so cool. Maybe Amy could teach you a little about it?" I offer and her face lights up immediately

Trevor pov
"Right I'd like to propose a toast" I say standing up in front of the extremely large table of Britt and I's family.
"If just liked to say thank you everyone for coming. It's great to see you all here on such a special day! We love catching up on your lives especially cause we are always so busy and most of the time never get to see you- our next time we are all together will probably be when the new baby comes. But yeah moments like these are really special to Britt and I and the kids also as it always brings us together and everyone is always so happy. So merry Christmas to everyone and on behalf of us 4 +1 we'd like to wish you a very enjoyable 2024!" I say as everyone smiles and Brittany grabs hold of my hand a little tighter
"Cheers" I say, clinging her glass of water.
"Love you" she says kissing me for like a slight second.
"Mommy! Daddy! What have we told you about kissing at the table?!" Charlie says and I laugh as does Britt as all our relatives look directly towards us laughing as well.
"Okay charlie, just start eating sweetie" I say trying to change the topic.

"Wow. That's Christmas number 5 done!" I say collapsing onto our bed after a nice shower at the end of the day looking over to my now exhausted wife who is nearly asleep.
"How nice was it seeing the cast though?" I say again.
"I know right. I was only thinking today about the Christmas's we used to spend with just them...before all the +1's came along" I chuckle
"Do you remember 2014 Christmas?" I ask her with a smirk.
"Oh my god! We announced our relationship to everyone on instagram!!" She says and I smile laughing a little. Probably at the fact that we were realising how old we actually were.
"Yeahhhh and then afterwards too..." I say and she has her nervous laugh
"Yeah that was pretty amazing...was a good present that" she says before we both chuckle.
"Want a repeat?" I ask and she looks at me for a good couple seconds before nodding softly
"But first I have to post something. Come here for a selfie Trev" she says and I smile as I lean in, kissing her cheek. And then I check my phone after I hear she's posted something

"This time 9 years ago was the day we announced something that became a real fairytale and I honestly can't believe how far we've come since that moment. Married, 2 children, 1 baby on the way, solid careers and a happy life with family and friends by our side. Love you forever my Rudolph. Merry Christmas everyone xoxo"

"K let's do this" I say before she squeals a little and I roll her over so I'm on top...

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